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Pioneer Podcast (Battle Pass) Guide

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If you have played several gacha games or even live service games before, then the concept of Battle Passes is a familiar concept. Battle Passes offer additional rewards by completing daily and weekly activities over a period of time. After a Battle Pass period (or "season"), the rewards and progress are reset so players can work towards them again. In this guide, we will discuss how Pioneer Podcast, Wuthering Waves' version of a Battle Pass system works.

Pioneer Podcast

This feature is unlocked after reaching Union Level 9. As you complete various tasks in the game, you'll earn Podcast EXP by completing Pioneer Podcast Quests to increase the Podcast Level. You can only earn a maximum of 10,000 Podcast EXP during the course of the entire week. This limit is refreshed weekly. You can also purchase a level using 100 Astrites but I highly discourage this since the amount of rewards you'll get isn't worth that much as the premium currency you're trying to spend.

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The maximum Podcast Level you can reach is LV70 but the meaningful rewards can be achieved at LV60. From LV61 to LV70, you'll just get a meager amount of Shell Credits (for the free Public channel) or a huge amount of credits and some morphable overlord class echoes for the Insider / paid channel)

Public Channel vs Insider Channel

The Public Channel is the free battle pass that is available by default to all players. The paid version is called the Insider Channel, which will unlock a new row of rewards for every level. Players who have the Insider Channel purchased will be able to collect both the free and paid rewards per level. Insider Channel members can also get a good amount of Astrites, convene tokens, supply (reward) chests, tuners, and morphable echoes as guaranteed rewards.

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Additionally, Insider Channel allows you to pick a 4-star weapon of your choice upon reaching Podcast LV30. These four star weapons are exclusively available only in the battle pass rewards; users can't get it through Convene and any other means.

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Podcast Quests

Podcast Quests are divided into three categories: Morning Broadcasts, Weekly Highlights, and Seasonal Specials.

Morning Broadcasts

There are only four quests under this category which get reset as part of the game's daily server reset. After completing a quest, you have to claim it to register its Podcast EXP to your current total. Unclaimed EXP that gets reset as part of the scheduled daily server reset are lost permanently. Each morning broadcast awards you with 200 Podcast EXP for a total of 800 PEXP daily.

Podcast Quest Podcast EXP
Consume a total of 180 Waveplates 200
Absorb 3 Echoes 200
Guidebook Activity reaches 100 200
Log in to the game 200

Weekly Highlights

As the name suggests, these are weekly quests that take a bit more effort to complete but will yield higher Podcast EXP ranging from 500 to 700. Some of the weekly quests will coincide with your daily quests and activity tasks so just by playing the game regularly, you'll be able to naturally unlock some of them.

Podcast Quest Podcast EXP
Collect 30 Collectibles 600
Use 400,000 Shell Credits in total 500
Absorb 30 Echoes in total 700
Tune Echoes 50 times 600
Complete Tacet Fields 5 times 600
Complete Forgery Challenge 5 times 600
Defeat Overlord Class enemy 5 times 600
Complete Weekly Challenge two times 500
Complete Daily Quests 3 times 700
Use 10 consumables in total 600

Seasonal Specials

These are special quests that are tied to the ongoing temporary events or limited Challenges. Since these are changing often and up only for a limited time, they're worth more Podcast EXP, ranging from 1500 to 3000 each.

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