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Convene (Gacha) Guide

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Like most of the popular live-service games available right now, Wuthering Waves also incorporates a Gacha system called Convene where players can use certain in-game currencies to "pull" for the characters and weapons they want. The catch is, RNG and luck is also built within gacha systems. Players can get the characters or weapons they want sometimes in a few pulls or if they're unlucky enough, they'll have to spend more resources before finally getting what they want. In this page, we will discuss the different banners in the game and how the gacha system works.

What is a Gacha?

If you're already familiar with the concept, you can skip this section and continue to the other sections below; otherwise, please read on. Think of gacha as a lottery or loot box system where you have to spend premium currency or special tickets/vouchers for a chance to get something from the prize pool of possible prizes/items/characters. In Wuthering Waves, you can pull for characters and weapons. Copies of both can also be obtained and used as permanent power-up items that can unlock and improve character skills and abilities, or improve a weapon's passive ability. In any case, getting new characters and weapons are usually sought after as well as they bring value and more strategic options for players, especially for character-building and team composition.

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For any gacha game, players use a trick called "rerolling" as soon as they start the game for a chance at snagging their favorite or top-notch characters by using the free in-game currency or resources provided to newcomers. It also aids in deciding whether you wish to push ahead with your game progress or start from scratch, all without any further expenditure.If you need detailed instructions on how to reroll, please check out our Reroll Guide.

For more information about which characters to keep on your reroll attempts, please check out our dedicated page about who is the standard 5-standard character to pull for.

Pity Rate

A "Pity" rate system is found on the majority of games with the gacha mechanic. This system enables you to have the guaranteed chance to get the character or weapons after a certain number of pulls. Without this system, it is possible to burn through all of your resources without even getting the character or weapon you want when you have an extremely unlucky streak. To make the explanation a bit easier to read and remember, please refer to the bullet points below.

  • Every 10 summons guarantees at least one 4-star character or higher.
  • Getting a 5-star character will reset the pity counter back to 0.
  • If you haven't gotten a 5-star character, the pity counter will be carried over when a banner changes.
  • The limited weapon banner is guaranteed to give you the featured limited 5-star weapon, once you trigger the appearance of the 5-star weapon. The number of convenes needed will still depend on your luck. (For example, you can get the weapon in 10 convenes or you have to hit the guaranteed pity rate of 80 convenes to get the weapon)
  • All convenes will award you with Corals and Wavebands (for duplicate character copies). More details about this extra reward system will be discussed in one of the sections below.

There are some exceptions to these rules, especially on beginner and welcome banners (we will cover that in detail on the following page). You can also check your convene records and manually count the number of convenes since the last 5-star you have triggered by clicking the clock icon in the bottom-left corner of the banners.

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Gacha Currency

Wuthering Waves uses three currencies or tokens in their gacha system:

  • Lustrous Tide: This is the standard token used for beginner banners and the permanent character and weapon banners. You can easily earn these from various in-game activities and you'll receive a lot of these when you start the game.
  • Radiant Tide: This is the game's premium convene token used exclusively for pulling featured limited 5-star characters.
  • Forging Tide: This is the game's premium convene token used exclusively for pulling featured limited 5-star weapons.

You can exchange 160 Astrites (the premium currency) that you earn in-game or purchased using real money to get these convene tokens. However, I strongly suggest not to use any of your Astrites to exchange for Lustrous Tides (standard convene token) and instead, use the Astrites to get either Radiant Tides or Forging Tides as needed. (Should you need more Astrites, you can top them off by purchasing Lunites using real money, then converting them to Astrites and/or signing up for a monthly Lunite Subscription that will deliver 90 Astrites daily for 30 days.)

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Extra Gacha Rewards

You'll obtain extra rewards in the form of Corals whenever you pull characters. These corals can be used as currency to exchange for various rewards - including the convene tokens we discussed above. You can obtain Corals by convening characters and weapons. How many corals and the type of corals you'll get will depend on the rarity of the character/weapon you have pulled, and the number of copies you already have, as listed below:

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Wavebands are obtained when you're getting copies of characters you already own. These can be used to unlock Resonance Chain slots, which will permanently activate skill improvements and other upgraded effects for the character. These are significant upgrades and since Wavebands are exclusive to their owners, there's really no other use for them. There's no reason to hold them in your inventory, you must immediately use these Wavebands to immediately take advantage of their benefits.

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You can purchase a maximum of 2 Wavebands for 5-star characters from the in-game shop using Afterglow Corals so that means you just need to hopefully get 4 copies of that character to fully max out their Resonance chain. Wavebands of standard 5-star characters are permanently available for the shop, Wavebands of limited 5-star characters will be only available during their limited run, while two featured 4-star character wavebands will get refreshed after a while.

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Now that we have covered the basics of the game's gacha system, we will discuss the individual gacha banners in detail in the following article.

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