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by rolltide19921

Mercenaries Playground of Destruction

Table of Contents

Version history.................(II)..........Complete
Ace Contracts...................(XIIII).......Complete
Merchant of Menace..............(XVI).........Complete
Bounties........................(XVIII).......Under Construction
Challenges......................(XVIIII)......Under Construction
Contact Information.............(XXII)........Complete
Legal stuff.....................(XXIII).......Complete

Introduction (I)
Hello and welcome to my FAQ for Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. This 
is one of my favorite games. Some of the levels are quite difficult, but this 
FAQ will help you get through them. As the back of the box says, you
can hijack or blow up anything, except trees.

Version History (II)
Email address: [email protected]

Version 0.30

July 11th, 06 - finished story, characters, controls, tips, and factions 
sections. Finished clubs section

Version 1.30

July 12th, 06- finished diamonds section, added abbreviations, finished hearts
section, Finished spades, and ace contracts sections. Finished clubs and 
diamonds in the cards section

Version 1.70

July 13th, 06- Finished cards section, finished vehicles in Merchant of Menace
section. Finished supplies in MOM section. Finished airstrikes in MOM section.
Put in weapons section.


Version 1.71

July 14th, 06- Fixed Gramatical errors


Version 1.72

July 21st, 06- Fixed table of contents, fixed headings


Version 1.79

July 23rd, 06- added PDA section


Version 1.80

July 25th, 06- changed eamail address


Version 1.90

August 20th, 06- Started vehicles section


Version 2.00

September 3rd, 06- did contact info section


Version 2.01

July 18th, 07- made a few revisions and fixed some gramatical errors


Story (III)
You are a mercenary who has been hired to capture the new dictator of North
Korea General Song, who also has possession of nuclear weapons. You have
to capture his men called the deck of Fifty-two.

Characters (IIII)

Mattias Nilson

Sex: Male

Nationality: Swedish

The "main" merc in this game, Nilson is the fastest of the three mercs, and is
pretty tough. Nilson can speak Russian. It is funny when you're listening to 
Sergei speak to Josef in Russian.


Jennifer Mui

Sex: Female

Nationality: British

Mui is the stealthiest of the three mercs. She can sneak by enemy forces
without being noticed. I personally don't like to use her, because this isn't
exactly a stealth game. She is also the weakest merc because she takes more
damage when hit. Can speak Chinese


Chris Jacobs

Sex: Male

Nationality: American

Jacobs is the toughest merc and can take the most punishment of all of them.
He is my personal favorite; the downside to his great endurance is that he 
is the slowest of the three mercs. Can speak Korean.


Fiona Taylor

Sex: Female

Nationality: Australian

Fiona is your adviser for the game. Although annoying at times, she can be 
very helpful. She will tell you when a card member is nearby, and when you 
have angered a faction.


Colonel Garrett

Sex: Male

Nationality: American

Colonel Garret is the leader of the Allied forces. Whenever you have enough 
intel for the ace contracts, he will be outside of the Allied HQ. Talk to him 
to accept the contract.


Sergei Varinov

Sex: Male

Nationality: Russian

Sergei is the very corrupt leader of the Russian mob. You will be accepting
contracts from him. The Russian Mafia also operates the Merchant of Menace
web shop. Sergei gets paranoid easily and is always thinking someone is after
his operations.

Josef Yorinov

Sex: Male

Nationality: Russian 

Josef is the only lieutenant with a personality. He and Sergei don't seem to
get along real well, hmmm. Josef is the brains behind the Russian mob while
Sergei sits back doing nothing. Josef does all of the real work.


Agent Buford

Sex: Male

Nationality: American

Buford works for the CIA and advises the South Korean Union. He thinks 
of mercs as one of the good guys. He is a very plain man and is always in a 
good mood.


Colonel Peng

Sex: Male

Nationality: Chinese

Peng is the leader of the Chinese force in North Korea. He doesn't seem to 
like you, and is hesitant to trust you. 


Controls (V)

Triangle: action, get in/exit vehicles
Circle: jump
Square: melee
X: reload
R1: fire
R2: switch weapons
L1: grenades
L2: switch between stun and frag grenades
R3: scope/ binoculars
D pad- right: merchant of menace
D pad- left : faction icons on/off
D pad- up/down: Support menu
Select: PDA
Start: pause menu


Triangle: get out of vehicle
Circle: Honk horn (People get in)
Square: brakes
X: accelerate
R1: fire if in gunner position
R2: nothing
L1: Get out but leave passengers in
L2: Tell passengers to get out while you stay in


Triangle: get out 
Circle: Honk horn (people get in)
Square: lower
X: go higher
R1: Fire
R2: secondary weapon
L1: Get out while passengers stay in
L2: Tell passengers to get out while you stay in
D pad- down: Lower Winch
D pad- up: Raise Winch


Here are the basics for the PDA. Press R1 and R2 to scroll through the 
screens. The first screen is your map, if you've come across any cards, but 
didn't capture them they will show up on the map. The map also shows the 
locations of the factions HQ. The map also shows your location. The second
screen is your email. Fiona will send you info about card intel, and the 
contract objectives. You can also see hints about the game, and cheats you've
unlocked. The third screen shows you the cards you've  captured, the bounty
items you have, and your stats. The fourth screen shows your standing with the

Tips (VII)

Use cover: Always use cover when in a firefight especially when there are
soldiers armed with RPGs.

Use the radar: The radar is the most useful tool in the game. It will beep 
when a card is near and then show his/ her location on the radar. It will 
also show you where to go for objectives.

Hijack Tanks: If you see a tank nearby, hijack it. They are very dangerous, 
and can kill you quickly, and you'll also have a powerful weapon.

Use Disguise: Whenever your going into an enemy infested area you should put
on a disguise, you can sneak past them and do your objectives. If you run over
one of their soldiers, or an officer sees you, you will lose the disguise. 
Also, if you honk your horn you'll lose the disguise.

Use an anti-tank launcher: Whenever you can get your hands on it, use an 
anti-tank missile. It is far more effective than an RPG and is more accurate.
It locks on to any ground vehicle, and will destroy most in one hit. If you're
a good shot, you can destroy most helicopters in one shot.

Don't use gunners when going after cards: whenever you go after a card make 
sure you don't have anyone in the gunners seat or they will gun down the card
like a normal enemy.

Try to take them alive: Whenever you are trying to capture a card always try 
to take them alive. You only get paid half the bounty if you kill them. If 
they are killed walk up to their body and take a picture to verify them. 

Watch out for SAMs: whenever you're flying or ordering something make sure
there are no anti-air launchers anywhere or you will lose money.

Don't kill civilians: Don't kill civilians or they'll charge you money, and 
faction mood will go down, except the Russian mob.

Try to keep the factions happy with you: If you kill a factions soldiers they
will naturally be mad at you. Each faction has a mood bar that goes up or
down depending on your actions. There are four standings: Hostile, unfriendly,
neutral, friendly. You can also raise their mood by collecting bonuses, more 
on that in a minute.

Collect Bonuses: In order to raise China�s mood you can collect national 
treasures or destroy listening posts. Collect blueprints and destroy
monuments to raise South Koreas mood.

Friendly Fire: If you accidentally shoot a faction�s soldier, the other 
Soldiers of that faction that saw you will open fire on you. It doesn't
matter if you meant to or not, apparently they've never heard of friendly
fire before.

Free vehicle health and ammo: If you park your vehicle outside of a faction�s 
HQ, and go back out, your vehicle will have full health, and ammo.

Hinds: To easily get a hind, (one of the best choppers in the game) look on 
your map up north, you'll see a road shaped like circle. Fly around south of 
there in a Md - 500 scout until you see about five Hinds parked with a ton 
of SAM launchers surrounding them. Make sure you have the NK disguise up, and
land, steal one of them, and get out of there quickly. You may need a vehicle 
repair drop but it is well worth it. You can only do this on north province.

Mini war zones: At some points on the map there are war zones where factions are
fighting. A good way to get faction mood up is to help them here.

Factions (VIII)

Allied Nations Task force

Leader: Colonel Garrett

They give you the ace contracts. They give you all of the good air strikes
Bunker buster, Carpet Bomb, etc. They are located in the Demilitarized Zone
in South Province, and Kusong in North Province


South Korean Union

Leader: Agent Mitchell Buford

The South Koreans usually don't supply you more than a supply drop. They are
located in Kaesong in South province. The missions they give you are the 
easiest  in the game.



Leader: Colonel Chow Peng

The Chinese supply you with artillery in almost every mission, and sometimes
fuel air bombs. It is very bad if you have them mad at you, because they have
tanks running around everywhere in the northwest. They are located in the 
far northwest in both Provinces.


Russian Mafia

Leader: Sergei Varonov

The Russian mob operates a black market website called The Merchant of Menace,
that allows you to order supplies, vehicles, and air strikes. The vehicles and
supplies are brought to you by Helicopter, and the air strikes are put into
your support menu.


Walkthrough (VIIII)

Press triangle to stand up and walk up to the yellow circle on the wall in 
front of you, press triangle inside of it to pick up the PDA. Now do the same
thing to get grenades and a Carbine. Wait for the man to speak over the 
intercom, then activate the switch and get in the car. Drive forward through
the gate, go through the road block of vehicles and crates. Now head up the 
road through the chaotic area and talk to the man in front of the large 
building to go inside. You can listen to Colonel Garrett if you want but you
don't have to. After he's done, talk to the other man to accept the contract.


SK = South Korea
NK = North Korea
MOM = Merchant of menace
HQ = headquarters
DMZ = Demilitarized zone
SAM = Surface to air missiles
Heli = helicopter
AA = anti air

Clubs (X)

Ante Up

Objectives - 1. verify the two of clubs
           - 2. destroy the North Korean Artillery

Get a car and head down the road to the right. Keep going, ignore the NK 
soldiers. You will reach a flat area with two trucks. The two of clubs is at
the other end, run up to him, and press square to hit him and triangle to 
subdue him. Now you will receive the support option: extraction. Throw the 
beacon in a clear flat area, then pick up the card and carry him to the heli. 
Load him on by pressing triangle in the green circle. (Objective 1 complete)
Now at the end of the area you will see two cannons. After about thirty 
seconds after you captured the card, the allies will give you the Surgical
Strike support option. Point the laser at each of the turrets to destroy them.
(Objective 2 complete) Now drive back to allied HQ, and talk to the guard to 
receive payment. 


Now head towards the South Korean HQ your map will show you its location.
Go inside and accept the contract.

Stem the Tide

Objectives - 1. Defend Kaesong

Go forward to the area in front of you with a few soldiers. Wait for the NK 
forces to arrive. If you let them break the lines the SK morale will go down.
Defend the entrance for a couple of minutes. The machine gun is not very
accurate so I don't recommend using it. After awhile the next defense point 
will be under attack take one of the vehicles and drive over there. This time
you have a very deadly recoilless rifle at your disposal. Blow up any vehicle
that gets near you, and the troops will take care of the rest. Now they will 
attack the first defense point again, use the same strategy as the first time,
and you will complete the contract.(objective 1 complete)


Steal the transport heli that comes down after you've completed the last 
contract, and fly to the newly marked Russian Mafia HQ to meet the very funny 
Sergei and Josef. After Sergei is done babbling, accept the contract.


Objectives - 1. Steal NK transport truck
      Bonus- Destroy machine guns

This is a relatively easy mission. Start off by driving up to the large ware-
house, there are three machine guns around it. One block of C4 is enough to
destroy them. You can also destroy them by ramming into them with a car.
(Bonus objective complete) However you do it, once they're destroyed go 
into the large building and getting the truck. Drive it to the Mafia garage that
is to the right of Mafia Hq and you will complete the contract.


Pest Control

Objectives - 1. Destroy Museum
      Bonus- Destroy enemy barracks

Drive up the road to a large area with a bunch of buildings. The museum is the
largest building at the end. The barracks each have a green circle around them.
The tank doesn't have enough ammo to destroy all of them even with the ammo
crate. You can also use the artillery guns in front of the museum to destroy 
them but it takes awhile. I recommend using C4 and the RPG to do it. 
(Bonus objective complete) after they're destroyed use the artillery strikes 
in the support menu to destroy it. (Objective 1 complete) There is also a 
monument in the middle of the area.

You can now take missions freely so I'll put them in the order of: Allies, 
Russian Mafia, China, South Korea.

Out of the Woodwork

Faction: Allies

Objectives -1. Destroy the North Korean Tunnels

Two air strikes to destroy three tunnels? Anyway head up the road until you 
reach the first tunnel. Clear out the NK troops then use the surgical strike
to destroy it. Now drive up to the next two tunnels which are right beside 
each other. Point the laser at the tunnel farthest away from you to destroy
both of them in one hit. (Objective 1 complete)


Gimme my money

Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: - 1. Return Cargo to Mafia Warehouse
       Bonus- Kill Chinese officer

Fly to the area with the cargo that has a few Chinese soldiers. The Chinese
officer is on the ground a few yards away from the crate with a green circle
around him, you can't miss him. Switch to missiles, kill him, and pick up the
crate with the winch (press d pad- down). (Bonus objective complete) Fly to 
the newly  marked location and drop the crate into the yellow circle.
(Objective 1 complete) now fly to the marked helipad, land, and get out to
complete the contract. As the screen slows down you can get inside the heli to
steal it.

Bait and Switch

Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: - 1. Verify the Jack of Clubs
       Bonus- Steal frog missile launcher

Get inside the NK cargo truck and honk the thugs in. Drive to the marked area
to find the Jack. Keep driving up to the missile truck. Get out, kill the NK 
troops. Now the Russians will get in the truck and drive away after you 
destroy the three tanks.(bonus objective complete). Now take out all of the 
Jacks men, subdue him, and load him on a chopper. (Objective 1 complete)


No one will ever know

Faction: China

Objectives: - eliminate the mafia officers
       Bonus- avoid Mafia detection

This mission isn't that tough if you don't want the bonus objective as you can
just go in guns blazing and take out the officers. If you want the bonus 
however, you will have to be extremely patient and find a good hiding place to
get a good shot. Make sure you have a sniper rifle before you accept the 
contract. Drive to the location marked on the map. Make sure you are disguised
as Mafia, or you won't be able to get in without being spotted. You should be 
able to order the mafia truck by now so use that as a disguise. Take out the 
officer in the tree area first from one of the hills. Get in the car, wait for
your disguise to get up, then take out the one on the bridge over the water 
from the rocks north of him. The last one is a bit tricky. He is in the beach 
area with a bunch of rocks and a lot of mafia soldiers. Go down to the other 
end of the beach and use the rocks as cover to take him out. 
(Objective 1 complete) (Bonus objective complete maybe) Now get your disguise 
up and report to the Chinese contact to complete the contract. That wasn't so 
hard was it? 


Under new management

Faction: China

Objectives: - 1. Eliminate designated NK forces
            - 2. Verify Queen of Clubs

Fly to the marked area, and kill all of the marked soldiers on the roofs and 
the ones on the ground to make the Queen of Clubs come out. Try to blow up a 
few of the soldier- spawning buildings to lessen the chaos of this area and to
make things a little easier for you. (Objective 1 complete) He will run to a 
dock with crates and a few soldiers. After you have subdued him, go back to 
the open area and take care of the tanks, then load the queen on the 
extraction heli to complete the contract. (Objective 2 complete)


A proper function of government

Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. Protect and escort the SK officer to a safe zone

Your first search and rescue mission, this is one of my favorites in the clubs
contracts. Head to Pyongyang airport and go through the gate near China HQ. 
Make sure you are disguised as a Chinese soldier or there will be trouble. 
There are three warehouses. Check each one of them. The SK officer is in one 
of them. After you have him in your vehicle, take him to the SK HQ to complete 
the contract. The way out is a little rough with all of the chinese soldiers 
and vehicles running around, but after you get over the bridge right after the
airport you shouldn't have anymore problems. (Objective 1 complete)


Farewell to Kings

Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. Destroy missiles
            2. Verify the King of Clubs

Drive to Ichon, it's not very far from SK HQ. Once you're there, break down 
the fence, and destroy the first set of missiles. Usually one RPG shot to the 
middle one will destroy all three at once. Head up the hill and kill all of 
the NK troops, and break the crates for some health and ammo. Now head 
towards the next set of missiles, and do the same thing you did to the first 
set. Take out the tank, and head to the last set, destroy it.
(Objective 1 complete) Now the King of clubs will show up on your radar, and 
helis will try to come and get him. The King is on top of a building, and 
helis are lifting off around it. Get over the fence into the area around the 
building. Take one of the helicopters in the area, and fly up to him. Subdue 
him, take out the enemy helis in the area and load him on the extraction heli 
to complete the contract. (Objective 2 complete)

Now on to the Diamonds


Diamonds (XI)


Faction: allies

Objectives: 1. Taxi journalist to his destinations
        Bonus- Get to destination with time to spare

Go down the road until you reach the reporter; honk him into your vehicle. 
Take him to the first destination, and stop in the yellow circle. The reporter
will automatically get out and start filming. After he's done, head to the 
next destination, and continue to the rest. Nothing too tricky except a few 
obstacles in the road and getting it done in time. At some points there will 
be a lot of fighting around so stay close to the reporter and kill anyone who 
gets close. Sometimes a stray rocket will hit him, but there's nothing you can
do about that so good luck! (Objective 1 complete)


Downed bird in enemy nest

Faction: Allies

Objectives: 1. Save crash survivors
        Bonus- Destroy SAM launchers

Go down the road that goes out of the DMZ, and turn right on the first dirt 
road you see. Drive to the area with the crash survivors, and destroy the SAM 
launcher. Clear the area of any NK troops and tell the survivors to get in 
your car. Drive up the path and destroy the next two SAMs.
(Bonus objective complete) Now just drive the  survivors to allied HQ to 
complete the contract.(Objective 1 complete) It's also a good idea to carry an 
anti-tank launcher with you on this mission to take out the SAMs and any 
vehicles that you come across.


Playing the odds

Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: 1. Destroy SK forces at garrison
        Bonus- Bribe Chinese officer with $50,000

Go to the marked location, and just destroy all SK forces you see. The 
anti-tank missile launcher is very useful here. The tanks really take the
meter down when destroyed. Keep killing SK troops until the meter is empty.
(Objective 1 complete) I don't recommend bribing the officer, because the
artillery is pretty useless, and you'll lose money for this mission. There is
a lot of health and ammo scattered around next to the buildings as well.



Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: 1. Terminate allied officer
            2. Terminate NK prisoner
            3. Terminate SK officer
            4. Terminate Chinese tank commander
        Bonus- Terminate targets �quietly�

Make sure you have an anti-air launcher and sniper rifle equipped before you 
start this difficult mission. The allied officer is doing a press conference. 
To the right of him are some trees, stand in front of them and you will just
be able to see the top of his head over the vehicle.... (objective 1 complete)
After he's dead, Fiona will tell you that the NK prisoner is in an SK vehicle
going to meet the SK officer. Let him go past, now head over the train bridge
near where you sniped the allied officer. Wait for a helicopter to take off, 
from inside the area surrounded by walls. You can also snipe them if you're
good. Shoot it down with the anti-air launcher to take out both the NK 
prisoner, and SK officer.(objectives 2 & 3 complete) Now order an anti-tank
missile launcher, and follow your radar to the tank commander. Wait for a good
shot, then blow him up to complete the mission. (Objective 4 complete)


--------------------------'s who you know

Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: 1. locate journalist
            2. locate and verify the Queen of Diamonds
         Bonus-Kill Journalist after he ceases to be useful

Fiona will tell you that a member of the press is going to help you out on 
this contract. Drive to his location, and tell him to get in.
(Objective 1 complete) Drive to the locations on your radar to find the 
Queen. Get out, and kill the Journalist. (Bonus objective complete) Now 
follow the queens car to the next area. Take out all of the NK troops in the 
area. It is also helpful to destroy the troop spawning boat at the bottom
of the path. After they're all dead, load the queen on the extraction heli to
complete the contract.


Escort Service

Faction: China

Objectives: 1. Find Chinese officer
            2. Escort officer to Haeju
        Bonus- Destroy a NK outpost

Another search and rescue mission. Drive to the officers location and tell him
to get in your car. (Objective 1 complete) Press L1 to get out, but leave him 
in, and destroy all of the marked buildings with some C4. Get back in the car,
and drive him to the marked area in Haeju to complete the contract.



Faction: China

Objectives: 1. Protect the Chinese officers
            2. Destroy SK APC (at end)
        Bonus- Keep all six officers alive

This mission is very difficult to win the bonus on. Drive to the location
marked on your map. There is a time limit, but don't worry you should get there
with plenty of time to spare. After the timer runs all the way down, the
S. Koreans will start attacking. Man the recoilless rifle at the front and blow
up all vehicles that get in your way. Halfway into the battle, a LHX Light
attack will fly in, and start wreaking havoc. Once a few minutes have gone by,
an APC will join the party. Destroy it to complete the contract.
(Objectives 1 & 2 complete)


Knock Knock

Faction: China

Objectives: 1. Destroy Artillery
            2. Verify the King of Diamonds

Make sure you have the anti-tank launcher before starting this contract. Drive
up to the NK artillery base with a Sungri scout. The gate will open, now
quickly drive across to the other side ignoring the NK troops. Go up the hill 
to find the artillery guns, and a troop spawning building with rapid fire 
grenade launchers in front. Before you do anything destroy the grenade 
launchers with a grenade. Take out the jammer near the building and destroy 
the buidling with an airstrike to get rid of any NK problems.
If you brought an anti tank launcher it will destroy the artillery in one hit.
Under the helipads to the right of the building is health and ammo. After the
artillery is destroyed, the King will appear in a tank.(objective 1 complete)
Blow up both the tanks, and the King will take off running. Hop in one of the 
Baggage cars to get past the now locked gates. Chase the King down, subdue
him, and load him on the extraction heli. If you don't care about whether you
take him alive or not, it's fun to run him down with the baggage car.


Hot time in Nampo

Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. Destroy the three Fuel Depots
            2. Destroy ten Fuel trucks 
        Bonus- Destroy objectives before Chinese reinforcements arrive

Make sure you have an anti-tank launcher or RPG before you start this mission.
Drive down to the marked targets. One Anti-tank rocket, RPG, or C4 will take
out the depots in one hit. (Objective 1 complete) The fuel trucks are also 
driving around in this area. In some of the parking lots there are two or 
three fuel trucks parked right beside each other. This mission isn't that 
difficult, except doing it in time. There is no way to keep the chinese happy
with you after this mission, so kill them all without mercy and then just blow
everything to hell.


First Principles

Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. destroy downed aircraft
            2. rescue pilot
            3. return pilot to Ichon

Go to the marked plane and destroy it. Watch out for the RPG 
wielding troops.(objective 1 complete) Now you will receive another email 
telling you that the North Koreans have the pilot and are taking him to the 
black gate. His location will now be marked on your radar. He is in an NK 
transport truck. Drive ahead of the truck. Take out the driver, and the pilot 
will get out of the back.(Objective 2 complete) Couldn't he have just jumped 
out? Anyway, tell him to get in your car, and take him to the marked area in 
Ichon to complete the contract. (Objective 3 complete)


Master of none

Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. Destroy the artillery
            2. Destroy the huge artillery gun
            3. Verify the Jack of Diamonds

This is the hardest mission yet in my opinion, so make sure you are full on 
everything. Go to the marked location to find the Artillery. Watch out for the 
tank spawning bunker and RPG soldiers. the artillery is lined up on the hills 
on either side of the area. After the artillery in the first area
is destroyed, move on to the next. After they're destroyed, 
(Objective 1 complete) go to the newly marked artillery gun. Before you do 
anything destroy the tunnels, tanks, and soldiers around it. By now you should
have been given the Cruise Missile support option. Get behind one of the rocks
and destroy the gun.(Objective 2 complete) This will make the Jack come out. 
Subdue him, and load him to complete the contract. (Objective 3 complete)

Halfway done
You will now be taken to Northern Province. The factions are still in the same
general locations on the map. You can talk to the man with the green circle
around him to go back to Southern Province.

Hearts (XII)

Inspect and Verify

Faction: Allies

Objectives:1. Take inspectors to Yongbyon reactor 5 MW
           2. Take inspectors to Yongbyon reactor 50 MW
           3. Take inspectors to Yongbyon reprocessing plant
           4. Return at least one inspector to the allied HQ

Get inside the APC, and tell the inspectors to get in. Drive to the first 
area. Destroy all of the tanks and soldiers in the area, and then drive 
inside of the yellow circle to make the inspectors get out. After the meter 
is full, honk them back in and drive to the next location. Kill the NK troops 
in the area to make things easier for the inspecters and you. There are a few
soldiers with RPGs so you'll want to take them out first and quickly.
(Objective 1 complete) After they are finished inspecting here, head on to 
the final area. (Objective 2 complete) The only threats here are a couple of 
hinds. You'll be able to destroy one of them before it takes off. After 
they're through inspecting this area, take them back to allied HQ to complete 
this annoying contract.(Objectives 3 & 4 complete)


Reactor Retrieval

Faction: Allies

Objectives: 1. Rescue inspectors
            2. Return inspectors to allied HQ 
        Bonus- Return all inspectors alive

This is a very hard contract if you want to get the bonus. There is also a 
time limit, but it gives you a very generous ten minutes to do this in. Hop
in the Blackhawk, and fly towards the marked area. Stop, and land on the hill 
overlooking the area with the inspectors. Make sure you have a sniper rifle 
equipped, and take out the guards near the inspectors. If someone triggers the
alarm, the marked guards will execute the inspectors. Use a tank buster to
wipe out the tanks in the area. Now fly down there, and load the inspectors on
the heli, fly out of there as quickly as possible. Now drop the inspectors in
the safe zone to complete the contract.


In the Neighborhood

Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: 1. Destroy S. Korean hideouts

There is no way to get around making SK mad at you in this mission, so kill 
any SK soldier you see. All this mission consists of is destroying five 
hideouts. One anti-tank rocket will do the trick. The only resistance is some 
soldiers, and a couple of tanks. After they're all destroyed the contract is 
complete. (Objective 1 complete)

Don't bother bribing the SK officer yet because you'll just make them mad at 
you again during the Chinese missions.

106 miles to Sinuigu

Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: 1. Receive contrabands from the contacts
        Bonus- Keep sports car in one piece throughout the whole mission 

This is a fun contract. Get in the shiny sports car, and drive to the first 
contact. You have to hurry because this is basically a timed mission except
with money, and picking up contrabands increases your pay. Drive to the next 
location. Going through the mini war zone is difficult here if the S. Koreans
are mad at you. Just keep getting the contrabands, ignore the fighting, and
get to the docks. If you kept the car in one piece, you will now be able to
order it from the MOM. (Objective 1 complete) (Bonus objective complete)


Raw Materials

Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: 1. Destroy Command Bunker
            2. Verify the King of hearts
        Bonus- Destroy SAM launchers

Head to the marked area, and destroy the SAM launchers there are two in front 
of the command bunker, and two on either side.(bonus objective complete) After
they're destroyed, blow up the bunker. (Objective 1 complete) The King will 
run out and try to get away. Chase him down, subdue him, and load him to 
complete the contract.(objective 2 complete) There is a ton of resistance, and
anti-air launchers so I wouldn't recommend using a heli for this mission.


Manipulate the data

Faction: China

Objectives: 1. Download codes
            2. Return codes to Dandong

Take a heli, and fly to the marked area, quickly land, and download the codes.
You have to stand still or the download will stop. (Objective 1 complete) 
Ignore the Sk troops. After you have the codes return to Dandong to complete
the contract.(Objective 2 complete)


Exit Strategy

Faction: China

Objectives: 1. Destroy SK command center
       Bonus - Destroy marked targets

Put up an SK disguise, and head to the marked area. Destroy the first marked
target, then destroy the heli that comes in. Head to the next building, and 
repeat. This time two helis come in, take them out as well.
(Bonus objective complete) After they're a pile of rubble, destroy the Command
Center to complete the contract. (Objective 1 complete)


Chain Reaction

Faction: China

Objectives: 1. Verify the Jack of Hearts

Go to the marked area. Make sure you have a tank. The area around the Jack is 
covered in radiation, and the area around the radiation is crawling with 
tanks. Run over the fence with a tank, and get out. Go inside of the building
with the jack and subdue him. Now hurriedly get out of the radioactive zone.
Call in the extraction heli to complete the mission. (Objective 1 complete)


Repo Man

Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. interrupt the mafia inspection of the KIFV

This is a pretty simple mission. All I do is get in a heli that has anti-tank
missiles, and blow up the KIFV. You don�t really get much anyway except
50,000 more. If you want to take it, its not very hard since the SK HQ
isn't  far away.(objective 1 complete)


Clear Channel

Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. Destroy Chinese command tents

Drive to the first tent. Stay up in the mountains, and use a Surgical Strike
or Stealth Fighter attack, because the stealth bomber gets you automatically 
caught. If you do get caught blowing up a tent by the Chinese,their mood will
go all the way down to none. Repeat this strategy for the next four tents to
complete the contract.(Objective 1 complete)


The Acid Queen

Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. Destroy the chemical plant
            2. Verify the Queen of Hearts
        Bonus- Destroy the SAM launchers

Go to the marked location. Kill all of the NK troops in the area, and destroy
the troop spawning buildings to make this much easier. Now destroy all of
the SAMs in the area with a block of C4.(Bonus objective complete) Go up onto
the hill west of the chemical plant, and blow it up with your lone carpet 
bomb. (Objective 1 complete) The Queen will now get in a car, and attempt to 
get away. Shoot the driver, chase down the queen and subdue him, load him on 
the extraction heli.(objective 2 complete)

Only thirteen left

Spades (XIII)

Humanitarian efforts

Faction: Allies

Objectives: 1. Retrieve Vaccine from allied Medic
            2. Deliver vaccine to tenement ruins medic
        Bonus- Deliver vaccine without any civilian casualties

This is the last allied mission *tear* now drive to the MASH, and talk to the 
medic to receive the vaccine.(objective 1 complete) Now drive to the medic in 
the Tenement Ruins, and give him the vaccine to complete the contract. 
(Objective 2 complete) There is a much easier way to do it: use a heli there
won't be any civilian casualties, and it takes much less time.


Escort Service

Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: 1. Deliver Josef to arms deal

What the? $1,000,000 for driving Josef down to an arms deal with no NK 
forces? Make sure you have an anti air launcher equipped for this mission. Hop
into the European-style sedan, and drive Josef to the marked area. After he 
gets out you should get out to. A few soldiers will come out of the transport 
truck, and some helicopters will come from behind you. Kill the soldiers, and
blow the helis out of the sky before they can drop the soldiers. Take care of
the APC, and wait for Josef to come out. Tell him to get in the car, drive him
to Mafia HQ. He'll give you a million dollars, and go in, and "take care" of
Sergei. (Objective complete)

Josef is now in charge of things with the Mafia HQ


Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: 1. Eliminate renegade officers
        Bonus- Don't kill any loyal Mafia soldiers
This contract is reletively easy. Start off by going to the nearest marked
target, identify him with your binoculars, and take him out with the sniper
rifle. Repeat with the other officers. One of them is in a vehicle, so you'll
have to blow him up. Near the officer in the village is the Kamov chopper,
this is your only chance in the game to get it so you should get it right now.
After all of the officers are dead the contract is complete.
(Objective 1 complete)


Loose Ends

Faction: Russian Mafia

Objectives: 1. Locate Sergei
            2. Verify the Jack of Spades
        Bonus- Kill Sergei

Get in a Mafia MD- 530 helicopter, and fly towards the marked location. Sergei
will attempt to drive away. Blow him up, and fly back to the Mafia HQ which 
you should have already been told is under attack(objective 1 complete)
(Bonus objective complete) Blow up the tank that the Jack is in. If you're 
lucky he'll survive but he usually doesn't. After he's been verified the 
mission is over.(objective 2 complete)

Alternate strategy by David Rutter:

Instead of a Mafia MD-350 try a NK MD-500 lock on means you can fire and 
forget. I personally like to take the cards alive, so I use the Abram, blow up
the other tanks and hijack the tank with the jack in, hopefully after you
capture him, some NK elite jerk won't capture the BMP and run him over, 
(lucky for me, he survived).


An eye for an eye

Faction: China

Objectives: 1. Protect artillery guns

The easiest way to complete this very difficult contract is to have an anti
air launcher equipped, and get behind one of the large crates so the SK ground
forces can't hit you. Look out over the water, blow any heli that you see out
of the sky. They'll stop coming after you've killed about fifteen of them, so 
you can relax, because the ground forces can't hit the guns. After the time 
runs out you complete the contract.(objective 1 complete)



Faction: China

Objectives: 1. Destroy cargo planes
            2. Destroy SK freighter

This is one of the harder missions of the game so be ready. Fly to the hill
overlooking the airfield. I always end up spending more money than I earn
in this contract, but it makes it easier. Fly to the hill. Launch a series of 
Surgical Strikes to take out the barracks, and planes. Now make your way to 
the freighter. Watch out for the SK scouts, because a few of them have missile
launchers. Once you're on the boat, deactivate the Jammer by pressing 
triangle. Now get off of it, and destroy it with a bunker buster.
(Objective 2 complete)

Alternate Strategy by David Rutter:

The cheapest way is to nick a Chinese tank and go via where you get the Jack 
of hearts, if there is any damage just use a vehicle repair, and you can use 
the free supply glitch if you wish. Between the airport and west Taechon 
battlefields is another Chinese tank that jumps in. Carry on South, knock 
down a fence at the airport and fire two shells at each plane. After you 
destroy the planes, go south to the ship, shell it, contract complete. I 
did all this with zero SK mood. 
(In other words they hated my guts!)


Two Degrees of Separation

Faction: China

Objectives: 1. Talk to Community leader
            2. Verify the Queen of Spades

Make sure you have an anti tank launcher before heading out on this difficult
mission. Go to the marked location. See all of that rocket ammo under the
awning? Kick it out from under it. Now talk to the community leader. NK 
forces will come in, and some artillery strikes will destroy the large 
building in front of you. Patiently pick off the tanks one at a time. Or you
could just use a couple of tank busters. The Queen is on top of the hill
across from where you talked to the community leader. After he's subdued the 
contract's complete. It's weird how the spades are all female, but the queen
is male.


In & out

Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. Identify SK agent.
            2. Deliver agent to SK HQ

The agent is in Chinese territory. Get in a Chinese scout, and drive to his 
location. Tell him to get in, and quickly drive him back to SK HQ. To complete
the contract.(objectives 1 & 2 complete) You can also get a very fast, and
tough chopper, preferably a hind, and destroy the AA vehicle near the agent
and fly back to SK HQ.



Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. Destroy radar jammer
            2. Destroy Dandong bridge

Start off by getting in a Chinese vehicle, and drive to Dandong. For some 
reason Dandong is restricted by the Chinese in this contract. Head to the
marked area to find the jammer, destroy it with a block of C4.
(Objective 1 complete) Now get behind one of the giant crates like in the
"an eye for an eye" contract, and use the Cruise Missile to destroy the 
bridge. (Objective 2 complete)


Titular Regius

Faction: South Korea

Objectives: 1. Locate King of Spades
            2. Verify the King of Spades

Keep in mind that the King is always at the last place you go to. Head to all 
of the marked locations until you have located the King.(objective 1 complete)
Kill all of the NK troops in the area, and blow up the AA vehicles, and tanks 
to make it safe for the extraction heli. After the King has been verified the
contract is complete.(objective 2 complete)


Ace contracts (XIIII)

Ace of Clubs 

Bringing Down the House

Difficulty: ****

Recommended weapons: Carbine, and Anti Tank launcher

Objectives - Destroy the North Korean jammers
           - Destroy Song Tower
           - Verify the Ace of Clubs
     Bonus - Kill designated NK forces

First, take out all of the NK troops in the area, then hijack a Sungri Scout,
and plant a block of C4 on the hood. Drive down the road towards the NK troops
that you can kill for a bonus objective. Ditch out of the car and detonate the
C4 to take care of a couple of the troops. Now, just take out the others and
jump in the Anti- Air gun nearby and blow the Helicopters out of the sky. Now
wait for the allied chopper to come and drop off a few troops. You will now be
able to order a transport. You don't have to but it certainly helps to have 
some troops to help you. Order the transport tell the troops to get in, now
drive to the nearby Jammer. Get out destroy the Jammer, one Anti-Tank missile
will do. Now get back in your vehicle and drive to the next Jammer. It doesn't
matter which one you destroy first, one of them is located near Song tower
with a bunch of buildings shielding it, and a few soldiers with RPGs, and one
tank. The other is in a forest area south west of Song Tower. It has a bunch 
of NK soldiers guarding it. After all of the jammers are destroyed you will be
given the Bunker Buster Bomb support option. Stay a good distance away from 
Song tower and destroy it with the bunker buster. Now Dung Hwangbo (the Ace of
clubs) will try to run away, I wonder how he survived the explosion? Subdue 
Hwangbo, an allied plane will come in and take care of the dangerous hind 
choppers. Now call in the extraction helicopter and this level will be over. 
Make sure you take out the rapid fire grenade launchers around Song Tower, as 
they can kill you very quickly. After this you will be able to buy the Bunker
Buster in the Merchant of Menace.

Ace of Diamonds 

The Guns of Kirin-Do

Difficulty: *****

Recommended weapons: Carbine, and anti-tank missile

Objectives -Verify the ace of diamonds
           - Destroy the type 07 super gun

Walk forward into the woods and scream as the Sungri Scout explodes for no
reason. Take out all of the NK troops in the area, there is also crate that 
holds around six healths if you need it. Now you can carpet bomb the next area
or hijack a tank, I recommend hijacking a tank since you'll really need it 
later on. Go up the road killing anything foolish enough to get in your way.
Eventually you will reach a radioactive zone that screws the screen up, and 
damages you if you're not in an enclosed vehicle i.e. a tank. Keep going until
you reach the horrifying sight of the super gun. Go down the path to your right
destroying tanks and soldiers as you go. Eventually you will reach an enemy 
infested dirt path that leads to the prototype gun Fiona told you about 
earlier. Enter the door beside it, shoot the super gun twice to destroy it. 
Now get back on the road, and drive to the aces location. If you can't find a 
car and have to walk watch out for maniacal truck drivers that try to run you 
over. If you don't care about taking him dead or alive I recommend just Carpet
Bombing the whole place if you have any left. If not, patiently take out the 
tanks and soldiers surrounding him. You should also take out the troop 
spawning buildings to make this a little easier. After they're all dead call 
in an extraction helicopter to complete the level.

Alternate Strategy By David Rutter:

A much more easier and quicker way, is once you can control your character 
turn around and run towards the downed airplane wing and you should be able to
hijack the allied black hawk there (big note: I was the swedish bloke who is 
the fastest). Fly up to the max height (around 270) and move forward, if you 
do it right you can land where the prototype gun is. Hijack the tank (make 
sure he doesnt shoot the black hawk!!) and kill the elites. Destory the 
supergun, repair the black hawk and take off, fly over the ace card and land 
where the allied soldiers are, let them board. Take off and fly over the ace 
card (again) and land where the crate is on the far side of his "area" exit 
and kill the rpg guys on the roof. send in 3 tank busters, over the left side 
of the compound, centre and then right side. equip your RPG (or anti tank 
launcher) and look down the hill as a ZSU is normally there waiting for you. 
Go down blow up the spawn buildings (if you wish), at this point you might 
want to call in a allied supply drop. Kill or capture the ace card, mission 

Ace of Hearts 


Difficulty: **

Recommended weapons: Carbine, and anti-air missile

Objectives -Verify the ace of hearts

Make sure you have C4 before this mission. This is the easiest ace contract 
in the game. Go forward plant some C4 next to the gate to blow it up, now go 
forward into the base, don't let anyone trigger an alarm for as long as 
possible or there will be trouble. Go through the base destroy the fences 
until you reach a large doorway go inside and some soldiers will come out 
from under the stairway. A timer will start counting down go down the catwalks
until you reach the last building go up the stairs to find the ace. Subdue him
before he takes off in the helicopter. If he gets in you'll have to blast him 
out of the sky. You'll have to fight the heli anyway so make sure you brought
an anti-air launcher with you. After the heli and soldiers are taken care, of
call in the extraction helicopter. You will now be able to order the carpet
bomb in the MOM.

Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades

Difficulty: ******

Recommended weapons: Prototype Rifle, and anti-tank launcher

Objectives - Investigate prison
           - Investigate launch site
           - Enter abort code for the nukes (optional)
           - Verify the Ace of spades

You will start out this level in a tank; you will want to keep it intact for 
as long as possible. Follow the other three tanks forward, destroy the enemy 
tanks on the sides of the road. You should now be in a large area with a bunch
of tanks, two SAM launchers, and a few artillery guns. Most of the time your
fellow tanks will get killed right here. Take out all of the tanks in the 
area, the tank buster is very useful here. When you first enter this area,
Fiona will tell you that helicopters are coming. Wait for them to get to you,
then blow them up with air superiority. After every enemy in this area is dead
move along up the path. If your tank is low on health, you might want to order
a vehicle repair drop. Now stop a good distance from the fence so the guards 
can't see you, then carpet bomb the area with two troop spawning buildings. 
Use a tank buster on the tanks parked in the road and head up to the group of
houses at the top of the hill, and take out the vehicles and troops. Head up 
the road take out some more troops and tanks then head into the prison. After
the cut scene go back outside, and get into your tank. This is the hard part of
the level. Go through the fence take out the tank, go up the road watch out 
for the many tanks in this area. Keep on going destroying bunkers and tanks as
you go until you get to a bridge that blows up right when you get to it. The 
bridge half on your side is shaped like a ramp, hmmm I wonder what you have to
do now. To the right of the bridge are two Sungri Scouts, steal one of them, 
and back up a good distance away from the bridge, then get full speed and jump
across to the other side. Be careful to get the right angle or you will 
plummet down to your doom. Kill the NK troops on the other side and run up 
the path. You will not face another tank in this level thank god. Head up the 
road mowing down all of the enemies, until you reach a large wall take out the
enemies then break the crates to get ammo and health, you are almost done. 
Put two blocks of C4 then make sure you have full C4 before you go in. 
Detonate it then run inside, make sure the building is fully collapsed before 
you try to run in, I got smashed trying to do that. It is utter chaos inside
the launch site, run up to the wall beside the gate and blow it with C4. 
Repeat with the next two walls. Go inside of the building, stand in front of 
the machinery and press triangle. Do not move until the bar is filled up or
you will have to do it again. You actually don't have to do this, if you don't
want to just wait outside of the launch site for General Song. After you have
entered the abort codes General Song will tell you how upset he is with you.
A chopper will come in at the entrance to the launch site. Grab the anti-air
launcher under the table across from the machine where you entered the abort
code and head outside of the gate where you entered the launch site. Wait for
the chopper to land and Song and some men will get out. Take out the chopper
and kill his men. Subdue Song and call in the extraction to complete the 
mission and the game. 

Alternate Strategy by Bruce Assante:

I have a solution that I haven't seen mentioned for the Ace of Spades 
finally. All othr things on this level can be managed rather easily, so I will
give you two solutions you didn't mention. One of course is stealing the 
choppers after you leave the prison. Even if they go airborne they are easily 
recovered with the sniper rifle (best) by shooting the pilot. However, this 
isn't a a relatively new idea. The one I haven't ever seen mentioned is after 
exiting the prison there are several armored vehicles. I forget the names but 
there is one APC with a missle launcher. It has a four misslie launch chambers
in a rectangular box. Take the 4 men it will carry and the weapons you feel 
most comfortable using. Drive it behind the prison and scale the mountain. It 
is the only vehicle that can do this. You will have to learn where to traverse 
slightly side to side for the first section. The second is simple. From there 
you can weaken the walls and internal structure, equipment etc that is near 
the walls easily. Saving the gate for last and being careful not to destroy 
the code sight.  If you like you can also encircle the fortress and look down 
to the roads below and destroy much of what you have bypassed. Then enter the 
gates. I would suggest after blowing the gates to soften the internal targets 
with the missles, then exit the vehicle leaving your 4 troops inside and kill 
as many enemy as possible before entering the fortress with the vehicle.  The 
rest is simply a matter of individual choices. 


In this section I will show you the deck of fifty-two member�s bios, bounty, 
and location. This is taken from the card menu from the PDA.

Cards (XV)


Two of Clubs

Name: Jin-ho Yong

Yong retired from his post as an artillery officer in former President 
Kim's army to work for the Ace of Clubs, Dung Hwangbo. Yong was placed in
project after project, but ultimately proved incompatible with Division 39's
methods. When Song's revolt came, Yong found himself commanding artillery
once again.

Bounty: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead

Location: First A.N. mission


Three of Clubs

Name: Su-yeong Kim

Bio: Kim is little more than a thug. Responsible for recruiting most of the 
    bodyguards and strong-arm men used by Dung Hwangbo's operation, Kim has no
    formal education or military training. Instead, he relies on his own      
    physical strength and a willingness to kill without hesitation anyone who
    might interfere with his masters' plans.

Bounty: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead

Location: South of Pyongyang


Four of clubs

Name: Yeom Park

Bio:Personally selected by the Ace of Clubs, Dung Hwangbo, Park spent years in
     former President Kim's government. He used blackmail and graft to ensure 
     that when Song's revolution came, money and power would be ready to stand
     against any reaction from the international community.

Bounty: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead

Location: North of Haeju


Five of clubs

Name: Tal-hun An

Bio: Tal-hun An is responsible for building most of General Song's military 
   installations. For over a decade, An took money from the Allied Nations,
   America and other nations of good will, which was meant for public works
   projects, and used it to build bunkers and missile silos.

Bounty: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead

Location: Northeast of Pyongyang


Six of clubs

Name: Chong-chun Yi

Bio: Formerly a deputy minister of finance in President Kim's government, Yi
   covertly traded principally with the Russian mafia and terrorists in
   Afghanistan. Yi created a well-oiled economic machine designed to supply
   General Song's troops with the equipment they'd need to fight the AN once 
   the revolt came.

Bounty: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead

Location: Southwest of East Pyongyang


Seven of Clubs

Name: Kang-keun Ha

Bio: Ha served for three years as President Kim's Minister of Domestic Affairs.
   He used his influence in this position to encourage all manner of
   corruption, extortion, and graft in the government, both within his ministry
   and in other governmental departments. He is one of the men who has
   profited most from Song's coup.

Bounty: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead

Location: Southeast of Kaesong


Eight of clubs

Name: Yeong-suk Park

Bio: Park is Hwangbo's director of transportation. He supervises the movement 
   of all of Division 39's officers, ensuring both that they arrive safely, and
   that no one outside the upper echelons of Division 39 know where any of the
   other members of the organization are.

Bounty: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead

Location: Downtown Pyongyang


Nine of Clubs

Name: Cheol-han Cho

Bio: Cho is responsible for security within Division 39. As such, he is the
   closest thing the Division has to an intelligence director. While Division 
   39 operated covertly from within President Kim's government, Cho was 
   responsible for ensuring that neither Kim, nor his closest advisors ever 
   learned of Song's plans. 

Bounty: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead

Location: North of the Demilitarized Zone 


Ten of Clubs

Name: Yeong-kil Kim

Bio: Kim runs Hwangbo's drug cartel. Typically, he forbids any use of drugs
   within his own organization, instead developing the agricultural and
   refinement technology necessary to create a domestic drug industry.
   Manufacturing primary opium for heroin, recent estimates suggest Kim's
   organization provides as much as 22% of the heroin sold in Southeast Asia.

Bounty: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead

Location: Southwest of Propaganda Village


Jack of Clubs

Name: Hong-do Seon-u

Bio: Seon-u is Hwangbo's premier arms dealer, responsible for taking the money
   raised by Cheol-han Cho and Yeom Park and using Chong-chun Yi's contacts to
   supply General Song with the weapons, vehicles, and armaments he needs. He
   is a former general in President Kim's army and is considered highly

Bounty: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead

Location: The contract "Bait and switch


Queen of Clubs

Name: Sun Han

Bio: A wealthy and powerful financier, Sun Han is responsible for smuggling all
   manner of illegal goods into and out of North Korea for Division 39. Drugs,
   weapons, biological and chemical agents and ingredients. Han controls all
   commercial air traffic and most of the country's shipping.

Bounty: $115,000 alive / $57,500 dead

Location: The contract "under new management"


King of Clubs

Name: Lee Choi

Bio: Lee Choi is solely responsible for the slavery trade operating in North
   Korea. Trafficking in human lives, primarily young women, but also infants
   sold to parents in wealthy foreign countries, Choi is considered one of the
   most powerful men in Division 39, as well as one of the most reprehensible.

Bounty: $125,000 alive / $62,500 dead

Location: The contract "a farewell to Kings"


Ace of Clubs

Name: Dung Hwangbo

Bio: Hwangbo was Minister of Foreign Affairs under four different
   administrations and, prior to President Kim's reformation, was responsible
   for keeping graft and vice in North Korea firmly under government control.
   His private organization, Division 39, operated as a state-sponsored mafia
   until President Kim fired Hwangbo.

Bounty: $150,000 alive / $75,000 dead

Location: After you have gathered enough intel from the verified cards the ace
contract will be available.



Two of Diamonds

Name: Chan-seok Park

Bio: Captain Park is responsible for recruiting promising young men into 
   General Song's army. Those who show a high degree of fanaticism toward the 
   cause get special training from Park and become candidates for General   
   Song's special forces squad. Park is a grizzled old soldier who's seen many
   generations of young men serve their country.

Bounty: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead

Location: The Southernmost point of the DMZ

Three of diamonds

Name: Tu-chin Cho

Bio: Lieutenant Cho is a specialist in light weapons training. He supervises
   light weapon purchases from foreign governments and trains the sergeants who
   then go on to train the army. He is well trained, served in the DMZ for over
   12 years, and is considered highly dangerous.

Bounty: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead

Location: At the end of a path on the left side of the road when traveling 
   East from Propaganda Village

Four of diamonds

Name: Yeong-song Seo

Bio: Captain Seo is General Chang's light artillery expert, responsible for
   overseeing the manufacturing and deployment of RPG launchers, Surface to Air
   missiles, and tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided missiles (TOWs).
   Seo is proficient in many types of armed and unarmed combat. He is
   considered highly dangerous. 

Bounty: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead

Location: West of Ichon

Five of diamonds

Name: Pung-cho Yu

Bio: Captain Yu is head of General Chang's military intelligence division;
   Division 18. He is ruthless, cruel, intelligent and sadistic. He constantly
   maneuvers against his rival, Major Kon Lee, director of General Song's
   Special Intelligence division. He has a personally selected cadre of
   torturers and enjoys overseeing interrogation personally.

Bounty: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead

Location: Northeast of East Pyongyang

Six of diamonds

Name: Yeong-il Cheon

Bio: Captain Cheon is a former task commander, responsible for establishing the
   training regiment for General Chang's armored infantry division. Known for
   studying the deployment of US, AN, and British armored infantry and foot
   divisions, his tactics remain untested in the field though his is highly
   respected for his keen insight into tactics and strategy.

Bounty: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead

Location: South of the Black Gate on the only dirt road going off the right
   side of the main road

Seven of Diamonds

Name: Seon-keun Yun

Bio: Major Yun is General Chang's chosen commander for his Air Calvary
   divisions. Yun is a highly trained helicopter pilot and experienced air
   combatant; a veteran of many skirmishes between the DPRK and South Korea. He
   can often be found personally leading any air escorts for General Chang.

Bounty: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead

Location: At the end of an unmapped path on the right side of the road that
   leads to the Black Gate

Eight of Diamonds

Name: Kyub-yung Park

Bio: Park is deputy minister of Chang's Air Defense program. Responsible for
   the deployment and use of Chang's heavy anti-air artillery, he is an
   experienced soldier and skilled leader. His men were responsible for downing
   the three American F-117As in 2006. Most of his AA guns have been disabled
   by AN Air strikes, but he remains at large.

Bounty: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead

Location: West of Nampo

Nine of Diamonds 

Name: Chu-ho Kim

Bio: Major Kim is General Chang's Chief of Staff. Formerly a cabinet minister
   in President Kim's government, Kim is likely a principle planner in Song's
   coup. He served for 20 years in the DPRK army and now puts his experience in
   the field to use keeping the North Korean troops supplied during the AN

Bounty: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead

Location: Starting at the Haeju end of the long dirt road in the Southwest,
   the Nine is at the end of the first right turn

Ten of Diamonds

Name: Myeong-han Kim

Bio: Major Kim rose to be the director of the DPRK troops in the De-Militarized
   Zone. As such, he spent the last 10 years responding to the thrusts and
   feints of the US-backed South Koreans and their CIA supplied intelligence.
   Kim is a seasoned veteran, one of General Chang's most valuable aides, and
   an extremely dangerous soldier.

Bounty: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead

Location: Follow the long dirt road Northwest of Haeju until you get to the
   end of the loop to find the Ten

Jack of diamonds

Name: Ji An

Bio: An expert in heavy artillery, An is responsible for securing plans to
   build a super gun capable of shelling cities as far away as Tokyo. An traded 
   heavily with Middle-eastern nationals and experts on super gun technology,
   and is rumored to have built and tested a prototype already.

Bounty: $150,000 alive / $75,000 dead

Location: The contract "a master of none"

Queen of Diamonds

Name: Jong Seomun

Bio: Colonel Seomun is a highly trained and experienced commander, currently 
   responsible for buying and securing the transport of conventional missiles.
   He performs his new duties well, but is known to conflict with the Ace of
   Diamonds, General Chul Kang. Seoman would rather be leading troops in the

Bounty: $175,000 alive / $87,500 dead

Location: The contract "it's who you know

King of Diamonds

Name: Won Jegal

Bio: Jegal is a cruel and vicious leader, among the most feared of Song's
   commanders. Personally responsible for torturing prisoners, and known to
   execute soldiers who perform their duties poorly, Jegal is as dangerous an
   artillery commander as he is a personal combatant.

Bounty: $200,000 alive / $100,000 dead

Location: The contract "Knock Knock"

Ace of Diamonds

Name: Chul Kang

Bio: General Chang is among Song's closest aides. Chang runs Song's top-secret 
   chemical and biological weapons testing plant. The precise whereabouts of
   this testing facility are unknown. Intelligence reports suggest the site may
   be underground. Chang is intelligent and experienced. He will not be caught

Bounty: $250,000 alive / $125,000 dead

Location: After you've gathered enough intel from the captured cards, you'll
be able to accept the ace contract from Colonel Garrett



Two of Hearts

Name: Chi-seong An

Bio: A low level operative in General Kang's nuclear weapons program, Chi-seong 
   began his terrorist career as a supervisor in a poorly constructed nuclear
   power plant. Both greedy and susceptible to graft, An was recently recruited
   by Colonel Ji-Wan Han to serve as a supervisor for General Kang's plutonium 
   enrichment program. An has no military training.

Bounty: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead

Location: South of Farm Valley

Three of Hearts

Name: Hyeon-san Chang

Bio: Little is known about this man. He has connections to the former 
   administration's humanitarian aide program where, it is believed, he traded
   information regarding plutonium ore processing into weapons-grade materials
   for cash. CIA intelligence presumes he'd been secretly working for Song and
   General Kang for years prior to the coup.

Bounty: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead

Location: Southeast of the Sinuiju Farms

Four of Hearts

Name: Chu-ho Ko

Bio: Ko served as an advisor on President Kim's international nuclear power
   development council. Ostensibly created to travel to countries with
   successful nuclear energy programs in an attempt to provide the people of
   North Korea with safe nuclear energy, Ko instead used to opportunity to set
   up deals for ore refinement and processing technology with international

Bounty: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead

Location: Outside Taechon

Five of Hearts

Name: Cho-yeong Cha

Bio: Cho-yeong is an engineer, holding masters degrees in civic engineering and
   nuclear engineering from an American university. He is one of the men
   responsible for implementing the basic framework of Song's nuclear weapons
   program. He is a coward, with no military training and little love for
   anything except money. 

Bounty: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead

Location: North of Kusong

Six of Hearts 

Name: Hye-min Park

Bio: Park is the lowest ranking member of General Kang's "circle of five," the
   five scientists directly responsible for developing the technology to
   process the weapons grade ore purchased by Chu-ho Ko (the 4 of Hearts) and
   turn it into nuclear weapons, complete with ICBM technology for delivering
   their payloads across the globe.

Bounty: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead

Location: North of Chongju

Seven of Hearts

Name: Mun-cheol Yi

Bio: Yi is a South Korean metallurgist seduced into working for the North with
   offers of money and power. Yi's knowledge allowed General Kang's team to
   develop the titanium-aluminum castings necessary to contain the initial
   implosion of a nuclear weapon. Yi has no loyalties to Song or Kang and can
   be counted on to flee quickly.

Bounty: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead

Location: North of the train station in Yongbyon

Eight of Hearts

Name: Min-su An

Bio: An is another member of Kang's "circle of five." His background and
   official title are unknown, but intelligence suspects An is an experienced
   physicist with the knowledge and engineering background necessary to master
   the equations that govern a fissile body's critical mass. An served in the
   DPRK military for six years as a young man and can be considered a military

Bounty: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead

Location: Southeast of Chongju

Nine of Hearts

Name: Nam-cheol Kim

Bio: Kim is a high-ranking member of Kang's nuclear weapons team. He is one of
   the few men in the Asian-Pacific theater with the background necessary for
   developing the integrated targeting and trajectory systems required for an
   intercontinental ballistic missile. Kim's presence on the team means the
   threat of Song's nuclear capability extends across the entire globe.

Bounty: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead

Location: South of the Tenement Ruins

Ten of Hearts

Name: Hong

Bio: Hong is a Chinese-born Korean whose parents fled North Korea 50 years ago.
   Leader of Kang's "circle of five," Hong was educated in China, and served as
   an assistant director in China's nuclear weapons program before returning to
   North Korea thanks to generous offers of money and influence by General 

Bounty: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead

Location: At one of the nuclear plants between Kusong and Yongbyon

Jack of Hearts

Name: Ji-won Han

Bio: Colonel Han led General Kang's nuclear weapons division. After gathering 
   an elite team of engineers and scientists, known as the Circle of Five,
   Namgung used funds from Division 39 to ensure his researchers were well
   supplied. Under his leadership, the team succeeded in manufacturing working
   nuclear warheads. 

Bounty: $200,000 alive / $100,000 dead

Location: The contract " Chain Reaction"

Queen of Hearts

Name: Jong Namgung

Bio: Colonel Namgung directed Song's chemical weapons division. Though
   eventually overshadowed by Colonel Han's more successful nuclear weapons
   division, Namgung produced many deadly toxins and is considered highly

Bounty: $225,000 alive / $112,500 dead

Location: The contact " The Acid queen

King of Hearts

Name: Bae Dokgo

Bio: Major Dokgo served in President Kim's army as chief of his missile weapons
   division. Dokgo used his understanding of missile construction and design to
   build Song's delivery systems. As a result, Song's weapons can reach
   virtually anywhere in the world.

Bounty: $250,000 alive / $125,000 dead

Location: The contract " Raw Materials"

Ace of Hearts
Name: Chul Kang

Bio: The mastermind behind Song's nuclear weapons program, Kang succeeded in
   covertly building an extensive program as well as the missile technology
   necessary to deliver them almost anywhere in the world. Nobody knows how
   many nuclear missiles Kang was able to build. Some estimates suggest upwards
   of 30 ICBM with nuclear warheads. 

Bounty: $300,000 alive / $150,000 dead

Location: After you've gathered enough intel from the captured cards, you'll
be able to accept the ace contract from colonel Garrett



Two of Spades

Name: Dae Kim

Bio: As with most of General Song's elite special forces, little is known of
   Dae Kim's origins. As a member of Song's personal retinue, she received the
   best training her country had to offer, though it is not on par with
   American or British special forces training.

Bounty: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead

Location: Just South of Farm Valley

Three of Spades

Name: Jin-weon Seo

Bio: Seo was pulled from her gymnastics training at the age of 11 and placed in
   Song's military training program. Many recruits are taken from the DPRK's 
   Olympics program, which very likely exists primarily to produce special
   forces candidates. 

Bounty: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead

Location: South of the Chemical Plant

Four of Spades

Name: Joo-eun An

Bio: An is the daughter of a North Korean minister who proudly enrolled his
   daughter in the DPRK's special forces program. It should be noted that
   virtually all of Song's army, particularly the elite soldiers both male and
   female, are deeply, deeply, patriotic. A product of a propaganda-soaked

Bounty: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead

Location: Northwest of Yongbyon

Five of Spades

Name: Keon Park

Bio: Keon Park directs sniper training in Song's special forces squad. She is
   the best sniper in Song's army and CIA estimates rank her as 18th in the
   world. Though she is highly trained, she lacks experience. This conflict in
   her homeland can only increase her usefulness.

Bounty: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead

Location: Southwest of Sinuiju

Six of Spades

Name: Min-seon Yun

Bio: Min-seon Yun originally applied for North Korea's atrophying naval
   program. When it became clear to her commanders that she was more useful on 
   the ground than on a ship, she was transferred to the Special Forces
   training Program.

Bounty: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead

Location: Near the Chemical Plant

Seven of Spades

Name: Moon-Han Cheon

Bio: Moon-Han was a runner-up in a North Korean beauty pageant, the Beautiful
   and Demure Citizens of the Democratic People's Republic. She was asked to
   volunteer for the special forces program in an attempt to show the people
   how desirable such service was.

Bounty: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead

Location: Southeast of the Chemical Plant

Eight of Spades

Name: Shin-seok Kim

Bio: Before she joined Song's elite squad, Shin-seok was a highly sought 
after prostitute. The circumstances surrounding her departure from that career
and volunteering for Song's special forces squad are not well known, though 
speculation abounds.

Bounty: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead

Location: East of Dandong

Nine of Spades

Name: Soo-heon Park

Bio: Dr. Park served under General Yun in the nuclear weapons program. 
Probably as a result of prolonged exposure to improperly shielded nuclear 
materials, Dr. Park contracted fatal cancer. Upon learning of this, she 
abandoned her career as a scientist and enlisted, quickly gaining entrance 
into Song's special forces squad.

Bounty: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead

Location: Southeast of Chongju

Ten of Spades 

Name: Yun-yeon Cho 

Bio: Yun-yeon Cho served as an ambassador's aide until the age of 33, at which
   point she abruptly left her job and applied for Song's elite training
   program. Nobody in the West has managed to learn the reason behind this.
   Though she trained with women 2/3rds her age, she received the highest marks
   in the class. 

Bounty: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead

Location: South of Kusong

 Jack of Spades

Name: Kon Lee

Bio: Major Lee serves as director of General Song's Special Intelligence
   division. During peacetime, he co-opted Song's special forces squad and used
   them as a sort of secret police specializing in torture and assassination.
   Though he now spends more time spying on the South Koreans and Chinese, his
   ties to the Special Forces squad are still strong.

Bounty: $300,000 alive / $150,000 dead

Location: The contract "loose ends"

Queen of Spades

Name: Yong Park

Bio: One of the most accomplished men in the DPRK's army. Park is an avowed
   poet, holds a black belt in martial arts and a master's degree in
   literature, and is both a feared and capable military commander. One
   American military journal referred to him as "Korea's Patton."

Bounty: $350,000 alive / $175,000 dead

Location: The contract "Two Degrees of Separation"

King of Spades

Name: Kai Yun

Bio: Yun is the General in charge of Song's nuclear weapons. He is responsible
   for their positioning and deployment, and the men under his command are some
   of the most highly trained anywhere in the world. Prepared for multinational
   action, Yun hid and defended his arsenal in advance.

Bounty: $375,000 alive / $187,500 dead

Location: The contract "Titular Regius"

Ace of Spades

Name: Choi Song

Bio: General Song is the most dangerous man on earth. Intelligent, ruthless,
   and highly disciplined, he killed his father, the President, to prevent
   North Korea from capitulating to Western pressures and currently holds the
   codes for his country's considerable nuclear stockpile. He must be stopped
   at all costs. 

Bounty: $100,000,000 alive / $50,000,000 dead

Location: Verify enough cards to receive the Ace e-mail, then head to the AN HQ
   and speak to Colonel Garrett for the Ace Contract. You will be taken to a 
   separate map where the Ace will be located.


Merchant of Menace (XVI)

This section will just have items you can buy from the Merchant of Menace.


S. Korean K1025 scout

Faction: S. Korea

Carries:  driver, 3 passengers,  gunner

This one is an exact replica of the allied scout, except for its blue 
camouflage scheme. There is another kind that carries an anti tank launcher,
it is usually seen guarding important SK areas.


Mafia Technical

Faction: Russian Mafia

Carries: driver, gunner, passenger

These look like a pickup truck with a weapon mounted in the bed. They can
come with an automatic grenade launcher, a machine gun, or an anti tank



Faction: Civilian

Carries: driver, 3 passengers

This is the easiest vehicle to find in the whole game. The jaju will probably
be your primary transportation early on in the game since it's so easy to 
find. You'll find these where ever buildings are.


Chinese BJ2020 scout

Faction: China

Carries: Driver, passenger, gunner

These are the vehicles that the Chinese usually use. Whenever you need to get 
somewhere fast, this vehicle is a good choice. They patrol the area around


N. Korean Sungri Scout

Faction: N. Korea

Carries: driver, gunner, passenger

Nearly identical to the Chinese scout the Sungri Scout is slightly faster, and
has a different paint job. The mounted gun also can't turn all the way around.


N. Korean Transport Truck

Faction: N. Korea

Carries: 1 driver, 5 passengers

This is good for infiltrating NK bases with a few troops, they hide in the 
back of the bed. Encountering these things is annoying, because they always 
try to run you over, and it's very hard to dodge.


Hummer H3

Faction: civilian

Carries: 1 driver 3 passengers

A red car that looks like a Hummer. This is good for off-road driving, and is
pretty fast. The only way to find this is to order it.


Chinese fuel truck

Faction: China

Carries: driver, passenger

A cargo truck with a tank of fuel on the back. These things are essentially
moving bombs. It can be a very deadly weapon if you put a couple of packs of 
C4 on top of it.


Allies UH-60 Blackhawk

Faction: Allies

Carries: Driver, 2 gunners, 5 passengers

This chopper is very useful for when you want to transport a few troops 
somewhere. The chopper has mounted guns on either side, that can quickly rip
apart most scout choppers.


N. Korean BRDM scout

Faction: N. Korea

Carries: Driver, Gunner

These things are good for when you want to quickly infiltrate NK bases. They
are very fast for their size, and have a mounted machine gun on the roof. Good
for off-road driving. 


N. Korean BTR APC

Faction: N. Korea

Carries: driver, gunner, 5 passengers

These are good to carry a bunch of troops into NK territory unnoticed. This 
can carry 5 passengers, the only weapon it has is a mounted machine gun.


Chinese type 89 APC

Faction: China

Carries: driver, 4 passengers

Not the worst APC but there are much better ones. It only has a missile 
launcher that carries only 10 missiles, and there're pretty weak to. The only
thing this one's good for is transporting troops.


Allied M1O25 scout

Faction: Allies

Carries: driver, gunner, 3 passengers

This will probably be your most used vehicle, as it's so fast and common. The
allies patrol the area around the DMZ, and the MASH with these things.


Press Truck

Faction: Civilian

Carries: Driver, passenger

This is a pretty descent vehicle. These are the cars reporters use. If you
listen the man on the radio will talk about the last card you verified, but he
gives the credit to the Allies. This is a tough vehicle, and it's moderately


N. Korean BMP APC

Faction: N. Korea

Carries: driver, gunner

These are much better than the Chinese APC it shoots regular tank shells
instead of missiles, and carries a payload of 45 shells. They are usually in
groups guarding important NK locations, and can kill you very quickly.


ZSU-57 Anti air

Faction: N. Korea

Carries: Driver

These things aren't very useful against tanks, but they are useful against 
infantry and helicopters. These aren't very common or useful, but they can 
shoot very rapidly.


South Korean K200 APC

Faction: S. Korea

Carries: driver, 4 passengers

This is one of the best APCs in the game. The cannon fires very rapidly, and
powerfully, and will make short work of most vehicles, and infantry. They can
crush any fence or vehicle that gets in there way by running over them.


Allied M1126 APC

Faction: Allies

Carries: Driver, 4 passengers

In my opinion this is the best APC in the game by far. The cannon shoots very
rapidly, and can rip apart most vehicles, and tanks. The missile launcher is
very powerful, and will destroy most tanks in one hit.


Mafia SUV

Faction: Russian Mafia

Carries: driver, gunner, 3 passengers

This is a tough vehicle, with a mounted machine gun on the roof. These are 
pretty rare, but there is one beside the mafia garage and you will find one in
the Repo Man mission. There are also a few of them driving around in one of 
the areas. 


Street Racer

Faction: Civilian

Carries: driver, passenger

This is the fastest car in the game. To unlock it you have to keep it in one
piece, in the mission "106 miles to Sunuigu" It is a shiny red sports car. It 
is very fun to go as fast as you can and drive off a cliff while in this car.


Allied M1027 Anti-Air

Faction: Allies

Carries: Driver, Gunner

This is not all that great, as I never use it. One person drives while the 
other uses the AA gun.


Baggage Car

Faction: Civilian

Carries: driver

This is fun to play around with. You'll find this in airport areas, and a 
couple of other places. It's pretty fast, but want last 30 seconds in a 
war zone area.


N. Korean MD-500

Faction: N. Korea

Carries: driver, passenger

This is the only good chopper you can find reliably in South province. The 
MD-500 has two anti tank missiles, and a powerful 7.92mm  gun that can destroy
most enemy choppers quickly. These are very common enemies throughout the 


Chinese type 45 anti air

Faction: China

Carries: driver, gunner

Probably the best anti air vehicle in the game, the type 45 has machine guns
powerful AA missiles, and very strong armor for an AA vehicle.


Mafia VIP Sedan

Faction: Mafia

Carries: driver, passenger

This one is pretty fun to just drive around in but it handles horribly and is
slow. You unlock this after all of the mafia missions are complete.


Mafia MD- 530

Faction: Mafia

Carries: driver, gunner

This chopper is descent, has pretty good weapons, and is slightly faster than
the MD-500. It has 14 dumbfire missiles, and a 50 Cal. machine gun. The 
downside is that it lacks anti tank missiles.



Demolition supply drop

C4 and grenades


Allies Supply Drop

Carbine, C4, health, grenades, and ammo


Russian Supply Drop

Shotgun, SMG, ammo, and health


Sniper Rifle drop

Sniper rifle


Covert Supply Drop

Suppressed SMG, ammo grenades, health, C4


Chinese Supply Drop

Type 56 rifle, RPG, ammo, health


Vehicle Ammo drop

Ammo for your vehicle


Anti air rocket drop

Anti air missile launcher


Vehicle Repair drop

Restores some of your vehicles armor


Sniper Supply drop

Sniper ammo


Anti Tank Rocket drop

Anti Tank Rocket Launcher


Medical supply drop

Crate full of health packs


Vehicle Support drop

Vehicle health and ammo


Special Weapons drop

Anti Armor rifle, and LMG


Heavy weapons drop

Anti tank, and anti air rocket launchers


Advanced Weapons

Prototype Rifle


Cheat Weapons

Street sweeper, pocket artillery, and portable air strike


Air strikes

Surgical Strike

This is the most cost-effective air strike you'll find. It will destroy most
bunkers, and buildings in one hit.

Usefulness: high

Targeting type: laser

Artillery Strike

This air strike has almost no use except when you need to blow some thing up,
and don't have rockets or C4. What it does is shoot a bunch of explosions 
that usually miss your target.

Usefulness: low

Targeting type: beacon


Gunship Support

This is the most useless air strike in the game. All it does is an allied 
plane comes  in and shoots three weak shots, and sometimes he doesn't even

Usefulness: very low

Targeting type: laser


Strategic missile strike

This is a descent air strike. A missile comes in, and creates a small blast
radius. It is as powerful as the portable air strike.

Usefulness: moderate

Targeting type: Satellite


Cluster Bomb

This is an okay air strike. A plane flies by, and drops a single bomb that 
splits into a few smaller bombs. It is useful for large areas.

Usefulness: limited

Targeting type: Satellite


Bunker Buster Bomb

This is one of the best air strikes in the game. Don't let the first explosion
fool you this is very powerful. Make sure you're not to close to your target
before you use this one. It will destroy any bunker, building, or bridge in 
one hit.

Usefulness: High

Targeting type: laser


Artillery Barrage

Same as artillery strike, except fires more

Usefulness: low

Targeting Type: beacon


Stealth Fighter Attack

Same as Surgical Strike

Usefulness: moderate

Targeting Type: laser


Gunship Support II

Same as gunship support 1 except fires more

Usefulness: low

Targeting type: laser


Artillery Bombardment

Same as artillery barrage, fires more

Usefulness: low

Targeting type: beacon


Air Superiority

This is a very useful air strike. When you activate it, an allied plane will 
come in, and wipe out any hostile chopper in the area.

Usefulness: high

Targeting type: satellite


Cruise Missile Strike

This is pretty much a satellite activated Bunker Buster. The blast radius, and
power are the same.

Usefulness: high

Targeting type: satellite


Gunship Support III

Same as Gunship support II except fires more bullets

Usefulness: low

Targeting type: laser


Fuel- Air bomb

This has the largest blat radius of all the bombs. You can easily wipe out an
enemy base with a couple of these.

Usefulness: high

Targeting type: satellite


Carpet Bomb

The best bomb in the game, the carpet bomb covers a very wide area. After 
it's been activated a pilot will release it. A huge wall of explosions will 
appear, and move along the ground like a carpet. You can wipe out a whole city
with this powerful air strike.

Usefulness: very high

Targeting Type: Satellite

Tank Buster

This is the most useful air strike in the game. After you have activated it, a
plane will come in, and destroy every tank in the area.

Usefulness: very high

Targeting type: satellite


Weapons (XVII)






Name: Carbine

Magazine: 30

Ammo: 180


Name: SMG

Magazine: 45

Ammo: 180


Name: LMG

Magazine: 100

Ammo: 200


Name: Assault Rifle

Magazine: 30

Ammo: 120


Name: Prototype Rifle

Magazine: 100

Ammo: 200


Name: Shotgun

Magazine: 7

Ammo: 35


Name: Sniper rifle

Magazine: 10

Ammo: 30


Name: Anti Armor Rifle

Magazine: 5

Ammo: 15


Name: RPG

Magazine: 1

Ammo: 3


Name: Anti Tank Launcher

Magazine: 1

Ammo: 2


Name: Anti air launcher

Magazine: 1

Ammo: 2


Name: C4

4 charges


Name: Frag Grenade

6 grenades


Name: Stun Grenades

6 grenades


Name: Portable Air strike

Magazine: 999

Ammo: 999


Name: Street Sweeper

Magazine: 3000

Ammo: 3000


Name: Pocket Artillery

Magazine: 99

Ammo: 99


Bounties (XVIII)

Here are the locations to the monuments, national treaures, blueprints, and
listening posts. When you find them, you get money and you can also unlock 
supplies and cheats. Each of the bounty types will also make a faction happy.
Blueprints make the South Koreans happy, etc.

Coming Soon......

Challenges (XVIIII)

Throughout the world you will encounter different people that have jobs for 
you to do. If you do them well you will get some money and it will usually up
the mood of a faction.

Coming Soon.........


Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Left- Reset all factions to neutral 

Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right- Infinite Health 

Right, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left- Infinite Ammo 

Right, Down, Left, Up, Up, Left, Down, Right- $1,000,000 

Press Down, Down, Down, Down, Up, Left, Right, Right- All Items in Merchant Of
Menace Shop 



Gamefaqs- for cheats


Pandemic and Lucasarts- for a great game

David Rutter- for alternate strategies, and a few corrections, additions

Bruce Assante- for an alternate strategy to the Ace of Spades contract

Contact Information 

Email Adress: [email protected]

If you ask a question already answered in the guide you will be ignored

If you send in something you will be given full credit for it

Don't ask the same thing over and over again

Do NOT post this on your site without my permission

Legal Stuff 

This guide can not be copied without permission of the author. It can 
not be used as a means of profit.

Roll Tide Roll