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How to Reroll in Wuthering Waves

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In gacha games, players employ tricks and strategies to gain a strong headstart in the game. One of those tried-and-tested tricks is rerolling. In this page, we will quickly discuss how rerolling works in Wuthering Waves and how you can take advantage of this.

What is Rerolling?

Rerolling involves creating (several) new accounts with the hope of obtaining a powerful or preferred character early in the game. The time it will take for this process will heavily depend on the game's design; for example, if you can skip certain parts, how long the tutorial sections and missions take, and finally how generous the initial rewards are.

Upon starting their journey in Wuthering Waves, players can earn a decent amount of premium in-game currency and access to a beginner banner known as “Convenes.” This window of opportunity is essential for rerolling, since you can practically rush through the opening sequences of the game and the story, thanks to the ability to manually skip cutscenes or story events.

Advantages of Rerolling

If you're new to the gacha scene, you might wonder why take these tedious steps before committing to the game. Gacha systems is a form of lottery; you can spend premium in-game currency for a chance to get a random character or weapon. If you're aiming to get a specific character, there's no guarantee that you'll get him or her since everything relies heavily on RNG. Rerolling allows you to use whatever resources or chances to "pull" for these characters/ weapons which are abundant early in the game. After reaching this "sweet spot" of optimal resource for gacha pulling and if you still didn't get the character you want, you can just restart with a new account and do the same process again until you get what you want.

How to Reroll

The ability to pull for weapons or characters, called Convene, is a feature that is unlocked during Chapter 1, Act 1: First Resonance. Once available, you'll immediately access to Utterance of Marvels, which serves as the beginner banner. You'll also gain access to permanent (standard) Character and Weapon Convenes, as well as the "premium" Character and Weapon convenes that are only available for a limited time.

The limited-time convenes require Radiant and Forging Tides, currencies that you might not have access early on. However, the Novice Convene will only require Lustrous Tides, which you’ll earn abundantly during the opening hours of the game - particularly after completing the story quest at the Academy that will unlock the Convene (summon) feature of the game.

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There's also a discount for Utterance of Marvels convene, where you can only spend eight Lustrous Tides for 10 convenes or pulls. You are guaranteed to get a random 5-star standard character after reaching 50 convenes in this banner, at the cost of 40 Lustrous Tides. I highly recommend pulling for this banner first since it is different from the free 5-star character selector in a different banner, featuring the same character options. This means that if you managed to pull the standard character you want in the Utterance of Marvels convene, then you can select a different 5-star using the selector. After that, you can then use your premium currency (Astrites) to pull for the limited character banner.

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If you didn't get the limited character or if you didn't like your current roster, then you can delete your account and start the game again using another email account. Repeat the process until you get the characters you want and you're satisfied to continue your progress with the current account.

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