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5 ways to get $$$$ hints and tips for RuneScape 2

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5 ways to get $$$$


Here are five ways to get easy money.

1. Requirements: None

(Non-member) Collect as many ashes wanted. Go to the ge and sell them for minimum price. If you do that all day (literally all day) you can have more than 100k.

2. Requirements: None

(Non-member) Go to your bank account. Go through every tab and put anything you dont want into your inventory. Sell the unwanted in the ge. You will get a good amout of money if you had good items you sold but if you had bad items to sell you wont get as much. (If you cant sell something try giving it to people for a resonable amount of money).

3. Requirements: Brass key

Lv. 28+


(Non-member) Go to the place where the hill giants are (if you dont know where it is at ask someone because i cant describe it). Unlock the door and climb down the ladder. Kill the hill giants and collect their big bones and BIG BONES ONLY! Collect the money too. Then go to the GE and sell them for minimum price and if you do that all day you should have over 100k.

4. Requirements: Lv. 60+ in woodcutting

Empty Inventory

(Non-member) Go to a place with yew trees (on the map yew trees are marked as a tree icon). Cut them down and collect the yew logs until your inventory is full. Go put them in your bank. Repeat this process again and again. Then go to the GE and sell them for minimum price. If you do this again and again you could get over 75k.

5. Requirements: Lv. 33 in mage

Law and air runes

Go to the wizard tower (bring at least 30 law and air runes). Go to the top floor and there will be a lesser demon, if not it is respawning. You need to bring arrows and a bow (or more runes to use mage) to fight it. When it dies open your spellbook and click on telekinetic grab. Then click on any item in the cage (The items will be coins, bones, and rune helms. Only get the items you want). You can get alot of money from one lesser demon. Do that until you run out of law and air runes. Sell the rune helms at the GE if you get any. You could get over 50k.

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Added by: videogamer101
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