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Broodal Fight #8

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Walkthrough: Here it is, the final battle with the Broodal Group, this time with the first Broodal you fought way back in Cap Kingdom. Like your very first bout, he will come at you with multiple. Slowly but surely chip away at the hats, sending them spinning around the arena. After they do, use Cappy to knock of the Broodal's hat and land a jump straight to his head with Mario. When he's down, he will retreat to hiding within a ring of hats, eventually sending them bouncing around the arena in hopes of hitting you. Knock these hats aside with the help of Cappy, focusing your attention on the one that doesn't disappear to proceed to the next phase of the battle.

In the second phase of the match, he'll have eight hats this time around, using a spin attack to send some of the spinning across the arena at you. The faster you remove the hats he has, the less lethal he'll become as it will allow you to only worry about the ones spinning around the arena. Quickly remove his final hat after you do, and then land another strike to his head. Do the same thing as before, repeating the same process of taking out his multitude of hats after he retreats to hiding in them.

In the third and final phase of the battle, he will now have thirteen hats you will need to get rid of. This will make his spin attack very difficult to handle, especially since you will have to deal with some hats spinning around the arena at the same time. You can remove the hats going about the arena simply by jumping on them, allowing you to slowly but surely get rid on all the hats he has on his head. After knocking off his final remaining hat, land final blow to his head to finish him off. After defeating his, the drawbridge will open to Bowser's Castle. It's finally time to stop Bowser once and for all.

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