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Goku (GT) FAQ

by Albjoker25


Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 
Goku GT Faq Version Final



1. Legal
2. Introduction
3. Goku's Background 
4. SuperSaiyan Look
5. Basic Manuvers
6. Goku GT (Base)
7. Goku GT (SSJ1)
8. Goku GT (SSJ3)
9. Goku GT (SSJ4)
10. Strategies
11. Potara Setup
12. Thanks


                        1. <><><><(---Legal---)><><><>

Hi. I Albjoker25 wrotte this character guide, So I wanted to write about 
a game that I loved and I chose this game because i got it for christmas, 
and my one of favorite character to write about,Goku. I hope you enjoy this 
faq and find it helpful. By the way this faq is for Broly. 
You can contact me at [email protected]

                     2. <<<(---Introduction---)>>>

Hi. I Albjoker25 wrotte this character guide, So I wanted to write about 
a game that I loved and I chose this game because i got it for christmas, 
and my one of favorite character to write about,Goku. I hope you enjoy this 
faq and find it helpful. By the way this faq is for Goku GT. 
You can contact me at [email protected]

                  3.<<<(---Goku's Background---)>>>

Goku (Gokuh, Gokou, Son Goku, Kakarot, Kakarotto): 
Taught martial arts by his adoptive grandfather, Gohan, who raised him out 
in the wilderness. He is extremely strong, agile, and virtually fearless. 
He'll take on any fight no matter what the odds are if he thinks that 
someone has been wronged, and he'll usually win. When the Saiyans arrive 
on Earth, Goku learns the mysterious secret of his own past: he is a 
Saiyan named Kakarot. Goku was sent to Earth as a baby to grow up and 
destroy the planet, but a head injury as a child scrambled Goku's 
programming. Instead of growing up to become a destructive super-warrior, 
he became innocent and pure of heart, fighting for good. Goku is peaceful, 
good natured, honest, loving to his family and friends, loyal, trustworthy, 
and brave. If he has a weakness, it is his trusting nature. He always finds 
the "good" in people when others don't see it, though Goku's enemies 
sometimes take advantage of his naive trust. He trained under Master Roshi 
and wears his symbol until he trains under King Kai, whose symbol he wears 
on the back but keeps Roshi's on the front. Goku marries Chi-Chi, and Together 
they have two sons: Gohan and Goten. When Cell blows himself up in hopes to 
destroy Earth Goku uses his instant transmission technique to transport them 
both to King Kai's place killing Goku along with King Kai but unfortunately 
not Cell. Gohan eventually kills Cell but Goku decides to stay in Other World 
and train. There Goku surpasses Super Saiyan 2 and reaches Super Saiyan 3. 
He one day visits Earth for a tournament but is told by Supreme Kai about 
Buu who he then battles. When Goku's 1 day limit is up he is forced to return 
to Other World but to his great surprise finds Gohan is in fact alive and 
training in secret with Supreme Kai. Eventually Goku beats Buu and comes back 
to live on Earth. This is when GT starts of. In this saga Goku is turned back 
into a child by a wish made u the red Shenron by a old enemy of Goku. In this 
state he has acces to all he's powers but because of the small body he cannot
maintain ssj3 for too long and cannot instant transmition in the right place 
because he learned the tecnique until he was an adult with a fully grown body.
The size reduction throws him off. When collection the black star dragon balls
so earth wouldent explode they encounter the last of the Tuffels Babi and he
goes to earth and takes over Vegetas body and trys to kill Goku. At this time 
Goku grows his tail again revealing his true potential and gain the ability to
transform into a SSj4 after a episode where he turned into a giant golden Appe
with the abilities of a SSj4 but with no controll which he gains after seeing 
Pam cry. In this transformation he's body is fully grown to be able to handle 
the immense power but turns back to normal when he powers down.

                      4.<<<(---SuperSaiyan Look---)>>>

Whats a SuperSaiyan without the look.

Transgressing oneself and becoming a Super Saiyan is triggered by an event of
incredible despair and anger. In the moments leading up to the change, the 
eyes become unfocused and the body rattles like an earthquake is welling up 
inside � after which, the transformation occurs like an instantaneous 
maelstrom of energy! Supposedly, one must have a power level in the 
multi-millions beforehand, and also have a pure heart 
(good, evil, or otherwise�) during the time of transformation. The power 
increase is relatively unknown, as it depends on the Saiyan, and how much 
training they have undergone.

A Super Saiyans look is severy changed. The hair stands up and turns a bright
yellow. and there are sparks of electricity arround him and if the change is 
brought on by severe anger (like in Goku's case) the eyes go blank and the 
Saiyan looses all control of himself and only thinks about one thing. 
Complete and utter destruction of the enemy with no mercy.
There is also a super Super Saiyan which is tougher than a Super Saiyan but 
weaker than a Super Saiyan 2. In this state the hair spikes further on end 
and is more defined. The aura for this state is rough, and much more 
energetic than that of the previous level. Muscle mass increases 
significantly. (Vegeta and Future Trunks during the Cell Saga are the only 
ones known to have ever reached this in between level). In the case of a 
SuperSaiyan 2 the hair becomes more defined and the sparks of electricity 
are not there anymore.This state is only reached by Goku, Vegeta and Gohan. 
Beyond that of a Supersaiyan 2 is a SuperSaiyan 3. This is the second most 
image altering transformation for Saiyan. In this state the hair is drasticaly
longer and goes all the way don the back. The eyebrows become like those of 
cave man and the electriity spikes return. Goku and Gotenks are the only two 
saiyans know to have ever reached this state. Goku Gt is still a litle kid
in this tansformation and cant hold it for long because of the size of the 
body. The highest level ever achieved by a Saiyan is SuperSaiyan 4.
In this state The tail grwos long and becames red. The body is covered by 
thick red fur. And the hair turns black and sort of crowns the head.
Goku and Vegeta are the only known Saiyans to ever reach this state. This 
is by far the strongest of all the transformations. 

                    5.<<<(---Basic maneuvers---)>>>

I want to thank green_dragon21 for this section.

Now its time for me to tell basic maneuvers about the game. I mostly use the
classic controller because of the easier game play and some because of better
responsivnes , but I will try my best to not mention specific buttons from 
the type i use. P.S. I will try to include my opinion to help you choose 
which attacks are better suited to your type of game play.

Fast movement: Also known as teleporting. You press the block button right 
before an attack hits you.
In my opinion this is the most uefull best dodge teknique in the game.
It may take a while to get used to it but not to worry once you got it down 
you'll be untouchable (litteraly)

Z- Counter: Press up and attack the moment and attack hits you. You will 
block the attack and warp behind the opponent and attack them.
Although it sounds like a good move it is hard to pull of and wasts ki.

Z-sway: While being blocking attacks press the ki and block button. This will 
cause you to dodge many fast attacks and counter with an attack of your own.
This is a counter that will be less effective the more you use it (against 
humans that is) it will get extremmly predictable and should be used wisely
but other wise against the computer i will take a while but it too will 
predict you using it but only in those ridiculaously long battles.

Dragon Rush: Charge up ki and dash. This is when an aura envelopes your 
character and you dash at high speeds at the opponent. This is useful for 
getting close to the enemy fast.
This is one of the most used tecniques in the gaem and is great for both 
chasing and runnig away. And if your max power mod is almost up this is 
a great way to get it in before it runs out.

Dragon Homing: After you send the opponent flying with an attack, dash and 
you will home on to them. Other than that it's the same as a dragon rush.
I relly dont get the point of this and have no advice on the matter.

Reflecting ki: In this game reflecting ki is a little different from before. 
You have to hold block, then right before the ki blast hits you press left 
or right. This only works on small ki blast though. For ones that are big 
and are fully charged up, press block right before it hits you.
This is very useless the only reason to block or even launch a small ki blast
that does virtually no damage and the only use i can think of is when you far 
appart and your opponent is charging this will stop him and break the charge
of course this will not work on bigger opponents like Broly and Great Appes.

Vanish Attacks. After you send the enemy flying, press the ki button and you 
will appear behind them and attack them.
This is a great way to hain together attackes for biger damage and when you 
send tham flying they are left wide open for a B1 or B2 or even UB.

Perfect smash: Hold the attack button, and exactly when you start to flash 
white let go. You will the teleport ford and attack. 
This is basically a perfect move to do, but its hard to do and takes plenty
of practice and personaly i dont bother.

                       6.<<<(---Goku GT (Base)---)>>>

Blast 1: Solar Flare 2 blast stocks
This move is incredible it flashes the screen and your oponent looses their
lock on and are left defensles for a few seconds. I love this move.

Blast 1: Afterimage Strike 3 blast stocks

This is a good blast 1 move. When you do it, it will charge your body and 
temporarily boost your speed.

Blast 2: Kamehameha 3 ki bars

Goku's signature move. He will fire a big blue beam of energy. You can charge 
this move up by holding down the ki button. When fully charge it does a lot 
of damage, but it takes awhile to fully charge it. Damage: 7740-12420. 

Blast 2: Dragon Fist 3 ki bars

Goku's rush move. He flies at a high speed and does a pretty cool looking 
punch on the victim. This rush actually flies kinda far, so it can work from 
distances. It does as much damage as an uncharged Kamehameha. Damage: 7610. I 

Ultimate Blast: Spirit Bomb

Goku fires off a huge spirit bomb. If it Hits the opponent it chages
the scenery to he total destruction looking one. 
This move is good if you do it when your close to the enemy because its 
huge and its unblockable. Damage: 11050. 

                         7.<<<(---Goku GT SSJ1---)>>>

Blast 1: Wild Sense 2 blast stocks
This move makes you automatically dodge and it's very usefull for any kind
of strategy.

Blast 1: Full Power 3 blast stocks

This is a good blast 1 move. When you do it, it will charge your body and 
take you to max power mode.

Blast 2: Super Kamehameha 3 ki bars

Goku's signature move. He will fire a big red beam of energy. You can charge 
this move up by holding down the ki button. When fully charge it does a lot 
of damage, but it takes awhile to fully charge it. Damage: 7380-10740. 

Blast 2: Full Power Energy Blast Volley 3 ki bars

Goku's rush move. He flies at a high speed and does a pretty cool looking 
combo on the victim. This rush actually flies kinda far, so it can work from 
distances. It does as much damage as an uncharged Kamehameha. Damage: 5280. I 

Ultimate Blast: Super Explosive Wave

Goku explodes in a big fire ball and hurts anyone arround him.
This move is good if you do it when your close to the enemy because its 
huge and its unblockable. Damage: 15060. 

                         8.<<<(---Goku GT SSJ3---)>>>

Blast 1: Saiyan Soul 3 blast stocks
This move temporarily powers up your strenght and speed.
It is defenetly not worth 3 blast gauges I recomend never using it.

Blast 1: Hi-Tension 2 blast stocks

This is a good blast 1 move. When you do it succsesfully it will take you to 
max power mode.
Great if your low o ki and your oponent is almost finished. It will definetly
turn the tide your way. 

Blast 2: Super Kamehameha 3 ki bars

Goku's signature move. He will fire a big red beam of energy. You can charge 
this move up by holding down the ki button. When fully charge it does a lot 
of damage, but it takes awhile to fully charge it. 
Damage: 6660-12720

Blast 2: Full Power Energy Blast Volley 3 ki bars

Goku's rush move. He flies at a high speed and does a pretty cool looking 
combo on the victim. This rush actually flies kinda far, so it can work from 
distances. Damage: 5180

Ultimate Blast: Dragon Fist

Goku rushes toward the oponent and goes though tham with a dragon fist 
and when he goes though he turns arround and launches a kamehameha wave.
This move is good if you do it when your close to the enemy because its 
huge and its almost unblockable. 
Damage: 14480

                        9.<<<(---Goku GT SSJ4---)>>>

Blast 1: Instantaneous Transmition 2 blast stocks
This is the ultimatedodge move it will dodge any move withpout fail if you'r
fast enough. I personaly use this move a lot and think you should too.

Blast 1: I'll Beat You In 5 Seconds! 2 blast stocks

This is a good blast 1 move. When you do it succsesfully it will temporarily
increase your strenght and speed. And charge 4 ki stocks.
Great if your low on ki and your oponent is almost finished. It will definetly
turn the tide your way. 

Blast 2: x10 Kamehameha 3 ki bars

Goku's signature move. He will fire a big red beam of energy. You can charge 
this move up by holding down the ki button. When fully charge it does a lot 
of damage, but it takes awhile to fully charge it. Damage: 7760-9440. 

Blast 2: Meteor Crash 3 ki bars

Goku's rush move. He flies at a high speed and does a pretty cool looking 
combo on the victim. This rush dosent flies far, so it can't work from 
distances. Damage: 8400.

Ultimate Blast: Dragon Fist

Goku flies at the oponent and throughs tham on the ground and punches the 
ground and a yellow goldenish looking dragon flies out and eats the oponent. 
This move is good if you do it when your close to the enemy because its 
huge and its almost unblockable. Damage: 16010.


Goku GT (Base)

OK this is a difficult character to play with because the point is to 
transform into a SSJ4 but sometimes you cant wait for the slow blast gauge to
fill up so you have to make due with what you got. His moves are very divers
and allow for many different kinds of play. One way is to focus on his
finisher and his B2s and even B1s. Try using solar flare followed by Dragon
Fist. And After Image strike and rush your oponent. The super Kamehameha is 
a great way to gain the upper hand. But i will set you back 3 ki gauges.
Although he is a very diverse characer with all the different ki attacks
but his hand to hand leaves a lot to be dissired. His small statue makes for 
a  easy targett and i would not try to take any one on in this form.
Although you can do very well with his ki attacks you focus should be to 
build up your blast gauges to transform as that will bring you closer to 

Goku GT (SSJ1)

This is a great character but is only used shortly because you only need one
blast gauge to transform again. But some people like him so I'll try to
writte about how to use him best. But just for the record i would really
ransform AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if I were you. Bu anyway his strenghts lie in
his full power, super kamehameha and explosie wave. First knock him away and 
charge your ki. then use Super kamehameha andthis is your main cousre of 
action until you build up 3 blast gauges and 3 because it gives you 3 chanses
to nail a finisher 3 or 2 times but it takes little skill to get it all 3 

Goku GT (SSJ3)
Of all this is the character with the slowest ki charge and his punches are 
not that fast or that strong but he is one blast gauge away from SSJ4 and
as stated earlier that should be your main focus. But still some people
prefer a challange or in some cases the opnent is just that damn good
that you keep having to waste your blast gauges but not to worry.
This character has a few strenghts that really make him worth while but
you should try your hardest to play him as a custom character. For a few
great potara builds read on. But if for some reason you have to play 
with him in normal mode this is what you should stick to. He has really
good B1 and B2's and a worthwhile UB. Try to do a hit and run type strategy
until you can charge your ki and a thing that peple forget is that when your
charging your ki and you get enough for one attack and your oponent is 
still down you should not under any circumstance stop your charge to 
go attack. This is a critical mistake i've seen many people online do.
This is crutial and if you dont do this mistake it will likely greatly
increase your chanses of victory. You have to charge until the second 
before he attacks you. This will likely give you time to charge an extra
ki bar which in case you cant put your oponent down in time to recharge
will mean you have to recharge two instead of three bars before you can 
attack again. Considering his small stature i strongly recomend not making a
hand to hand out of this character.

Goku GT (SSJ4)
Ok. The cream of the crop. This is the best character not countin Gogeta(SSJ4).
He has the strongest punches, fastest ki charge and just overall best B1, B2's
and UB. I dont have a lot to say on this character his stats speak forthemselfs.
With him it's all offense. His Kamehameha is very fast and wide and strong. It's
like the best of tham all. Because there is a short cutscene if your close 
enough this will not miss and in an avarage character it will do about
one and a quarter health bar damage. Given there are only up to six this is 
a formidable move. Plus the finisher is a rush which at times can be anoying 
and if the oponent is worth his while he will have no trouble dodging it.
So my advise would be to save up your blast gauges for the insant transmition.
So your moves should revolve around kamhameha and your rush move. 

AS you can probably see all my strategies revolve arround ki based attacks.
If anyone has better strategies for any of tham i will post tham and gladly give
you credit for tham. My email is [email protected]

                       11.<<<(---Potara Build---)>>>

This is for a physical hand to hand type of a character.

Attack Up 3 & Super Down 1
Ki power up 3 & Defense Down 1
Defense Up 3

Gou Type

Another Great build for close combat would be:

King Kais Training
Combo Master
Warrior's Will

Goku Type

Another One for Close hand to hand is:

Fighting Spirit
Dragon Beat
Dendes Healing Ability
Attack Up 2 & Defense Down 1

Goku Type

This is a more ki oriented build:

Satisfying Blow
Ki power Up 3
Super Up 3

Krillin Type

This is a overall build:

Satisfying Blow
Ki power Up 2
Attack Up 2
Defense Up 2

Krillin Type

                      12.<<<(---Special Thanks---)>>>

Thanks Akira Toriyama for making DBZ. I love this show. My Favorite Ever.

Thanks to any one that has or will send me any 
new strategies or potara builds.

And thanks to you for reading that faq

FeedBack Is Appriciated

And a thanks to green_dragon21 whoose guide inspired me to to writte my own.

Thanks to wikipedia for providing the info for Goku's background.