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Route 3: Ouvert Way

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Level Range of wild pokemon: 4-5

Pokemon Type
Bidoof Normal
Fletchling Normal/Flying
Pidgey Normal/Flying
Azurill Normal/ Fairy
Bunnelby Normal
Durnsparce Normal
Pikachu Electric
Burmy Bug

Water Pokemon

You need to come back later once you have the capability to do encounter these Pokemon.

Pokemon Type Method
Magikarp Water Old Rod
Goldeen Water Good Rod
Corphish Water Good Rod
Seaking Water Super Rod
Crawdaunt Water/Dark Super Rod
Gyarados Water/Flying Super Rod
Marill Water/Fairy Surf
Masquerain Bug/Flying Surf

There will be a cutscene wherein Shauna will ask everyone what they will do now. Travis will catch more Pokémon for the Pokedex while your rival will be challenging the Pokémon Gym in the next town. To head to the next town, head north. If you are in a rush, you can avoid the trainers if you hug the wall opposite of them. If you want to battle, there are two trainers within line of sight.

Preschooler Oliver (Prize Money: P62)

  • LV2 Caterpie (Bug)
  • LV4 Azurill (Normal/Fairy)

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Preschooler Ella (Prize Money: P80)

  • LV5 Pichu (Electric)

Past the trainers and before heading down the stairs, you will see an item. Ignore it for now as you cannot obtain it yet. You cannot cut the tree in front of it until later.

From the stairs, head south to battle another trainer.

Schoolgirl Bridget(Prize Money: P192)

  • LV6 Bidoof (Normal)

After defeating Bridget, jump down south to obtain a Super Potion. Then head left and north to battle another trainer.

Schoolboy Brighton(Prize Money: P96)

  • LV 3 Pansage (Grass)
  • LV3 Pansear (Fire)
  • LV3 Panpour (Water)

Once you are finished with your battle, head north to enter Santalune City.

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  • Walkthrough I
  • Walkthrough II
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  • Competitive Battles
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