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Monkey Madness Walkthrough

by destroyer96

				RUNESCAPE  GUIDE TO: Monkey Madness

	Hello this is Destroyer96 showing how to finish the quest Monkey Madness. This is a very difficult quest and 
it is not recommended for lower leveled players to do this. Now to get on with the guide :)


1. Disclaimer
2. Requirements/Recommended items
3. Chapter 1
4. Chapter 2
5. Chapter 3
6. Chapter 4
7. Rewards
8. Music Unlocked

	This guide is for and that website only. I made this guide MYSELF. I used my knowledge 
and as a reference. I did not copy them in any way. I do not own runescape. Runescape is owned
by Jagex Ltd. Enjoy the Guide :)

                                                                       REQUIREMENTS/RECOMMENDED ITEMS
First I'll start with the quest's requirements to begin. :)
	- Be a runescape member
	- Finished the quest: The Grand Tree
	- Finished the qeust: Tree Gnome Village
	- You need 43 prayer (even though you can start the quest with under 43 prayer, you WILL need it)
	- About 6 hours of patience for this quest :P

Now I'll move on to the items you need for this quest.
	- 200k cash (unless you want to complete a rediculous sliding puzzle :P )
	- Monkey Bones (from any monkey on Karamja)
	- Gold Bar
	- Ball of Wool
	- Lots of Sharks (get like 100 for the entire quest, however you may need more)
	- Super Antipoisons
	- Prayer Potions
	- Super Energy Potions
	- Good Armour (Rune+)

				                   CHAPTER 1
Ok. To start the quest talk to King Narnode Shareen. At the start of the quest you should have a few antipoisons, a
few prayer potions, some sharks, and 200k if you want the puzzle solved for you.

Once you talk to the king he tells you to investigate Glough's old shipyard, so you will need to take a gnome glider to
karamja (Gandius on the gnome glider map thing)

Now once you're on karamja head north along the coast and talk to G.L.O. Caranock, a gnome who is located in the 
building in the southern area of the shipyard. You must have the seal to enter the shipyard.

Now return to the king and he will give you a note and tell you to talk to Daero. Daero is on the second floor of the
Grand tree near the bar.

Talk to Daero (choose all of the options about the quest) then he will blindfold you and you will appear in an
underground hangar. Where he will present you with the puzzle.

At this point in the quest you have two options:
1. Pay Glough 200k to do the puzzle
2. Do the puzzle

If you choose to do the puzzle heres a link that can help you:

Talk to Daero, then talk to Waydar. You will then sail to crash island.

On Crash Island, ask Lumdo to sail to Ape Atoll. He won't take you so talk to waydar and you will go to ape atoll.

                                                                                       CHAPTER 2

Ok, so you show up on ape atoll. Now run west until you reach some important trees (marked by the tree symbol). From
there run north. HOWEVER, BEFORE YOU DO ACTIVATE PROTECT FROM RANGE. You will run into a gate and be hit
multiple times by arrows and pass out. (note: if any of the animals in the forest attacked you just drink some antipoison
and move on).

Here is where you will wake up in a jail cell guarded by two monkeys. This is one of the hard parts of the quest. You need
to pick the lock when the gorilla guard is walking away from you towards the exit. (CAUTION: If you get to close to the jail
cell door when the gorilla is near it he WILL PUNCH YOU)

Once you pick the lock run behind the guard and out the door. If the guard catches you before you can escape you will be
punched and put back in the cell.

Once you've escaped, hide in the grass north of the jail. Do not talk to any monkeys!!!!! Doing so will return you to jail.
Find Karam by going east of the jail to the jungle grass between the temple and the jail. He's invisible so you will have to
search for him.

Now you need to find Sergeant Garkor, go south, against the western wall of the temple, while staying in the grass. 
The monkeys on the pedestal things do not fire at you if you're in the grass. However, there is an open stretch of 
ground at the south-western corner of the temple, so players must switch on Protect from Ranged past the temple archway.
Travel east along the southern wall of the temple. King Awowogei's throne room is south of the temple. 
Go south along its eastern wall to Garkor and speak to him. Garkor tells the player to find Zooknock, to have the you turned 
into a monkey.

This next part is very complicated so I am just copying and pasting from another guide that i give credit to. I give full credit
to this part of the guide to runescape.wikia:

Return west along the southern temple wall. Use Protect from Ranged to sprint into the jungle grass to the west of the 
open area. Continue west past the small obelisk to the southern entrance of the large building in the south central part of 
the Marim. Open the door and go inside. When inside this house, players must stay on the dark brown ground around the 
perimeter of the room or be sent back to jail. If players have difficulty telling the difference between the light and dark 
ground (due to shadows and the subtle difference in colour), the minimum graphics setting has a much more defined 
difference in colour. If players need some food, the south-western crates contain bananas, which heal 20 life points. 
If the sleeping monkey guard catches players, he summons his comrades to send them back to prison.
Step east and north, staying on the dark brown ground, to search the stacked crates on the light brown ground. 
The crate is full of Monkey dentures, so you can take more than one set. Search the south-easternmost crate to 
crawl down into the basement. Search the crates in the north-west part of this basement to find one that is full 
of M'amulet moulds. Players can take more than one. Teleport out, though if you have enough supplies it's best to 
go back the way you came.

Ok the rest of the guide is by me :) :

ok here is where you should teleport back to lumbridge or varrock to restock. For this part of the quest bring 6 energy
potions, a few prayer potions, some sharks, the m'speak amulet, a gold bar, and the monkey dentures.

Use a duel ring and run to the gnome glider in al kharid to go back to crash island. From crash island go back to ape atoll.

Now once your on ape atoll run to the dungeon (marked by an exclamation point on your mini-map) and go in. From here
pray melee and run through the tunnel. It is a very long and unecessary journey, but whatever. Once you reach the end
talk to zoocknock who is at the end of the tunnel and he will give you an enchanted bar and the m'speak amulet. From
there teleport out and restock.

From there get back into the jail cell and escape again. Go into the monkey temple with protect from melee on. You need
to get down the ladder in the most northern part of the temple. once you manage this you should use the enchanted bar
on the fire thing and the m'speak amulet mold and you will get an m'speak amulet. Then use the amulet on the ball of wool
you should have and you can wear the amulet.

Now you need to make the monkey greegree. To do so get back in the jail cell on ape atoll that you were in (if you dont
know how to then read the part about it earlier in the guide). Once you are in the jail cell escape again and go west to
a banana garden. There are two monkeys there: a monkey child and an aunt. You must talk to the monkey child to recieve
a monkey talisman before the aunt sees you (the aunt will call the guards and put you back in jail).

Restock again for this part of the mission. Go through the long tunnel again with your monkey talisman and the monkey
bones and talk to zoocknock. He will then give you the monkey greegree, which allows you to turn into a monkey (it only
works on ape atoll).

                                                                                      CHAPTER 3

Once you have restocked AGAIN. go to ape atoll while wielding the monkey greegree and wearing the m'speak amulet.
This time you will be able to get through the gates of the city and walk in without being jailed.

From here talk to Garkor (south of the temple) and he explains how he wants to make an alliance- blah - blah - blah.

So you need to talk to the elder guard outside of the kings dwelling and he lets you in once you talk to kruk. Kruk is on
the hill near the gate where you enter the city. Just get up there and talk to him, then go back to the monkey kings house
and go in and talk to the monkey king.

The monkey king talks about blah blah blah save monkey from zoo.

So you need to teleport to Ardougne and go to the zoo. Once you reach the zoo turn into a monkey and the zoo guy will
put you in the monkey cage with the monkeys. From there talk to any monkey in the cage and it will go into your
inventory. Then turn back human and talk to the zoo guy and he will let you out.

From there you must get back to the grand tree without teleporting!!!! any teleporting will allow the monkey to escape.
So once you are back at the grand tree get back to ape atoll by waydar.

Get back into ape atoll and talk to the monkey king again and he will take the monkey. Walk out and talk to Garkor. This
is where the last chapter begins.

                                                                                   CHAPTER 4

Talk to Garkor again and he will give you the 10th squad sigil (DO NOT EQUIP IT UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO FIGHT)

Go back to a bank and restock for the final battle. For the final battle it is suggested that you use magic. So get some
magic gear and enough runes for 50 casts of your best attack spell and wear the sigil.

Now the battle begins. Run off onto the side of the bridge and hide behind the wall for most of the fight and the gnomes
will kill the demon. Once the demon is at low health start to mage the demon (you must deal the final hit!!!!) you can also
use a cannon if you prefer. Once the demon is dead talk to zoocknock and he teleports you out.

Get to the grand tree and talk to King Narnode to finish the quest. Also talk to Daero after the quest to recieve a bonus
experience reward.


	-3 Quest Points
	-10,000 coins
	-3 Cut diamonds
	-The ability to wield the Dragon scimitar
	-Ability to create greegrees to transform into different monkeys. Bring the bones of the type of monkey desired and a Talisman 
	(1,000gp from the Magic Shop) to Zooknock, the Gnome Mage.
	-Daero asks players if they prefer to train Strength and Constitution first or to train Attack and Defence first. Players 
	gain 35,000 experience points in their first choice of skills, and then 20,000 experience points in the other two. 
	Once players make one choice, they cannot choose the other one. Pures (who often don't want Defence experience) 
	can return to the island or talk with Daero without taking the experience.
	-The Ability to use the Ape Atoll Agility Course
	-Access to Ape Atoll

Find My Way
Island Life
Monkey Madness

Thanx i hope you enjoyed my guide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D