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Boosts Guide

by Captain K

Justice League Heroes Boost Guide

by Captain K. ([email protected])
Copyright 2006

This FAQ has been posted at and nowhere else.

If you would like to post this FAQ at another website or in a 
publication, please contact the author first for permission.
The most recent version of this FAQ can always be found at

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by 
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

12-23-06 Version 1.0.  First release.

1) Introduction
2) How to Combine Boosts
3) Slotting Boosts
4) Character section
-Powers Common to All Characters
-Green Arrow
-Green Lantern
-Martian Manhunter
-Wonder Woman
5) Credits

1) Introduction

As you play Justice League Heroes, the enemies you defeat will sometimes leave 
small orbs.  These are called Boosts.  You can use them to make the powers of 
your characters much stronger.  This guide will cover the way to combine 
Boosts and slot them to your powers properly.

This guide was written for the Playstation 2 version of the game, but it 
should be applicable to the Gamecube and Xbox versions as well.

2) How to Combine Boosts

The Boosts you find from defeated enemies are fairly weak.  They'll be level 1 
until you reach the later stages of the game.  You can make them stronger by 
combining them.

Open the menu by pressing Select, then press right one time.  This will take 
you to the Boosts screen.  You can press down to scroll through the list of 
available Boosts.

To combine them, press X on three different Boosts.  This will move them to 
the bottom of the screen.  If you are happy with the three you selected, press 
Circle to confirm.  The three will be gone, and will be replaced with a single 
new Boost.  The new Boost will be either 1 or 2 levels higher than the old 
ones.  Its type will be one of the ones that was used when combining.  For 
example, if you combine a level 1 Efficiency, a level 1 Efficiency, and a 
level 1 Duration, the new Boost will be a level 2 or 3 Efficiency or a level 2 
or 3 Duration.

Unfortunately, there's no way to control whether you will get a 1 or 2 level 
higher Boost.  If you are near a save point, you can combine your Boosts and 
just reset if you don't get the desired effect.

The maximum level of Boost is 7.  If you combine level 7s, you will simply 
lose the other two and be left with a single level 7.

3) Slotting Boosts

Once you have combined your Boosts to the level that you are happy with, you 
need to slot them to a power to have an effect.  To do this, open the menu.  
You'll be on the screen that lists their powers.  Move the cursor down until 
the power you want is highlighted, then press Circle.  A screen with all of 
your Boosts appears.

You can slot a Boost into each level of the power.  If your power is level 1, 
you can slot one Boost.  If it is level 5, you can slot five Boosts.  Just 
move the cursor to the right to select a different place to slot the Boost 
into.  Pressing down cycles through your available Boosts.  When you find the 
one you want, press X to slot it.

Once a Boost has been slotted, it is stuck there.  You cannot retrieve it to 
combine it with another Boost.  You can, however, replace it with a new Boost.  
Simply select the slot that has the Boost already, and press X to put a new 
Boost in its place.  The old Boost will be gone forever if you do this.

4) Character section

There are two major assumptions I made while writing this.  First, that all 
characters have the same slotting effects to Combat, Health, Energy, and 
Recovery.  This may or may not be correct - I've seen values ranging from 8-
11% for slotting Damage to Health, for example.  But it should be close 
enough.  The second assumption is that all three Green Lanterns get the same 
slotting bonuses.  I only tested John Stewart - Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner 
should be the same since they have the exact same powers.

How to read this section: After each character's name, there is a list of all 
their powers.  The values next to those powers indicate the bonus from 
slotting; in the order Luck (L), Speed (S), Range (R), Efficiency(E), 
Damage(Dam), and Duration (Dur).

Everything is expressed in a percentage form.  The first value is for slotting 
a level 1 Boost, and the second is for slotting a level 7 Boost.  For example, 
if it says "L(2-8% crit rate)", then you would add 2% to the chance of getting 
a critical if you slotted a level 1 Luck, and add 8% if you slotted a level 7 
Luck.  Other levels of Luck applied would fall somewhere inbetween those two 

For calculation purposes, if the number you're affecting is already a 
percentage, then you simply add the percentage gained from the Boost.  For 
example, if your power has a 5% chance of stunning an enemy, and you slot a 
Duration Boost that adds 8% to the chance of stunning, then your total chance 
of stunning is 13%.

If the number you're affecting is not a percentage, then you multiply the 
number by the percentage gained from the Boost.  For example, if your power 
does 1000 damage, and you slot a Damage Boost that adds 30% to the damage, 
your new total would be 1300 (1000 x 1.30).  It is important to note that all 
Boosts work off of the base number.  So a second Boost of the same type would 
cause you to do 1600 damage, not 1690.

The percentages listed may not be completely correct, due to rounding errors.

Powers Common to All Characters

Combat: L(.5-3.5% crit rate), S(1-7% attack speed), R(.5-3.5% quick attack 
damage), E(.5-3.5% quick attack damage), Dam(1-7% quick attack damage), 
Dur(.5-1.7 second stun dur)

Health: L(1-7%), S(.5-5%), R(.5-5%), E(.5-5%), Dam(1-9%), Dur(.5-5%)

Energy: L(1-7%), S(.5-5%), R(.5-5%), E(1-11%), Dam(.5-5%), Dur(.5-5%)

Recovery: L:(.1-.7 health recovery delay), S(4-25% health recovery), R(2-14% 
health recovery), E(.1-.7 health recovery delay), D(2-14% health recovery), 
Dur(.2-1.2 health recovery delay)


Rising Uppercut: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(10-70% area of effect), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3-25% chance of stun)

Whirlpool: L(4-22% capture time), S(6-60% speed), R(3-15% less energy), E(10-
40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage per second), Dur(10-60% capture time)

Water Bolt: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-20% speed), R(3-15% less energy), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3-15% less energy)

Water Blade: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage per second), R(3-15% less 
energy), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage per second), Dur(3-25% chance 
of stun)


Batarang: L(2-8% crit rate), S(4-30% speed), R(10-40% tracking), E(10-40% less 
energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(20-80% stun duration)

Grapple Claw: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(4-28% range), E(10-40% less 
energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(20-80% stun duration)

The Dark Knight: L(2-8% crit rate), S(3-9% attack speed), R(3-15% less 
energy), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage per hit), Dur(3-25% chance of 

Flash Bang: L(3-10% stun duration), S(4-28% stun duration), R(4-28% range), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(3-15% less energy), Dur(10-40% stun duration)

Bat Swarm: L(2-8% crit rate), S(4-22% duration), R(4-30% range), E(10-40% less 
energy), Dam(4-30% damage per second), Dur(5-35% duration)


Charge: L(2-8% crit rate), S(10-70% disarm rate), R(3-17% range), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(30-350% chance of stun)

Pinball Attack: L(2-8% crit rate), S(30-90% chance of stun), R(4-28% distance 
between enemies), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage per strike), Dur(20-
80% stun duration)

Whirlwind: L(2.5-17.5% duration), S(15-90% stun duration), R(3-15% less 
energy), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-22% damage per second), Dur(5-42% 

Speed Force: L(3-9% movement speed), S(4-10% movement speed), R(3-21% 
duration), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(3-15% less energy), Dur(10-60% duration)

Supersonic Evade: L(5-22.5% duration), S(3-9% damage bonus), R(3-15% less 
energy), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage bonus), Dur(5-37.5% duration)

Green Arrow

Power Shot: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(3-15% less energy), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3-25% chance of stun)

Exploding Arrow: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(10-40% explosion area), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(20-80% stun duration)

Barrage: L(1-7% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(10-40% target area), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3-25% chance of stun)

Fire Arrow: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(3-15% less energy), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(25-225% burn duration)

Electro-Arrow: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(3.4-5 seconds shock 
duration), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3.6-5.4 seconds shock 

Green Lantern

Plasma Bolt: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(3-17% stun chance), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(.2-.8 second stun duration)

Detention: L(.3-.9 second duration), S(2-8% wall strength), R(4.8-33.6% cage 
size), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(6-45% wall strength), Dur(.3-2.5 second 

Sledgehammer: L(2-9% crit rate), S(3-9% stun chance), R(5-35% feet), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(2-8% stun duration)

Protection Dome: L(2-8% duration), S(2-8% wall strength), R(3-18% size), E(10-
40% less energy), Dam (6-45% wall strength), Dur(3-25% duration)

Grinder: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-20% movement speed), R(2-14% movement speed), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage/second), Dur(7-28% less energy)


Warcry: L(2-14% less energy/second),S(2-8% damage/sec),R(.5-3.5 feet), E(10-
40% less energy/second), Dam(4-30% damage/sec), Dur(.3-1.9 feet)

Thanagarian Strike: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(3-15% less energy), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3-15% less energy)

Nth Degree: L(3-15% less energy), S(3.3-23.3% chance of stun), R(.9-6.3 feet), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(.6-2.4 second stun duration)

Mace Throw: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2.9-20.3% stun), R(3-15% less energy), E(10-
40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(.6-2.4 second stun duration)


Gotham Girl: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-20% attack speed), R(1-7% chance of stun), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(30-220% stun duration)

Rapid Fire: L(2-8% crit rate), S(3-25% damage), R(3-15% less energy), E(10-60% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3-25% chance of stun)

Hunting Season: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(4-28% range), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(30-220% stun duration)

Bullseye: L(3-9% stun duration), S(5-32% stun duration), R(4-28% range), E(10-
60% less energy), Dam(3-15% less energy), Dur(30-220% stun duration)

Martian Manhunter

Psychic Pulse: L(2-8% crit rate), S(4-40% speed), R(3-15% less energy), E(10-
40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3-25% chance of stun)

Phase Charge: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-20% attack speed), R(3-15% less energy), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3-25% chance of stun)

Shadow Shift: L(3-15% less energy), S(3-9% speed), R(3-9% speed), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(3-15% less energy), Dur(3-15% less energy)

Mind Burst: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(5-25% range), E(10-40% less 
energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(10-75% stun duration)

Shape Shift: L(3-15% less vulnerability), S(3-9% speed), R(4-22% duration), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-22% bonus damage), Dur(4-38% duration)


Super Punch: L(2-8% crit rate), S(4-30% less charge time), R(5-35% collateral 
damage range), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-22% damage), Dur(1.5-12.5% chance 
of stun)

Heat Vision: L(6-42% burn duration), S(2-8% damage per second), R(30-310% 
impact force), E(10-40% less energy), Dam (4-30% damage), Dur(60-225% burn 

Super Breath: L(5-17% time frozen), S(2-8% damage per second), R(4-28% range), 
E(7-32% less energy), Dam(4-22% damage), Dur(15-75% time frozen)

Man of Steel: L(4-22% duration), S(4-22% duration), R(3-15% less energy), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-22% damage reduction), Dur(10-58% duration)

Flying Strike: L(2-8% crit rate), S(10-70% steering), R(5-35% impact damage), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(1.5-12.5% chance of stun)

Wonder Woman

Ricochet: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(3-15% less energy), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(30-220% stun duration)

Lasso Capture: L(7.5-45% capture duration), S(7.5-45% capture duration), R(9-
60% capture radius), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(3-15% less energy), Dur(20-80% 
capture duration)

Lasso Snare: L(2-8% crit rate), S(10-70% impact force), R(4-28% snare 
distance), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3-25% chance of stun)

Lasso Spin: L(2-8% crit rate), S(2-20% spin rate), R(4-28% capture range), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(7-30% less energy)

Flying Charge: L(2-8% crit rate), S(5-20% attack speed), R(3-15% less energy), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(4-20% stun duration)


Fire Bolt: L(1-7% crit rate), S(2-8% damage), R(3-15% less energy), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(4-30% damage), Dur(3-25% chance of stun)

Heal: L(3-15% less energy), S(.1-.7 fewer seconds to heal), R(4-28% range), 
E(10-40% less energy), Dam(8-60% heal amount), Dur(2-15% heal amount)

Polymorph: L(3-9% transformation time), S(1-13% less rabbit health), R(4-28% 
range), E(10-40% less energy), Dam(4-30% less rabbit health), Dur(33-60% 
transformation time)

Protect: L(3-9% duration), S(2-8% damage absorbed), R(4-28% range), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(6-45% damage absorbed), Dur(4-37% duration)

Time Shift: L(2-8% duration), S(12-36% enemy speed), R(5-36% range), E(10-40% 
less energy), Dam(3-15% less energy), Dur(5-38% duration)

5) Credits

CJayC for running the best website on the planet.

Visit for battles between your favorite RPG characters!