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Valen Dreth Quick Escape hints and tips for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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Valen Dreth Quick Escape


After sucessfully navigating your way through the imperial sewers to reach valen dreths cell (be careful of guards and it's best to use invisibility potions to avoid running into them) hide behind the secret wall in your cell (where you escaped at the start) you should hear a guards vocie talking to valen dreth wait 1 hour (or if you can't as your a vampire just wait normally it doesn't take too long) go out of your cell open the gates (after waiting for the guard to dissapear) there will not be any more guards. Go left and on the end table is two keys take them both, go up to valen dreth you can talk to him if you want he will shout "guards guards" (no gaurds have ever came to him when I've done it but then again I haven't hung around after killing him) open the gate with the key and kill him then go right up the stairs( I use invisibility just a a precaution) then using the second key from the table unlock the top door after going in guards don't attack you now go right outside then fast travel back to cheydinhal to vicente valtiera to recieve the scale of pitilus justice (assuming you didn't kill any guards on the way there). Hope this helps! Smile

We have more cheats and tips for this game here, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion cheats

Added by: monstaman
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