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Questions & Answers

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How do you get other Inmates to Like you?

It is important that you make friends with your fellow inmates, especially your neighbouring cellmates because doing so will mean they are less likely to call attention to your illegal activity. You can improve your approval ratings with prisoners by chatting do them, doing them favours, or by giving them items and money. Avoid getting into fights and 'refusing' favours with other inmates as it has a negative impact. Favours you have no intention of doing give a 'Maybe' as the available favours tend to refresh fairly quickly so you will get a fresh one without damaging a relationship.

Which Guards have the Keys?

At the screen where you can rename the NPCs the first five guards will be the ones with the keys.

1st Guard: Cell Key

2nd Guard: Utility Key

3rd Guard: Entrance Key

4th Guard: Staff Key

5th Guard: Work Key.

How do you Make Keys?

To make keys you need molten plastic, a wad of putty, and 80 intellect. You first knock out the guard, then take the key off him and quickly craft your own key mould by using the putty. It is then important to place the key back into the guard's inventory otherwise you will find yourself in solitary when the guard wakes up. Now use the key mold with the molten plastic.

How do you get the White Key?

Each prison has a door which can be opened with a white key. This white key is not carried by any of the guards, to get it you must take over the prison by staging a riot.

How do you Stage a Riot?

You beat up all the guards and tie them up with rope or tape. A riot can be made easier by getting help from inmates by boosting Opinion ratings to get them in your favor. Once you have captured all the guards the Warden of the prison will ask you to leave before you cause any more damage.

How do you get another Imates Job?

Disruptting the work process of the inmate's job you are after will make them lose it and enable you to apply for it. There are several ways you can do this, for example you can beat them up just before their work call or plant contraband in their cell.

How do you Deal with Cameras?

If you don't want a camera seeing what you are up to you can use Toothpaste or Duct Tape to cover it up for a limited amount of time before a guard comes along and fixes it.

How do you Increase Intellect?

You can boost this stat by reading books in the library or by browsing the Internet on the computer.

How do you Tie somebody up?

To tie somebody up, select either a length of rope, or some duct tape, and left click on their unconcious body.

How do you Cut Fences?

Wait until nighttime before you cut the fence. Use cutters to get through it faster, to craft these requires two files and some duct tape. Some fences are electric which means the generator will need to be turned off for them to be cut.

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