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Easy Experience hints and tips for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

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Easy Experience


On Korriban in the tomb of Ludo Kressh, there is an area with a dead jedi in it. If you serch this jedi, two hssiss will emerge. The more that you search the corpse, the more hssiss will emerge. If you are a light side jedi, you want to have master force drain and death field. Use death field three times then switch to force drain so neither your health or force points go below a critical level. I f you are a dark jedi ;however, you only need death field because your force points comeback as fast as you use them.

We have more cheats and tips for this game here, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords cheats

Added by: JLWilliams13
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