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Broodal Fight

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Walkthrough: Once in the mysterious airship, Bowser's wedding planners will one by one introduce themselves. As this happens, one of the Broodals will jump down in order to fight you, having his hat multiply on top of his head. Since he is your first real fight, the Broodal won't do much more than slowly chase you around the small area. The only real attack he has is to lie down and spin his multiple tiered hat in hopes of striking you. If he tries this attack, counter it by throwing Cappy at the hats in order to knock them from his head. As you do this, the spiked hats will begin bouncing around. You must avoid them or use Cappy to knock them down.

Once all three layers of his hat have been hit off his head, jump on the Broodal's head to deal some fierce damage. He'll try and hide under one of his hats after you do, as they continue to spin around the arena. Simply jump on all three hats to expose the Broodal once more, as well as gain some much needed health. Repeat this process for a second time to defeat the Broodal. After the fight is over, Cappy will tell you to use the Spark Pylon nearby to turn into a bolt of electricity. Once you do, you can use the railings to make your way straight to the next kingdom, Cascade Kingdom.

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