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Collectibles (Chapter 11)

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Refer to the descriptions and video(s) below on how to find all items that you can inspect in the game. You don't need to reach the next checkpoint to save your progress. As long as you inspected the item, you can immediately quit to the main menu without finishing the checkpoint or chapter. These are divided to individual checkpoints per chapter for your convenience, in case you need to do some backtracking for anything you missed.

Checkpoint: The United East India House

1. Newspaper #7

At the start of the chapter, find this newspaper on the table drawer near the large table.

2. Photograph #8

This is located in the next room, to your immediate right. Don't examine the crossbow in the other side of the room; otherwise, it will trigger a cutscene which will take you to the next area.

3. Phonograph Cylinder #11: The Anarchists 17.10.86

After picking up the crossbow and watching the cutscene, follow Lucan but don't jump across the gap to the next building. Go downstairs instead and find a chest in the dead end containing this canister.

Checkpoint: Covert Mission

4. Newspaper #8

After ziplining to the gardens, take out the guards and find the gate leading to the lower gardens. Before opening the gate, you'll find a room behind it containing ammo and the newspaper on the table.

5. Photograph #9

After clearing the lower garden and getting boosted by Lucan over the wall, pick the lock of the next door and you'll find this photo on the table to the right.

Checkpoint: Not a Moment Too Soon

6. Object #10

After going through the water duct and saving Lakshmi from the guard who spotted her, you'll have to continue forth afterward. Kill the last guard ahead of you then turn to the right where you'll find a door. Open the door to find the last object on the work bench.

7. Phonograph Cylinder #12: News from the East Indies

After entering the headquarters and clearing the guards inside, you'll go downstairs where you'll find this phonograph cylinder on a drawer in the short corridor.

8. Document #14

Beside the phonograph cylinder, you'll find a door that you can short circuit. Go inside the room to find more weapons and another document.

Checkpoint: Peacekeeper

9. Phonograph Cylinder #13: Ramayana, First Verse

After regrouping with Lucan, you'll have to clear the hall of enemies. Continue forth and you'll have to go up in a spiral staircase. In the next room, pick up the canister at the far end of the table.

10. Newspaper #9

After the firefight in the balcony, head inside the room and search for one of the small tables on the right side to find this item.

Checkpoint: Finding Proof

You won't be able to search this area in one go since a story cutscene will trigger automatically afterward. Basically, the remaining collectibles in this chapter is found in the Archives room, on both sides. After checking out one side completely and the story cutscene triggers, reload the checkpoint and check the other side this time. Refer to the videos below.

-- Video coming soon --

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