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Move List

by TGMasaki

			   WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008

				  FAQ/Move List
				 by Benjamin Lam

Legal Information:
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, 
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed 
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other 
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a 
violation of copyright.

This walkthrough is authorized to be hosted on the following websites:
GameFAQs -
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In addition, any other sites that have been listed in my previous
FAQ/Walkthrough are allowed to have it up on their site.

If you see this walkthrough on a site other than those listed, please notify 
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Contact Information:
My e-mail is [email protected] if you have any questions and I'll try to do my
best to answer it if I can.

Version History:
This is the complete move list for SvR 08. Format is the same for my PS2 one.

In this one, instead of specific buttons written on the movelist, I have put
the command for the button so this can apply to the other versions of the game.
Of course, I have listed the equivalent buttons for the consoles.

----------------------------------Control List---------------------------------
    		    PS2/3		360
ST - Strike       - Square		X
SP - Special      - Triangle		Y
WH - Whip         - Circle		B
IT - Interaction  - X			A
TL - Top Left     - L1			LB
BL - Bottom Left  - L2			LT
TR - Top Right    - R1			RB
BR - Bottom Right - R2			RT
LS - Left Stick   - Left Stick		Left Stick
RS - Right STick  - Right Stick		Right Stick
DP - D Pad	  - D Pad		D Pad

+++Move List+++
----------------------------------- Ashley -----------------------------------

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Brawler
2nd - High Flyer

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Woman
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Taunt Diva 7
LEFT  - Taunt Diva 4
UP    - Taunt Diva 8
RIGHT - Taunt Diva 4

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Wrestling Hero Punches
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick 2
LEFT  + ST - Woman's Elbow Smash
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Woman's Slap 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Wresting Hero Punches
2nd - Woman's Elbow Smash
3rd - Clothesline 3

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Body Knee Strike
UP    - Headlock Takeover
Right - Wrist & Arm Wrench

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Judo Flip Suplex
LEFT  - Sleeperslam
UP    - Hurracanrana 6
Right - Crucifix Pin

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Jawbreaker 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Facecrusher 1
RIGHT - Cat Fight

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Pin 1
LEFT  - Bulldog 4
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Hurracanrana Pin 3

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Woman's Stomp 1
UP and DOWN    + ST - Woman's Stomp 2
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 2

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Knee Drop 2
UP    - Head Scissor Roll Over
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Pin with Bridge
UP    - Bellow Stomp
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - On the Top Rople
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Monkey Flip
LEFT  - Back Elbow Strike
UP    - Head Scissors Flip
RIGHT - Arm Drag 5

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Double Axe Handle 5
LEFT  - Deadly Dog
UP    - Side Slam 2
RIGHT - Toss into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Alley Oop 1

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
ECW Monkey Flip

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------
Stand - Springboard Clothesline
Down  - Springboard Leg Drop 2

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Valuting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Baseball Slide 1

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Frong Dropkick 3
LS + ST - Go Round Pin

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Knee Drop 1
LS + ST - Foot Stamp 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 14
TR + ST - Flying Forearm Smash 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Sunset Flip Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 1

---------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-----------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Snapmare

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Dropkick
-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Elbow Drop 2
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - Starstruck
LS + SP - Diving Cross Body Pin 1

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Powerhouse
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide-In
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Batista 1
LEFT  - Batista 3
UP    - Batista 2
RIGHT - Batista 3

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw PUnches 1
DOWN  + ST - Big Boot 1
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 2
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Outlaw Punches 1
2nd - Body Punch 1
3rd - Clothesline 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Shoulder Thrust
UP    - Back Club
Right - Arm Wringer Flip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Bearhug
LEFT  - Suplex Slam
UP    - Batista Lifting & Toss
Right - Oklahoma Slam

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Lift Up

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 7
LEFT  - Powerful Knee Strike 1
UP    - Clothesline 23
Right - STO

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 10
LEFT  - Sidewalk Slam 4
UP    - Full Nelson Slam 2
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 2
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Powerful Raise
UP    - Finishing Leg Drop
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Toss 2
UP    - Knee Smash 2
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Clotheslin 2

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Turnbuckle Body Strike
UP    - Super Last Call
RIGHT - Clothesline 25

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Tornadobomb
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Alley Oop 1

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Big Boot 3

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Flying Clothesline 2

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Clothesline 11

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Spear 3
   LEFT and RIGHT - Running STO

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Schoolboy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Free Fall Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Sidewalk Slam 5

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Elbow Drop 3
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Clothesline

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Facebuster 4
LEFT  - Double Stomping 4
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Batista Bomb
LS + SP - Spinebuster 3

--------------------------------Bobby Lashley--------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Powerhouse
2nd - Technical

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Jumping 1
Ring-Out - Quick Ring out

DOWN  - Bobby Lashley
LEFT  - Taunt Powerful 4
UP    - Bobby Lashley
RIGHT - Taunt Powerful 4

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Wrestling Hero Punches
DOWN  + ST - Kick to GUt 2
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 2
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Back Club
LEFT  - Shoulder Thrust
UP    - Headlock Takeover
Right - Leg Whip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Cena Underhook
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 3
UP    - Lashley Suplex
Right - Powerslam 4

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Lift Up

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Powerslam Pin 3
LEFT  - T-Bone Suplex 3
UP    - Double Arm Suplex 3
Right - Side Slam 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 10
LEFT  - German Suplex 5
UP    - Gutbuster 4
Right - Inverted Suplex

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Knee Drop 5
UP    - Powerful Raise
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Knee Smash 2
UP    - Back Suplex 8
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 2

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Arm Drag 5
UP    - SUperplex
RIGHT - Turnbuckle Body Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Neckbreaker 12
UP    - SUper Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Slingshot Suplex

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Baseball Slide 1

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Flying Clothesline 2
LS + ST - Double Axe Handle 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Clothesline 15

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Running STO

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Bulldog 4
   LEFT and RIGHT - German Suplex 6

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Belly to Belly 3
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spinebuster 5

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Clothesline

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Front Slam
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Gut Crusher
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Dominator 2
LS + SP - Lashley Spear

-----------------------------------Bret Hart-----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Submission
2nd - Technical

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide-In
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Bret Hart 3
LEFT  - Bret Hart 2
UP    - Bret Hart 1
RIGHT - Bret Hart 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick 2
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Clothesline 1
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Arm Wrench
LEFT  - Back Chop 5
UP    - Headlock 1
Right - Leg Drop

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Sleeperhold
LEFT  - Arm Drag Leg Drop
UP    - Knee Breaker 1
Right - Wrist Clutch & Elbow

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - SS Armbar 2
LEFT  - Suplex 2
UP    - Fireman's Carry
Right - Nothern Lights Suplex 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - SS Cobra Clutch
LEFT  - Atomic Drop
UP    - Knee Breaker 2
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Dropkick 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 11

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - SS Triangle Hold
UP    - Elbow Drop 8
RIGHT - SS Dragon Sleeper

LEFT  - Knee Smash
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - Deathlock

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Knee Strike
LEFT  - Arm Drag 5
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Back Elbow Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Rebound Suplex
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Neckbreaker 12

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Slighshot SUplex

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Suicide Dive

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Cross Body Pin 1

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Moonsault 1
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Forearm Smash 2
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 10

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Snapmare
   LEFT and RIGHT - German Suplex 6

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Powerslam Pin 2
   LEFT and RIGHT - Belly to Belly 2

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Punches
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Suplex

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Arm Whip
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - SS Sharpshooter
LS + SP - Piledriver 2

-------------------------------Candice Michelle-------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Showman
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Woman
Ring-Out - Woman

DOWN  - Candice Michelle
LEFT  - Taunt Diva 1
UP    - Candice Michelle
RIGHT - Taunt Diva 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Woman's Kick
DOWN  + ST - Front Dropkick 1
LEFT  + ST - WOman's Elbow Smash
UP    + ST - Woman's Slap 2
RIGHT + ST - Woman's Slap 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Woman's Kick
2nd - WOman's Slap 1
3rd - Front Dropkick

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Arm Wringer Flip
UP    - Headlock Takeover
Right - Wrist & Arm Wrench

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Russian Leg Sweep 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Airplane Spin
Right - Curtain Call

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Jawbreaker 1
LEFT  - Cat Fight
UP    - Face Crusher 1
Right - Wrist Clutch & Elbow

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Pin 1
LEFT  - Bulldog 5
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Woman's Stomp 1
UP and DOWN    + ST - Woman's Stomp 2
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 3

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Armbreaker 1
UP    - Elbow Drop 13
RIGHT - SS Triangle Hold

LEFT  - Leg Lock 2
UP    - Stomp on Leg
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Handspring FC 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - The Biggest Chop
LEFT  - Back Elbow Strike
UP    - Arm Drag 5
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Mexican Stretch
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Forearm to Back
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Alley Oop 1

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Acrobatic Clothesline

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Front Dropkick 3
LS + ST - Flying Clothesline 2

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Flying Forearm Smash 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Facerusher 2
   LEFT and RIGHT - School Boy Pin 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Arm Whip
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Figure-4 Neck Lock
LS + SP - Full Nelson Face Buster

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - High-Flyer
2nd - Technical

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide-In
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Taunt Nod
LEFT  - Taunt ECW 2
UP    - Taunt No!
RIGHT - Taunt CC 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Double Axe Handle 1
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Dropkick 2
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Arm Drag 2
LEFT  - Back Chop 5
UP    - European Uppercut
Right - Leg Trip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Jumping Armbreaker
LEFT  - Snapmare & Dropkick 1
UP    - Hurracanrana 1
Right - Sleeperslam

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Northern Lights Suplex 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Suplex 2
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 12
LEFT  - Belly to Back
UP    - Atomic Drop
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Dropkick 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Armbreaker 2
UP    - Tope Atomico
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Leg Breaker 2
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - Pin with Bridge

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Monkey Flip
LEFT  - Knee Strike
UP    - Big Back Chop
RIGHT - Triangle Dropkick

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Double Axe Handle 5
LEFT  - Rolling Powerbomb
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Springboard back Elbow

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------
Stand - Springboard Back Elbow
Down  - Springboard Moonsault

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Corkscrew Body Attack 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Rope Flip 2

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Reverse Elbow

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Corkscrew Senton
LS + ST - Diving Moonsault 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clotheslin 14
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Hurracanrana
   LEFT and RIGHT - Sunset Flip Pin 1

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 3

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Senton 1
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Tilt a Whirl Sideslam
   LEFT and RIGHT - Flapjack 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Dropkick
UP    - Double Facecrusher
RIGHT - Double Beat head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Cool Leg Drop
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Cool Punches
RIGHT - Kick to Gut 1

     SP - Back Stabber
LS + SP - Cool Shot

--------------------------------Chavo Guerrero--------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Technical
2nd - Dirty

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Jumping 2
Ring-Out - Roll Down

DOWN  - Chavo Guerrero 2
LEFT  - Taunt Legend 1
UP    - Chavo Guerrero 1
RIGHT - Taunt Legend 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Snap Jab 1
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick to Knee 1
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Back Chop 3

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - European Uppercut
LEFT  - Headlock Takeover
UP    - Eye Poke 3
Right - Leg Whip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Abdominal Stretch
LEFT  - Sidewalk Slam 1
UP    - Knee Breaker 1
Right - Suplex 4

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Small Package 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Jumping Armbreaker
Right - Back Suplex 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Roll Up
LEFT  - Back Suplex 4
UP    - Head Smasher
Right - Bulldog 4

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Flip Senton Attack
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 2

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - SS Bow & Arrow
UP    - Knee Drop 3
RIGHT - Oklahoma Roll Pin 2

LEFT  - Deathlock
UP    - Knee Smash 1
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Corner Choke
LEFT  - Knee Strike
UP    - Arm Drag 5
RIGHT - Dirty Punch

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Illegal Pin
LEFT  - Forearm to Back
UP    - Side Slam 2
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Running Knee Strike 2

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Leg Breaker 1

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Suicide Dive

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Flying Clothesline 2
LS + ST - Diving Cross Body Pin 1

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Moonsault 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 14
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Victory Roll Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Baseball Slide 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Chop Block

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Tilt a Whirl Sideslam
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Dropkick & Rolling Clutch
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Punches 2
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Side Leg Lock
UP    - Whip & Lay Down
RIGHT - Body Attack

     SP - Frog Splash Pin 2
LS + SP - Gory Bomb 1

---------------------------------Chris Masters---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Powerhouse
2nd - Showman

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide-In
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Chris Masters 2
LEFT  - Chris Masters 1
UP    - Chris Masters 2
RIGHT - Chris Masters 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Snap Jab 2
DOWN  + ST - Punch to Gut
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Polish Hammer 2
RIGHT + ST - Outlaw Punches 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Arm Wringer Flip
LEFT  - Back Chop 4
UP    - Back Club
Right - Shoulder Thrust

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Powerbomb 7
LEFT  - Northern Lights Driver
UP    - SS Bearhug
Right - Oklahoma Slam

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Lift Up

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Gutwrench Suplex
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 8
LEFT  - Belly to Back
UP    - DDT 12
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - 
UP and DOWN    + ST - 
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - 

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Angry Stomp
UP    - Fist Drop 2
RIGHT - Elbow Drop 1

LEFT  - Elbow Drop 12
UP    - Finishing Leg Drop
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Flipping Slam
LEFT  - Knee Strike
UP    - Flipping Slam
RIGHT - TUrnbuckle Powerbomb

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Slingshot Suplex

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Diving Spear
LS + ST - Flying CLothesline 2

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving ELbow Drop Pin 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Clothesline 17

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker Drop

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Powerslam 1

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Clothesline

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Spine & Neckbreaker

     SP - SS Master Lock
LS + SP - Full Nelson SLam 1

------------------------------------CM Punk------------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Submission
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Jumping 2
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - CM Punk 1
LEFT  - CM Punk 4
UP    - CM Punk 2
RIGHT - CM Punk 3

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Middle Kick
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick to Knee 2
LEFT  + ST - Spinning Back Kick 2
UP    + ST - Dropkick 2
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Middle Kick
2nd - Spinning Back Kick 2
3rd - Dropkick 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Headlock Takeover
UP    - Arm Drag 1
Right - Sweep 3

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Armbar 1
LEFT  - Judo Hip Throw
UP    - SS Sleeper Hold
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Back Kick 2
LEFT  - Snapmare & Dropkick 2
UP    - Step Up Enzuigiri
Right - Combination 3

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 13
LEFT  - Back Suplex 4
UP    - SS Cobra Clutch
Right - Triple H Low Kick

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Dropkick 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - ELbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Knee Attack 3
UP    - Leg Drop 2
RIGHT - SS Dragon Sleeper

LEFT  - Stomping Combo
UP    - Running Kick
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1
TR + ST - Shining Wizard 2

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Shining Wizard Combination
LEFT  - Multiple Kick
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Rope Stretch Chicken Wing

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Double Axe Handle 5
LEFT  - Forearm to Back
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Running Face Wash

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Running Knee Strikes 1

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Clothesline

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Knee Drop 1
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Karate Kick 1
TR + ST - Clothesline 13

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Shuffle Side Kick 4
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker & Punch

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Shuffle Side Kick 4
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Dropkick & Rolling Clutch
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Stomping
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Double Arm Whip
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Go 2 Sleep
LS + SP - SS Anaconda Vise 1

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Dirty
2nd - Hardcore

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide-In
Ring-Out - Quick Ring out

DOWN  - Edge 1
LEFT  - Edge 2
UP    - Edge 1
RIGHT - Edge 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Double Axe Handle 1
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Dropkick 2
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Arm Drag 3
UP    - Eye Poke 2
Right - Head is Struck

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Mat Slam 1
UP    - Jumping Armbreaker
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 1
LEFT  - Edge O'Matic 1
UP    - Gutbuster 2
Right - Half Nelson Face Buster

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Edge O'Matic 2
LEFT  - Belly to Back
UP    - Electric Chair
Right - School Boy Roll Up

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Wrestling hero Stomp
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Dropkick to Face
UP    - Slap Head & Raise
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Leg Breaker 2
UP    - Kick to Head
RIGHT - Running Kick

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 17
LEFT  - Toss to Turnbuckle
UP    - Turnbuckle Powerbomb
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Illegal Pin
LEFT  - Rolling Powerbomb
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Forearm to Back

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Choke Slingshot

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Spear

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Leg Drop 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 13
TR + ST - Clothesline 9

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Half Nelson Face Buster
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Beat Head
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Facecrusher
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Powerbomb 6
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Side Walk & Reverse DDT
RIGHT - Body Attack

     SP - Spear 5
LS + SP - Edgecution

---------------------------------Elijah Burke---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Brawler
2nd - Showman

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Outlaw
Ring-Out - Quick Ring Out

DOWN  - Taunt Hold Up 2
LEFT  - Taunt ECW 2
UP    - Taunt CC 2
RIGHT - Taunt French 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Brother Snap Jab
DOWN  + ST - Boxing Uppercut
LEFT  + ST - Kick to Gut 2
UP    + ST - Dropkick 2
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Brother Snap Jab
2nd - Boxing Uppercut
3rd - Heavy Combo 1

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Backhand Blow
LEFT  - Body Knee Strike
UP    - Fury Punch 3
Right - Headlock Takeover

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Outlaw Stomp 1
LEFT  - Finishing Punch
UP    - Gutbuster 1
Right - STO

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Jumping Armbreaker
Right - Suplex 5

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Flash Back 2
LEFT  - Back Suplex 6
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Triple H Low Kick

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Wrestling hero Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Fist Drop 2
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Knee Drop 5
UP    - Fist Drop 4
RIGHT - SS BOw & Arrow

LEFT  - stomping Combo
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - Leg Breaker 2

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1
TR + ST - Cross Body 2

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Heavy Combo 2
UP    - SUperplex
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Double Axe Handle 5
LEFT  - Forearm to Back
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Knee Drop 4

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Diving Reverse Elbow
LS + ST - Missile Dropkick

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Knee Drop 1
LS + ST - Diving Fist Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Elbow Attack 5
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Neckbreaker 10
   LEFT and RIGHT - Running STO

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 3

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Reverse Atomic Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Flash Back 1

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Punches 2
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Elbow Drop 1
RIGHT - Body SPlash & Whip

     SP - Elijah Experience
LS + SP - Elijah Express

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Submission
2nd - Dirty

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Normal
Ring-Out - Quick Ring Out

DOWN  - Taunt Raise Arm 4
LEFT  - Taunt Hold Up 2
UP    - Taunt Raise Arm 4
RIGHT - Taunt Hold Up 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Snap Jab 2
DOWN  + ST - Overhand Punch
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Back Chop 3

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Arm Whip
UP    - European Uppercut
Right - Back Chop 5

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Abdominal Stretch
LEFT  - SS Chinlock
UP    - Knee Breaker 1
Right - Wrist Clutch & Elbow

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Gutwrench Suplex
LEFT  - Scoop SLam 4
UP    - Backbreaker 5
Right - Mat Slam 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Roll Up
LEFT  - Belly to Back
UP    - Knee Breaker 2
Right - SS Cobra Clutch

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Wrestling Hero Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 11
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Finlay Press
UP    - Face Stretch 1
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Kick to Head
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - SS Figure 4 Leg Lock 2

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle CLothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Turnbuckle Powerbomb
LEFT  - Big Back Chop
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Snake Eyes
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Running Knee Strike 2

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Knee Drop 4

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Diving Spear

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Foot Stamp 2
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Clothesline 14

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 2
   LEFT and RIGHT - Head Pound

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Chop Block

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Reverse Atomic Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Whip & Lay Down
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Celtic Cross
LS + SP - Air Raid Siren

--------------------------------The Great Khali--------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Powerhouse
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Over the ROpe
Ring-Out - Over the ROpe

DOWN  - Taunt Raise Arm 4
LEFT  - Taunt Powerful 5
UP    - taunt HOld UP 2
RIGHT - Taunt Powerful 5

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Wrestling Hero PUnches
DOWN  + ST - Big BOot 1
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Overhand Punch

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Wrestling Hero Punches
2nd - Body Punch
3rd - Big Boot 1

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Big Knee Smash
LEFT  - Shoulder Thrust
UP    - Fury Punch 1
Right - Big Punch

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Scoop Slam 3
LEFT  - Choke Toss
UP    - SS Bearhug
Right - Giant Push

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Lift Up

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Powerbomb 4
LEFT  - Fury Punch 2
UP    - Headbutt 2
Right - Powerful Knee Strike 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Full Nelson Slam 2
LEFT  - Headbutt 3
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Undertaker Stomp
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 3

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Big Stomp
UP    - Powerful Raise
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Big Swing
UP    - Knee Smash 2
RIGHT - SS BOston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle CLothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 2

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Clothesline 25
LEFT  - Knee Strike
UP    - Super Chokeslam
RIGHT - Dirty Punch

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Tornadobomb
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhole Strikes

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Big Boot 3

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Flying Clothesline 2
LS + ST - Double Axe Handle 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 14
TR + ST - Yakuza Kick

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Triple H Low Kick
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - DOuble Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Free Fall Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Scrapbuster Pin

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Elbow Drop 3
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Clothesline 

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Death Device
LEFT  - Front Slam
UP    - Gut Crusher
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Brain Chop
LS + SP - Neck Hanging Chokeslam

---------------------------------Gregory Helms---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Technical
2nd - Dirty

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Outlaw
Ring-Out - Quick Ring out

DOWN  - 
Gregory Helms 3

LEFT  - Taunt CC 2
UP    - Gregory Helms 3
RIGHT - Taunt CC 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Punch to GUt
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Dropkick 2
RIGHT + ST - Elbow SMash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Arm Drag 3
LEFT  - Head is Struck
UP    - European Uppercut
Right - Leg Trip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Dragon Screw
LEFT  - Fireman's Carry
UP    - Gutbuster 2
Right - SS Armbar 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Cobra Clutch Bomb
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Vertabreaker
Right - Matslam 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Roll Up
LEFT  - DDT 13
UP    - Edge O'Matic 2
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Wrestling Hero Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Dropkick 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - SS Dragon Sleeper
UP    - Knee Attack 3
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Kick to Head
UP    - Belly Stomop
RIGHT - Running Kick

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1
TR + ST - Clothesline & Bulldog

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 17
LEFT  - Back Elbow Strike
UP    - Double Underhook Suplex
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Illegal Pin
LEFT  - Neckbreaker 12
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Running Face Wash

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Knee Drop 4

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Suicide Dive

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Over Castle
LS + ST - Diving cross Body Pin 1

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Leg Drop 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 9
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 11

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 9

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - 
Elbow Drop 4

TR + ST - Dropkick to Knee 3

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Flash Back 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Dropkick
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Elbow Drop
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Arm Whip
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - Shining Wizard 8
LS + SP - Knee Facebuster

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Brawler
2nd - Powerhouse

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Normal
Ring-Out - Roll Down

UP    - Taunt Longhorn

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Big Boot 1
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Outlaw Punches 1
2nd - Back Chop 3
3rd - Big Boot 1

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Shoulder Thrust
UP    - Back CLub
Right - Back Chop 5

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Neckbreaker 3
UP    - Fury Punch 2
Right - Clothesline 23

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Shoulder Breaker
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - SS Bearhug
Right - Last Call

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 10
LEFT  - Sidewalk Slam 4
UP    - Knee Breaker 2
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Ric Flair Knee Drop
UP    - Outlaw Stomp 2
RIGHT - Back Chop 3

LEFT  - Kick to Head
UP    - Knee Smash 2
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle CLothesline 2

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Knee Strike 1
LEFT  - Big Back Chop
UP    - Super Last Call
RIGHT - Clothesline 25

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Tornadobomb
RIGHT - Toss Into RIng Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhole Strikes

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Big Boot 3

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Flying Clothesline 2

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Knee Drop 1
LS + ST - Diving Elbow drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Running SHoulder Attack 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 10

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Free Fall Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Bonsoir
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Clothesline

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Front Slam
LEFT  - Death Drop 2
UP    - Super Double Powerbomb 1
RIGHT - Kick to Gut 1

     SP - JBL Powerbomb
LS + SP - Clothesline From Hell

----------------------------------Jeff Hardy----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - High-Flyer
2nd - Hardcore

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Jumping 2
Ring-Out - ROll Down

DOWN  - 
Matt Hardy 1

LEFT  - Taunt Diva 7
UP    - Jeff Hardy
RIGHT - Taunt Diva 6

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - SNap Jab 2
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick 2
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Jump Spin Back Kick
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Arm DRag 2
UP    - Headlock Takeover
Right - Arm Wringer Flip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Snapmare & Dropkick 2
LEFT  - Extreme Twist of Fate
UP    - Hurracanrana 1
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Jawbreaker 3
LEFT  - Extreme Leg Drop 4
UP    - Facebuster 5
Right - Gordbuster 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - 
DDT 13

LEFT  - Belly to Back
UP    - Flash Back 2
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Flip Leg Drop
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Flip Senton Attack 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Oklahoma Roll Pin 2
UP    - Neck Snap
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Pin with Bridge
UP    - Leg to Groin
RIGHT - Leg Drop 1

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - On the Top Rope
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Monkey Flip
LEFT  - Back Elbow STrike
UP    - DDT 16
RIGHT - Triple Dropkick

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Rolling Powerbomb
LEFT  - Lucha DDT
UP    - Super Back SUplex
RIGHT - Toss Into RIng Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Turnbuckle Dropkick 3

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Springboard DDT

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------
Stand - Springboard Tornado DDT
Down  - Springboard Moonsault

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting BOdy Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Suicide Dive

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Hurracanrana

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Leg Drop 1
LS + ST - 450 Splash Pin

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Extreme Forearm Smash
TR + ST - Front Dropkick 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Hurracanrana 8
   LEFT and RIGHT - Extreme Neckbreaker Drop

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 3

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Senton 1
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Hurracanrana Pin 2
   LEFT and RIGHT - Flapjack & Dropkick

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - 
Dropkick & Rolling Clutch

LEFT  - Extreme Leg Drop 2
UP    - Double Facecrusher
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Extreme Leg Drop 1
LEFT  - Poetry in Motion
UP    - Facebuster 4
RIGHT - Double Stomping

     SP - Swanton Bomb 1
LS + SP - Whisper in the Wind

-----------------------------------John Cena-----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Brawler
2nd - Showman

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide In
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - John Cena 1
LEFT  - John Cena 2
UP    - John Cena 3
RIGHT - John Cena 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Cena PUnch 1
DOWN  + ST - Kick to Gut 2
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Cena Punch 2
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Cena Punch 1
2nd - Kick to Gut 2
3rd - Cena Punch 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Headlock Punch 2
LEFT  - Headlock Takeover
UP    - Shoulder Thrust
Right - Arm Wringer Flip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Back Suplex
UP    - Fury Punch 2
Right - Wrist Clutch & Flip

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 5
LEFT  - Fisherman Suplex
UP    - SS Cena Underhook
Right - Hip Toss 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Pin 1
LEFT  - Spin Out Powerbomb 2
UP    - Throw Back
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Undertaker Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Jumping ELbow Drop
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Leg Drop 2
UP    - 5-Knuckle Shuffle
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Stomping Combo
UP    - Stomp on Leg
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow STrike
LEFT  - Knee Strike
UP    - Superpex
RIGHT - Clothesline 25

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into RIng Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhole Strikes

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Running Knee Strike 1

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Diving Clothesline

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Word Life Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 10
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker & Punch

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Throw Back

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Hip Toss 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Drop Toe Hold

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Whip & Lay Down
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Arm Whip
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - F-U 3

---------------------------------Johnny Nitro---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Brawler
2nd - High-Flyer

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Rolling
Ring-Out - Quick Ring out

DOWN  - Taunt Back Flip
LEFT  - Randy Orton 1
UP    - Taunt Paparazzi
RIGHT - Taunt Legend 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick 2
LEFT  + ST - Spinning Back Kick 1
UP    + ST - Spinning Wheel Kick 1
RIGHT + ST - Middle Kick

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Outlaw Punches 1
2nd - Back Chop 3
3rd - Enzuigiri

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Arm Drag 3
UP    - European Uppercut
Right - Sweep 3

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Undertaker Knee Strike
UP    - Step Up Enzuigiri
Right - Snapmare & Dropkick 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Complete Shot
LEFT  - Neckbreaker 7
UP    - Hurracanrana 6
Right - Backbreaker 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Backslide Pin
LEFT  - Forearm Smash
UP    - DDT 13
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Spiral Leg Drop
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 2

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Dancing Leg Drop
UP    - Slingshot Elbow Drop
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Leg Lock 2
UP    - Stomping Combo
RIGHT - Pin with Bridge

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - On the Top Rope
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Monkey Flip
LEFT  - Back Elbow Strike
UP    - Super Hurracanrana
RIGHT - Karate Kick 2

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Double Axe Handle 5
LEFT  - Forearm to Back
UP    - Deadly Dog
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------
Stand - Springboard Spinning Kick
Down  - Springboard Leg Drop

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Shooting Star Press 3

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Suicide Dive

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Cross Body Pin 1

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Corkscrew Body Pin

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Running Calf Kick

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 3
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker Drop

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Throw Back
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 9

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Dropkick to Knee 3
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Flapjack 3
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 9

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Bonsoir
LEFT  - Double DDT
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Front Slam
LEFT  - Gut Buster
UP    - Facebuster 4
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Shooting Star Splash
LS + SP - Facebuster 6

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Showman
2nd - Technical

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide In
Ring-Out - Normal

UP    - JTG 2
RIGHT - Ballin'

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw PUnches 1
DOWN  + ST - Kick to GUt 2
LEFT  + ST - Snap Jab 2
UP    + ST - Dropkick 2
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Eye Poke 1
LEFT  - Arm Drag 2
UP    - Headlock 1
Right - Leg Trip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Jawbreaker 2
LEFT  - Float Over DDT
UP    - Suplex 2
Right - Backbraeker 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Sidewalk Slam 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Gutbuster 2
Right - Complete Shot

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Pin 1
LEFT  - Atomic Drop
UP    - DDT 13
Right - BUlldog 3

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Fist Drop 2
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Oklahoma Roll Pin 2
UP    - Head Shake Leg Drop
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Leg Breaker 2
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1
TR + ST - Cross Body 2

     ST - Bronco Buster

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Arm Drag 5
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Flipping Slam

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Neckbreaker 12
UP    - Super Back SUPlex
RIGHT - Double Axe Handle 5

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Drop Out

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Suicide Dive

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Revese Elbow

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Leg Drop 1
LS + ST - Word Life Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Elbow Attack 3
TR + ST - Flying Forearm Smash 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Baseball Slide 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 2
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 3

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Half Nelson Face Buster
   LEFT and RIGHT - Belly to Belly 2

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Clothesline
LEFT  - Double Punches
UP    - Double Facecrusher
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Elbow Drop 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Groin Press
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - Neckbreaker 15
LS + SP - Over Castle

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Powerhouse
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Over the Rope
Ring-Out - Backward Ring out

DOWN  - Undertaker 1
LEFT  - Undertaker 2
UP    - Kane
RIGHT - Undertaker 3

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Throat Thrust

DOWN  + ST - Big Boot 1
LEFT  + ST - Kane Uppercut
UP    + ST - Throat Thrust 3
RIGHT + ST - Throat Thrust 2

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Throat Thrust 1
2nd - Throat Thrust 2
3rd - Throat Thrust 3

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Shoulder Thrust
UP    - Back Club
Right - Arm Wringer Flip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Full Nelson Slam 1
LEFT  - Choke Toss
UP    - Kane Lifting & Toss
Right - Oklahoma Slam

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 5
LEFT  - Undertaker Knee Strike
UP    - Throat Thrust 6
Right - Throat Thrust 5

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm Smash
LEFT  - Sidewalk Slam 4
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Full Nelson Slam 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Undertaker Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - SS Bow & Arrow
UP    - Finishing Leg Drop
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Stomp on Leg
UP    - Knee Smash 2
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 2

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Kane Strikes
UP    - Super Chokeslam
RIGHT - Turnbuckle Body Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhole Strikes

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Big Boot 3

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Flying Clothesline 2

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Leg Drop 1
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 7
TR + ST - Clothesline 11

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 10

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Sidewalk Slam 5

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Punches 2
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Chokeslam
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - 
Chokeslam 4

LS + SP - Tombstone Piledriver 2

----------------------------------Kelly Kelly----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Showman
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Woman
Ring-Out - Woman

DOWN  - 
Taunt Diva 1

LEFT  - Taunt Diva 3
UP    - Taunt Diva 5
RIGHT - Taunt Diva 3

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Woman's Slap 1
DOWN  + ST - Quick Kick
LEFT  + ST - Woman's Elbow Smash
UP    + ST - Woman's Slap 3
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Woman's Slap 1
2nd - Quick Kick
3rd - Woman's Slap 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - 
Leg Whip

LEFT  - Arm Wringer Flip
UP    - Headlock Takeover
Right - Wrist & Arm Wrench

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Small Package 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Neckbreaker 4
Right - Russian Leg Sweep

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Throat Thrust 7
LEFT  - Cat Fight
UP    - Jaw Breaker 1
Right - Wrist Clutch & Elbow

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Pin 1
LEFT  - Forearm Smash
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - 
Woman's Stomp 1
UP and DOWN    + ST - WOman's Stomp 2
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Knee Drop 2
UP    - Leg Drop 2
RIGHT - SS BOw & Arrow

LEFT  - Stomp on Leg
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - RUnning SHoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Arm Drag 5
LEFT  - Back Elbow Strike
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Double Axe Handle 5
LEFT  - Forearm to Back
UP    - Side Slam 2
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Alley Oop 1

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Drop Out

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Diving Spear
LS + ST - Double Axe Handle 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Fist Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Clothesline 14

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 2
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 10

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Snapmare

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Dropkick & Rolling Clutch

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Elbow Drop 2
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Woman's Slap 3
LS + SP - DDT 18

---------------------------------Kenny Dykstra---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Technical
2nd - Dirty

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Rolling
Ring-Out - Quick Ring Out

DOWN  - Taunt Raise Arm 1
LEFT  - Taunt French 2
UP    - Kenny Dykstra
RIGHT - Ric Flair 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick to Knee 1
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Dropkick 1
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Arm Drag 3
LEFT  - Headlock Takeover
UP    - Eye Poke 3
Right - Leg Trip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Clothesline 26
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - Knee Breaker 1
Right - DDT 9

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 5
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Jumping Armbreaker
Right - SS Abdominal Stretch

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Roll Up
LEFT  - Back Suplex 3
UP    - Head Smasher
Right - Ric Flair Attack

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Wrestling Hero Stomp
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 11

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Elbow Drop 8
UP    - Knee Drop 5
RIGHT - Armbreaker 1

LEFT  - Deathlock
UP    - Kick to Head
RIGHT - SS Figure 4 Leglock 2

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Cross Body 2

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 17
LEFT  - Knee Strike
UP    - Arm Drag 5
RIGHT - Toss to Turnbuckle

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Illegal Pin
LEFT  - Neckbreaker 12
UP    - Snake Eyes
RIGHT - Forearm to Back

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Pushes Turnbuckle

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Choke Slingshot

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 1

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Cross Body Pin 1

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Kitchen Sink
TR + ST - Flying Forearm Smash 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Running Backslide Pin
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker Drop

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Chop Block

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Dropkick to Knee 3

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Drop Toe Hold

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Bonsoir
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Combination Cutter

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Moonsault Combination
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Elbow Drop 2
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - 
Diving Leg Drop 2

LS + SP - Neckbreaker 14

----------------------------------King Booker----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Showman
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - King Booker
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Spin-a-roony
LEFT  - King Booker 1
UP    - King Booker 2
RIGHT - King Booker 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Snap Jab 1
DOWN  + ST - Outside Crescent Kick 1
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - King Booker Spining Kick
RIGHT + ST - Back Chop 3

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Snap Jab 1
2nd - Back Chop 3
3rd - Outside Crescent Kick 1

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Back Chop 4
UP    - Back Club
Right - Arm Wringer Flip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Kick Booker Side Kick
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 1
UP    - Fisherman Suplex
Right - DDT 9

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Arm Twist Kick
LEFT  - Scoop Slam & Knee
UP    - Fury Punch 2
Right - Wrist Clutch & Elbow

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm Smash
LEFT  - Back Suplex 6
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - King Booker Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - King Booker Knee Attack 1
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Kick Booker Knee Drop 2
UP    - Undertaker Hold
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Stomping Combo
UP    - Running Kick
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Knee Strike
LEFT  - Big Back Chop
UP    - Double Underhook Suplex
RIGHT - Dirty Punch

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back SUplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Pushes Turnbuckle

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Fury Strikes

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Clothesline

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Leg Drop 1
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Elbow Attack 4
TR + ST - Crescent Kick 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Neckbreaker 10
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 1

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Snapmare
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Flapjack 3
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Dropkick & Rolling Clutch
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Stomping
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Gut Crusher
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - Scissors Kick
LS + SP - Book End

--------------------------------Marcus Cor Van--------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Powerhouse
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Jumping 1
Ring-Out - Quick Ring Out

DOWN  - Marcus Cor Van 2
LEFT  - Marcus Cor Van 1
UP    - Marcus COr Van 2
RIGHT - Marcus Cor Van 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Punch to Head
DOWN  + ST - Kick to Gut 2
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Outlaw Punches 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Punch to Head
2nd - Punch to Gut
3rd - Clothesline 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Arm Wringer Flip
UP    - Back Club
Right - Shoulder Thrust

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Cena Underhook
LEFT  - Double Arm Suplex 1
UP    - Backbreaker 5
Right - Fisherman Suplex

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Jumping Axe Handle
LEFT  - Clothesline 21
UP    - Powerbomb 5
Right - Headbutt 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
DOWN  - Full Nelson Slam 2
LEFT  - Belly to Back
UP    - Gutbuster 4
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Outlaw Stomp 2
UP    - Finishing Leg Drop
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Camel Clutch
UP    - Stomping Combo
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 2
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Double Underhook Suplex
LEFT  - Back Elbow Strike
UP    - Super Last Call
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Side Slam 2
LEFT  - Super Tornadobomb
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhole Strikes

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Fury Strikes

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Diving Clothesline

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Kitchen Sink
TR + ST - Clothesline 11

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Running STO
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 1

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Triple H Low Kick
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Free Fall Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Bonsoir
LEFT  - Double Elbow Drop 3
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Gut Crusher
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Pounce
LS + SP - Russian Leg & Armbar

----------------------------------Mark Henry----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Brawler
2nd - Powerhouse

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Over the Rope
Ring-Out - Over the Rope

DOWN  - Taunt Raise Arm 1
LEFT  - Taunt Hold Up 2
UP    - Taunt Powerful 5
RIGHT - Taunt Hold Up 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - 
Wrestling Hero Punches

DOWN  + ST - Double Axe Handle 2
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - wrestling Hero Punches

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Wrestling Hero Punches
2nd - Wrestling Hero Punches
3rd - Double Axe Handle 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Big Knee Smash
LEFT  - Shoulder Thrust
UP    - Back Club
Right - Big Punch

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - 
Headbutt 2

LEFT  - Powerful Knee Strike 1
UP    - Choke 1
Right - Clothesline 19

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Lift Up

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 7
LEFT  - Choke Toss
UP    - Scoop Slam 3
Right - Alley oop 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Full Nelson Bomb
LEFT  - Gutbuster 4
UP    - Knee Breaker 2
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Big Stomp
UP    - Powerful Raise
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Big Walk
UP    - Knee Smash 2
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 2
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Body Attack

     ST - Clothesline 25

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Big Thump
LEFT  - Super Chokeslam
UP    - Turnbuckle Body Strike
RIGHT - Forearm to Back

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Tornadobomb
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Pushes Turnbuckle

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Big Slap

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Flying Clothesline 2
LS + ST - Double Axe Handle 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 14
TR + ST - Ho Train Attack

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Running STO

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Bulldog 4
   LEFT and RIGHT - Triple H Low Kick

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Free Fall Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Scrapbuster Pin

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Elbow Drop
LEFT  - Double Clothesline
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - World's Strongest Slam 2
LS + SP - SS Bearhug

----------------------------------Matt Hardy----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style--------------------------------
1st - Showman
2nd - Technical

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide In
Ring-Out - Quick Ring Out

DOWN  - Matt Hardy 4
LEFT  - Matt Hardy 2
UP    - Matt Hardy 5
RIGHT - Matt Hardy 3

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Toe Kick 2
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick 2
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Spinning Punch
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Arm Drag 3
UP    - Headlock 1
Right - Back Chop 4

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Small Package 1
LEFT  - Side Effect 1
UP    - Flash Back 1
Right - Half Nelson Face Buster

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Back Suplex 2
UP    - Gutwrench Suplex
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 12
LEFT  - Side Effect 2
UP    - Full Nelson Face Buster
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Fist Drop 2
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Knee Stomp
UP    - Fist Drop 4
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Leg Breaker 2
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Flipping Slam
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Double Underhook Suplex

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Neckbreaker 12
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Alley Oop Bomb

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Knee Drop 4

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Suicide Dive

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Reverse Elbow

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Moonsault
LS + ST - Extreme Leg Drop 3

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Dash Elbow
TR + ST - Clothesline 9

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker Drop

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Reverse Atomic Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Half Nelson Face Buster

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Facecrusher
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Poetry in Motion
UP    - Facebuster 4
RIGHT - Double Stomping

     SP - Twist of Fate 1
LS + SP - Twist of Fate 2

--------------------------------Fighting Style--------------------------------
1st - Dirty
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Woman
Ring-Out - Woman

DOWN  - Taunt Diva 2
LEFT  - Taunt Diva 4
UP    - Taunt paparazzi
RIGHT - Taunt Diva 4

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Woman's Elbow Smash
DOWN  + ST - Body Punch
LEFT  + ST - Woman's Slap 1
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Quick Kick

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Woman's Elbow Smash
2nd - Quick Kick
3rd - Clothesline 3

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Headlock Takeover
LEFT  - Arm Wringer Flip
UP    - Back Club
Right - Eye Poke 3

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Jawbreaker 1
LEFT  - Mat Slam 1
UP    - Backbreaker 5
Right - Triple H Choke

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Cat Fight
UP    - Facecrusher 1
Right - Woman's Slap 3

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy ROll Up
LEFT  - Back Rake 1
UP    - Head Smasher
Right - Chop Block

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Woman's Stomp 1
UP and DOWN    + ST - Woman's Stomp 2
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Mat Slam 2
UP    - Knee Drop 2
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Running Kick
UP    - Stomp on Leg 
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Corner Choke
UP    - Dirty Punch
RIGHT - Foot Choke 1

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Illegal Pin
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Snake Eyes
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Alley Oop 1

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Choke Slingshot

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Diving Spear
LS + ST - Double Axe Handle 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Foot Stomp 2
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Elbow Attack 4
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Head Pound
   LEFT and RIGHT - Face Crusher 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Arm Whip
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - California Dream
LS + SP - Extreme Makeover

--------------------------------Michelle McCool--------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style--------------------------------
1st - Dirty
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Woman
Ring-Out - Woman

DOWN  - Taunt Diva 1
LEFT  - Taunt Diva 2
UP    - Taunt Diva 3
RIGHT - Taunt Nod

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Woman's Elbow Smash
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick 2
LEFT  + ST - Woman's Slap 1
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Quick Kick

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Woman's Elbow Smash
2nd - Quick Kick
3rd - Clothesline 3

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Feint Stomping
LEFT  - Arm Drag 2
UP    - European Uppercut
Right - Wrist & Arm Wrench

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Jawbreaker 1
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - Jumping Armbreaker
Right - Russian Leg Sweep

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Facecrusher 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Cat Fight
Right - Wrist Clutch & Elbow

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Roll Up
LEFT  - Chop Block
UP    - Head Smasher
Right - Throw Back

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Woman's Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Mat Slam 2
UP    - Choke 2
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Leg Lock 2
UP    - Stomp on Leg
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clotheslin 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Foot Choke 1
LEFT  - Back Elbow Strike
UP    - Toss to Turnbuckle
RIGHT - Hangman chokehole 2

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Illegal Pin
LEFT  - Forearm to Back
UP    - Snake Eyes
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Foot choke 2

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Choke Slingshot

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Front Dropkick 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Flying Forearm Smash 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Facecrusher 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Chop BLock

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - Backbreaker 14
LS + SP - Spear 6

----------------------------------Mick Foley----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Hardcore
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide In
Ring-Out - Roll Down

DOWN  - Socko
LEFT  - Taunt Swing Right Arm
UP    - Bang! Bang!
RIGHT - Taunt Psycho

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Vionic Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Front Dropkick 1
LEFT  + ST - Overhand Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Outlaw Punches

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Vionic Punches 1
2nd - Vionic Punches 1
3rd - Clothesline 3

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Headlock Takeover
UP    - Back Club
Right - Shoulder Thrust

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Piledriver 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Flapjack 2
Right - Gordbuster 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Facecrusher 1
LEFT  - Undertaker Knee Strike
UP    - Fury Punch 2
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 9
LEFT  - Back Suplex 4
UP    - DDT 12
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Jumping Elbow Drop

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Elbow Drop 8
UP    - Knee Drop 2
RIGHT - Back Chop 6

LEFT  - Stomp on Leg
UP    - Running Kick
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Hanging in Reverse
LEFT  - Knee Strike
UP    - Toss to Turnbuckle
RIGHT - Body Strikes

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Tie to Tree of Woe
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Toss Into Ring Post
RIGHT - Forearm to Back

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Running Knee Strike 2

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Running Knee Strike 1

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Front Dropkick 3
LS + ST - Double Axe Handle 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Fott Stamp 2
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 14
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 10

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Triple H Low Kick

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Running Leg Drop
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Reverse Atomic Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Spike Piledriver
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - Double Arm DDT
LS + SP - Mandible Claw 1

---------------------------------Mickie James---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Brawler
2nd - Technical

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Woman
Ring-Out - Woman

DOWN  - Taunt Diva 4
LEFT  - Taunt Diva 5
UP    - Taunt Diva 4
RIGHT - Taunt Diva 5

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Woman's Elbow Smash
DOWN  + ST - Spinning Back Kick 2
LEFT  + ST - Roundhouse Kick 4
UP    + ST - Spinning Kick 2
RIGHT + ST - Middle Kick

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Woman's Elbow Smash
2nd - Spinning Back Kick 2
3rd - Spinning Kick 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Arm Wringer Flip
UP    - Headlock Takeover
Right - Leg Whip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Jawbreaker 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Back Kick 2
Right - Cat Fight

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Fisherman Suplex Pin
LEFT  - Sidewalk Slam 1
UP    - Double Wrist Suplex Pin
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Atomic Drop
LEFT  - Snapmare
UP    - Forearm Smash
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Woman's Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Spiral Leg Drop
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Knee Stomp
UP    - SS Bow & Arrow
RIGHT - Oklahoma Roll Pin 2

LEFT  - Leg Breaker 2
UP    - Knee Smash 1
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Karate Kick 2
LEFT  - Arm Drag 5
UP    - Head Scissors Flip
RIGHT - Knee STrike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Double Axe Handle 5
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Neckbreaker 12

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Pushes Turnbuckle

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Running Knee Strike 1

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Baseball Slide 1

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Front Dropkick 3
LS + ST - Diving Cross Body Pin 1

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Leg Drop 1
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 14
TR + ST - Flying Forearm Smash 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Facecrusher 2
   LEFT and RIGHT - Running Backslide

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Snapmare

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Dropkick to Knee 3

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Stomping
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Double Elbow Drop 2
RIGHT - Double Side Leg Lock

     SP - DDT 3
LS + SP - Hurracanrana 1

----------------------------------Mr. Kennedy----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Showman
2nd - Dirty

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Outlaw
Ring-Out - Quick Ring out

DOWN  - Taunt Raise Arm 2
LEFT  - Taunt Swing Right Arm
UP    - Taunt Raise Arm 4
RIGHT - Taunt Pointing

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Middle Kick
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Backhand Blow
LEFT  - Headlock Takeover
UP    - Eye Poke 2
Right - Head is Struck

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Suplex 3
UP    - Gutwrench Suplex
Right - Complete Shot

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Piledriver 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Jumping Armbreaker
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Roll Up
LEFT  - Back Suplex 6
UP    - Atomic Drop
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Wrestling Hero Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - The Rock Stomp
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Knee Drop 5
UP    - Outlaw Stomp 2
RIGHT - Slap Head & Raise

LEFT  - Kick to Head
UP    - Punch to Groin
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Knee Strikes
LEFT  - Back Elbow Strike
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Hanging in Reverse

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Illegal Pin
LEFT  - Toss Into Ring Post
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Tie to Tree of Woe

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Running Face Wash

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Drop Out

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Front Dropkick 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Elbow Attack 5
TR + ST - Bicycle Kick

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker Drop

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Chop Block

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Flapjack 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Whip & Lay Down
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Green Bay Plunge
LS + SP - Swanton Bomb 1

----------------------------------Mr. McMahon----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Showman
2nd - Powerhouse

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Vince McMahon
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Taunt Hold Up 2
LEFT  - Steve Austin 1
UP    - Vince McMahon
RIGHT - Triple H 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Quick Jab
DOWN  + ST - Slap 2
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Boxing Uppercut
RIGHT + ST - Slap 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Shoulder Thrust
LEFT  - Arm Wringer Flip
UP    - Back Club
Right - Headlock Takeover

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - Airplane Spin
Right - Back Suplex

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Sidebuster
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Giant Push
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
DDT 10

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Pin 1
LEFT  - Atomic Drop
UP    - Forearm Smash
Right - Back Suplex Pin 1

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - SS Bow & Arrow
UP    - Undertaker Hold
RIGHT - Cocky Pin

LEFT  - Kick to Head
UP    - Knee Smash 1
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Big Thump
UP    - Dirty Punch
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhole Stomping

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Big Slap

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Flying Clothesline 2

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 1
TR + ST - Clothesline 14

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Neckbreaker 10
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - RUnning Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Punches 2
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Elbow Drop 1
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Stunner 5
LS + SP - Low Blow 1

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Technical
2nd - Showman

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Wrestling Hero
Ring-Out - Quick Ring Out

DOWN  - Taunt Narcissist
LEFT  - Ballin'
UP    - MVP
RIGHT - Ballin'

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Wreslting Hero Punches
DOWN  + ST - Punch to Gut
LEFT  + ST - Outlaw Punches 1
UP    + ST - Dropkick 2
RIGHT + ST - Middle Kick

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Arm Whip
UP    - Headlock 1
Right - Leg Trip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Northern Lights Suplex 1
LEFT  - Fireman's Carry
UP    - SS Chin Lock
Right - Back Side Slam 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Suplex 2
UP    - Flash Back 1
Right - German Suplex 3

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - German Suplex Pin 2
LEFT  - Back Suplex 3
UP    - Flash Back 2
Right - Back Side Slam 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Wrestling hero Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Dropkick 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 11

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Cocky Pin
UP    - Elbow Drop 12
RIGHT - SS Dragon Sleeper

LEFT  - Leg Breaker 2
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Big Back Chop
UP    - Double Underhook Suplex
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Mexican Stretch
LEFT  - Forearm to Back
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Slingshot Suplex

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Baseball Slide 1

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - 
Diving Spear
LS + ST - Diving Cross Body Pin 1

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Moonsault 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 2
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - German Suplex 6

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Dropkick to Knee 3

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Belly to Belly 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Beat Head
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Whip & Lay Down
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Playmaker
LS + SP - Player's Boot

----------------------------------Randy Orton----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style--------------------------------
1st - Dirty
2nd - Showman

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Normal
Ring-Out - Quick Ring Out

DOWN  - Randy Orton 1
LEFT  - Randy Orton 2
UP    - Randy Orton 1
RIGHT - Randy Orton 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick 2
LEFT  + ST - Kick to Gut 2
UP    + ST - Dropkick 1
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - European Uppercut
LEFT  - Arm Drag 3
UP    - Eye Poke 4
Right - Leg Whip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Abdominal Stretch
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Triple H Choke
Right - Backbreaker 3

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - 
DDT 10

LEFT  - Back Suplex 2
UP    - Jumping Armbreaker
Right - Suplex 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Roll Up
LEFT  - Back Suplex 4
UP    - DDT 13
Right - Russian Leg Sweep

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Wrestling Hero Stomp
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Forearm Drop
UP    - Knee Drop 5
RIGHT - Armbreaker 1

LEFT  - Kick to Head
UP    - SS Boston Crab
RIGHT - Leg Lock 2

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 17
LEFT  - Clothesline 25
UP    - Toss to Turnbuckle
RIGHT - Dirty Punch

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Illegal Pin
LEFT  - Forearm to Back
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Drop Out

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Missile Dropkick

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 10
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Head Pound
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 10

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Chop Block

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 1

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Dropkick
RIGHT - Double Punches

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Death Drop 2
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - RKO
LS + SP - Rated RKO

---------------------------------Rey Mysterio---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style--------------------------------
1st - High-Flyer
2nd - Showman

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Jumping 2
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Rey Mysterio 1
LEFT  - Rey Mysterio 2
UP    - Rey Mysterio Latino
RIGHT - Rey Mysterio 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Snap Jab 1
DOWN  + ST - Front Dropkick 1
LEFT  + ST - Buzzsaw Low Kick
UP    + ST - Spinning to Face
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Sweep 2
LEFT  - Arm Drag 2
UP    - Feint Stomping
Right - Leg Whip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Sunset Flip Pin 2
LEFT  - Snapmare & Dropkick 2
UP    - Hurracanrana 5
Right - Crucifix Head Scissor

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Small Package 1
LEFT  - Flash Back 1
UP    - Mysterio Moves
Right - Suplex 4

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Hurracanrana Pin 3
LEFT  - DDT 14
UP    - Hurracanrana Pin 4
Right - Hurracanrana 7

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Flip Leg Drop
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Flip Senton Attack 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Oklahoma Roll Pin 1
UP    - Moonsault Splash 1
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Pin with Bridge
UP    - Moonsault Splash 2
RIGHT - Leg Drop 1

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - On The Top Rope
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

     ST - Mysteronco Buster

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Monkey Flip
LEFT  - Dropkick 5
UP    - Super Hurracanrana
RIGHT - Arm Drag 4

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Double Axe Handle 5
LEFT  - Lucha DDT
UP    - Spider Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Turnbuckle Dropkick 3

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Springboard DDT

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------
Stand - Springboard Hurracanrana
Down  - Springboard Phoenix Splash

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Moonsault Attack

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Fake Dive Attack 2

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Front Dropkick 3
LS + ST - Diving Hurracanrana

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Moonsault 2
LS + ST - Frog Splash Pin 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Cross Body 1
TR + ST - Spinning Wheel Kick 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Bulldog 6
   LEFT and RIGHT - Mysterio Rolling

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Hurracanrana Pin 4
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 3

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Senton Attack 1
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Hurracanrana Pin 2
   LEFT and RIGHT - counter Dropkick

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Dropkick & Rolling Clutch
LEFT  - Double DDT
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Stomping
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Double Arm Whip
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - The 619
LS + SP - Dragonrana Pin

-----------------------------------Ric Flair-----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Dirty
2nd - Showman

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Normal
Ring-Out - Roll Down

DOWN  - Ric Flair 3
LEFT  - Ric Flair 2
UP    - Ric Flair 4
RIGHT - Ric Flair 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Snap Jab 1
DOWN  + ST - Kick to Gut 2
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 2
UP    + ST - Double Axe Handle 1
RIGHT + ST - Back Chop 3

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Headlock Takeover
LEFT  - Back Chop 5
UP    - Eye Poke 3
Right - Arm Wrench

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Neckbreaker 3
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - Headlock Punch 1
Right - Back Suplex 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Small Package 1
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Gutwrench Suplex
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Roll Up
LEFT  - Ric Flair Attack
UP    - Snapmare
Right - Back Rake 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Jumping Elbow Drop
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 11

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Ric Flair Knee Drop
UP    - Face Stretch 2
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Ric Flair Stomp
UP    - Leg Lock 2
RIGHT - Back Rake 3

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Elbow Attack 6

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Big Back Chop
UP    - Dirty Punch
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Illegal Pin
LEFT  - Forearm to Back
UP    - Side Slam 2
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Pushes Turnbuckle

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Top Rope Choke

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Diving Spear

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Foot Stamp 2
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Facrcrusher 2
   LEFT and RIGHT - School Boy Pin 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Chop Block

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Small Package 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Low Blow & Knee Attack
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Clothesline

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Stomping
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Double Arm Whip
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - SS Figure 4 Leg Lock 1
LS + SP - Grapefruit Claw

-----------------------------------Rick Rude-----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style--------------------------------
1st - Showman
2nd - Dirty

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Normal
Ring-Out - Backward Ring Out

DOWN  - Taunt Love Machine
LEFT  - Taunt Powerful 5
UP    - Rick Rude
RIGHT - Taunt Powerful 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches
DOWN  + ST - Double Axe Handle 1
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Backhand Blow
LEFT  - Arm Wringer Flip
UP    - Headlock Punch 2
Right - Feint Eye Poke

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 5
LEFT  - Scoop SLam 4
UP    - Free Fall Drop
Right - SS Cena Underhook

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Gutwrench Suplex
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - Headlock Punch 1
Right - Mat Slam 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Head Smasher
LEFT  - Back Suplex 4
UP    - Backbreaker 11
Right - Back Rake 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Face Stretch 1
UP    - Elbow Drop 13
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Back Rake 3
UP    - Punch to Groin
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Body Attack

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Toss to Turnbuckle
UP    - Super Last Call
RIGHT - Turnbuckle Body Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Snake Eyes
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Foot Choke 2

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Choke Slingshot

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Flying Clothesline 2
LS + ST - Missile Dropkick

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 1
TR + ST - Diving Spinning Lariat

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Head Pound
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 10

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Chop Block

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 1

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Bonsoir
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Clothesline

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Rude Awakening
LS + SP - Piledriver 2

-----------------------------------The Rock-----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Showman
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide In
Ring-Out - One Handstand Ring Out

DOWN  - The Rock 1
LEFT  - The Rock 2
UP    - The Rock 1
RIGHT - The ROck 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - People's Punch 1
DOWN  + ST - Smash Right Punch
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - People's Punch 2
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - People's Punch 1
2nd - People's Punch 1
3rd - People's Punch 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Arm Drag 2
UP    - Shoulder Thrust
Right - Back Chop 3

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Dragon Screw
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - Clothesline 24
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Gutbuster 2
Right - Mat Slam 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Atomic Drop
LEFT  - Back Suplex 6
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Wrestling Hero Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - The Rock Stomp
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Outlaw Stomp 2
UP    - Leg Drop 2
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Stomp on Leg
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - Leg Breaker 2

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline
TR + ST - Clothesline & Bulldog

     ST - Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Double Underhook Suplex
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Slingshot Suplex

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------
----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Missile Dropkick

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Elbow Attack 5
TR + ST - Clothesline 8

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - School Boy Pin 1

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Spinbuster 4
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Stomping
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Double Arm Whip
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - The People's Elbow
LS + SP - The Rock Bottom

----------------------------------Roddy Piper----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style--------------------------------
1st - Brawler
2nd - Dirty

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Normal
Ring-Out - Roll Down

DOWN  - Taunt Nod
LEFT  - Taunt No!
UP    - Roddy Piper
RIGHT - Taunt No!

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Quick Jab
DOWN  + ST - Boxing Body Blow
LEFT  + ST - Boxing Straight Punch
UP    + ST - Boxing Uppercut
RIGHT + ST - Outlaw Punches 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Quick Jab
2nd - Quick Jab
3rd - Strong Right Punch

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Feint Eye Poke
LEFT  - Headlock Punch 2
UP    - Fury Punch 4
Right - Eye Poke 4

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Double Knee Attack
LEFT  - Unertaker Strikes
UP    - Fury Punch 2
Right - Rowdy Strike

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Piledriver 2
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Headlock Punch 1
Right - Mat Slam

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Roll Up
LEFT  - Back Suplex 6
UP    - Low Blow 5
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Fist Drop 2
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Ric Flair Knee Drop
UP    - Face Stretch 2
RIGHT - Outlaw Stomp 2

LEFT  - Running Kick
UP    - Stomping Combo
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Body Strikes
UP    - Corner Choke
RIGHT - Toss to Turnbuckle

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Illegal Pin
LEFT  - Snake Eyes
UP    - Forearm to Back
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Pushes Turnbuckle

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Running Knee Strike 1

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Flying Clothesline 2

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Fist Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Running Knee Strike 3
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker & Punch

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Roll Up
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Reverse Atomic Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Whip & Lay Down
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - SS Sleeperhold
LS + SP - Piledriver 2

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Hardcore
2nd - High-Flyer

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide-In
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Sabu
LEFT  - Taunt Sit Down
UP    - Sabu
RIGHT - Taunt Sit Down

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Wrestling Hero Punches
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick to Knee 1
LEFT  + ST - Sweep 1
UP    + ST - Enzuigiri
RIGHT + ST - Outlaw Punches

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Arm Wringer Flip
UP    - Headlock takeover
Right - Backhand Blow

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Jawbreaker 1
LEFT  - Hip Toss 1
UP    - Facebuster 3
Right - Judo Hip Throw

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Snapmare & Dropkick
LEFT  - Hurracanrana 4
UP    - DDT 7
Right - Back Suplex 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Cradle Pin
LEFT  - Back Suplex 4
UP    - Backbreaker 9
Right - Facecrusher 3

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Jumping Elbow Drop
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 2

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Neck Snap
UP    - Head Scissor Roll Over
RIGHT - Dropkick to Face

LEFT  - Leg Stretch 2
UP    - Leg Drop 1
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - On the Top Rope
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Knee Strike
LEFT  - Hanging in Reverse
UP    - Super Hurrancanrana
RIGHT - Monkey Flip

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Lucha DDT
LEFT  - Tie to Tree of Woe
UP    - Rolling Powerbomb
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Running Knee Strike 2

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Springboard DDT

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------
Stand - Air Sabu
Down  - Springboard Leg Drop 2

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Out of the Ring Leg Drop

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
High Flying Body Press

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Headscissor Takedown 1
LS + ST - Diving Hurracanrana

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Corkscrew Senton
LS + ST - Diving Leg Drop 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Flying Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Spinning Wheel Kick 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 3
   LEFT and RIGHT - Baseball Slide 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Throw Back
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Senton 1
TR + ST - Dropkick to Knee 3

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Counter Dropkick
   LEFT and RIGHT - Drop Toe Hold

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Dropkick & Rolling Clutch

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Leg Drop
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Arabian Facebuster
LS + SP - SS Camel Clutch

--------------------------------Fighting Style--------------------------------
1st - Hardcore
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Normal
Ring-Out - Roll Down

DOWN  - Taunt Raise Arm 1
LEFT  - Undertaker 2
UP    - Taunt Hold Up 2
RIGHT - Undertaker 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Body Punch
LEFT  + ST - Toe Kick 2
UP    + ST - Clothesline 1
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Outlaw Punches 1
2nd - Toe Kick 2
3rd - Dropkick 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Headlock Takeover
UP    - Fury Punch 4
Right - Shoulder Thrust

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Piledriver 1
LEFT  - Neckbreaker 6
UP    - Backbreaker 5
Right - DDT 9

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - White RUssian Leg Sweep
LEFT  - Clothesline 18
UP    - Headbutt 2
Right - Undertaker Strikes

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Triple H Low Kick
LEFT  - DDT 13
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Undertaker Stomp
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Outlaw Stomp 2
UP    - Leg Drop 2
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Running Kick
UP    - Stomping Combo
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Knee Strike
LEFT  - Back Elbow Strike
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Toss to Turnbuckle

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhold Strikes

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Leg Breaker 1

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Missile Dropkick

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Leg Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Yakuza Kick
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 10

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Triple H Low Kick
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Elbow Drop 3
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double DDT

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Hurracanrana 9
LS + SP - Swanton Bomb 3

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Powerhouse
2nd - Showman

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - OVer the Rope
Ring-Out - OVer the Rope

DOWN  - Shad 2
LEFT  - Shad 1
UP    - Shad 2
RIGHT - Shad 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Double Axe Handle 1
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 1
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Headlock Takeover
LEFT  - Arm Wringer Flip
UP    - Back Club
Right - Shoulder Thrust

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Bearhug
LEFT  - Last Call
UP    - Lift Up Drop
Right - Shoulder Breaker

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Fisherman SUplex
UP    - Backbraeker 5
Right - Double Arm Suplex 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 10
LEFT  - Sideawlk Slam 4
UP    - Atomic Drop
Right - Pumphandle Drop

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Undertaker Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Elbow Drop 12
UP    - Finishing Leg Drop
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Big Swing
UP    - Knee Smash 2
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Big Splash

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - The Biggest Chop
LEFT  - Turnbuckle Powerbomb
UP    - Super Last Call
RIGHT - Clothesline 25

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Alley Oop 1

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Big Slap

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Diving Spear

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 1
TR + ST - Clothesline 16

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 3

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Powerslam 1

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Bonsoir
LEFT  - Double Punches 1
UP    - Double Facecrusher
RIGHT - Combination Cutter

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Side Walk & Reverse DDT
LEFT  - Play Leapfrog Attack
UP    - Death Device
RIGHT - Spine & Neckbreaker

     SP - Samoan Drop 1
LS + SP - Back Drop Bottom 2

---------------------------------Shane McMahon---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Showman
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide In
Ring-Out - Ond Handstand Ring Out

DOWN  - Shawn Michaels
LEFT  - Taunt Swing Right Arm
UP    - Taunt ECW 2
RIGHT - Taunt Swing Right Arm

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - BRother Snap Jab
DOWN  + ST - Boxing Uppercut
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Front Dropkick 1
RIGHT + ST - Outlaw Punches 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Brother Snap Jab
2nd - Brother Snap Jab
3rd - Front Dropkick 1

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Headlock Takeover
UP    - Fury Punch 3
Right - Leg Whip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Float Over DDT
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - Neckbreaker 7
Right - Russian Leg Sweep

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 5
LEFT  - Clothesline 18
UP    - Fury Punch 2
Right - Outlaw Stomp 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 12
LEFT  - Back Suplex 6
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Wrestling Hero Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Jumping Elbow Drop
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Leg Drop 2
UP    - Outlaw Stomp
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Running Kick
UP    - Kick to Head
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Knee Strike
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Body Strikes

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Running Knee Strike 2

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Running Knee Strike 1

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Reverse Elbow

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Knee Drop 1
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Dash Elbow
TR + ST - Flying Forearm Smash 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker & Punch

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Throw Back

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Flapjack 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Beat Head
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Elbow Drop 3

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Elbow Drop 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping 1
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Accident

     SP - Combination 2
LS + SP - Leap of Faith

---------------------------Shawn Michales-------------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Showman
2nd - Technical

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide In
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Shawn Michaels D-X
LEFT  - Shawn Michaels
UP    - Shawn Michaels D-X
RIGHT - Shawn Michaels

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Smash Right Punch
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Combination 1
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Headlock Takeover
LEFT  - Arm Drag 2
UP    - Headlock 1
Right - Back Chop 5

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Dragon Screw
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Fame Asser
Right - DDT 9

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Jumping Armbreaker
LEFT  - Gutwrench Suplex
UP    - Gutbuster 2
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - School Boy Pin 1
LEFT  - Back Suplex 7
UP    - Atomic Drop
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 11
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Knee Drop 3
UP    - Knee Drop 5
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Leg Breaker 2
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - SS Figure 4 Leglock 2

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1
TR + ST - Clothesline & Bulldog

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Double Underhook Suplex
LEFT  - Big Back Chop
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Neckbreaker 12
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Tos Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Knee Drop 4

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 1

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Missile Dropkick
LS + ST - Diving Fame Asser

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Moonsault 1
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop Pin 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Kitchen Sink
TR + ST - Flying Forearm Smash 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - School Boy Pin 2

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 3

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Reverse Atomic Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - LOw Blow & Knee Attack

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to GUt 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Elbow Drop 1
RIGHT - Groin Press

     SP - Sweet Chin Music 1
LS + SP - Sweet Chin Music Pin 2

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Powerhouse
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Over the Rope
Ring-Out - Over the Rope

DOWN  - Taunt Hold Up 2
LEFT  - Chris Masters 1
UP    - Taunt Hold Up 1
RIGHT - Chris Masters 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Clothesline 1
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Heavy Combo 1
RIGHT + ST - Outlaw Punches 2

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Outlaw Punches 1
2nd - Body Punch
3rd - Heavy Combo

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Fury Punch 3
UP    - Back Club
Right - Shoulder Thrust

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Chokeslam 2
LEFT  - Swing Bottom
UP    - SS Bearhug
Right - Widowmaker

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Undertaker Knee Strike
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - STO
Right - Clothesline 22

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 12
LEFT  - Back Suplex 5
UP    - Back Drop Bottom 2
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Wrestling Hero Stomp
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Outlaw Stomp 2
UP    - Finishing Leg Drop
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Back Suplex 8
UP    - Stomp on Leg
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Super Last Call
UP    - Super Chokeslam
RIGHT - Turnbuckle Powerbomb

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomp & Choke

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Big Slap

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Flying Clothesline 2
LS + ST - Diving Spear

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Knee Drop 1
LS + ST - Diving Leg Drop 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 12
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Neckbreaker Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 1

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Triple H Low Kick
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Flapjack 3
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spinebuster 5

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Spine & Neckbreaker

     SP - Big Boot 5
LS + SP - Pumphandle Slam

---------------------------------Steve Austin---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Brawler
2nd - Showman

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Outlaw
Ring-Out - Roll Down

DOWN  - Steve Austin 1
LEFT  - Steve Austin 4
UP    - Steve Austin 2
RIGHT - Steve Austin 3

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Clothesline 1
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Outlaw Punches 3
RIGHT + ST - Elow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Outlaw Punches 1
2nd - Outlaw PUnches 2
3rd - Outlaw Punches 3

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Back Chop 4
UP    - Headlock Punch 2
Right - Shoulder Thrust

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Outlaw Stomp 1
LEFT  - Outlaw Knee Strike
UP    - Headlock Punch 1
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - DDT 10
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Backbreaker 5
Right - SUplex 5

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm Smash
LEFT  - Back Suplex 4
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 2

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Wrestling Hero Stomp
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Elbow Drop 9
UP    - Outlaw Stomp 2
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Stomp on Leg
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Clothesline & Bulldog

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Knee Strike
LEFT  - Back Elbow Strike
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Clothesline 25

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhole Stomping

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Leg Breaker 1

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Flying Clothesline 2

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 9
TR + ST - Kitchen Sink

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Neckbreaker 10

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Triple H Low Kick

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Flapjack 3
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Punches 2
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Stomping
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Spike Piledriver
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Stunner 1
LS + SP - Stunner 2

----------------------------------Terry Funk----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Hardcore
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Normal
Ring-Out - Roll Down

DOWN  - Taunt Texas 1
LEFT  - Taunt Texas 2
UP    - Terry Funk
RIGHT - Taunt Texas 2

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Quick Jab
DOWN  + ST - Clothesline 1
LEFT  + ST - Boxing Hook Punch
UP    + ST - Haymaker
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Quick Jab
2nd - Quick Jab
3rd - Strong Ring Punch

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Big Knee Smash
LEFT  - Shoulder Thrust
UP    - Headlock Punch 2
Right - Big Punch

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - Neckbreaker 6
Right - Back Suplex 2

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Headbutt 2
LEFT  - Scoop Slam 4
UP    - Fury Punch 2
Right - Texas Jab

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Russian Leg Sweep 2
LEFT  - Back Suplex 6
UP    - Headbutt 3
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Undertaker Stomp
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Jumping Elbow Drop

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Ric Flair Knee Drop
UP    - Elbow DRop 8
RIGHT - Mat Slam 2

LEFT  - Leg Breaker 2
UP    - Stomping Combo
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Turnbuckle BOdy Attack

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Toss to Turnbuckle
LEFT  - Kane Strikes
UP    - Clothesline 25
RIGHT - Bulldog 1

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Toss 1
LEFT  - Toss Into Rinig Post
UP    - Side Slam 2
RIGHT - Forearm to Back

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhole Strikes

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Fury Strikes

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - ECW Diving Kick

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Elbow Attack 4
TR + ST - Flying Headbutt

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - DDT 1

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Snapmare
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Elbow Drop 3
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Punches 2

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Elbow Drop 2
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Falling Powerbomb
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - Spinning Toe Hold
LS + SP - Texas Piledriver

---------------------------------Tommy Dreamer---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Hardcore
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Slide In
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Taunt Beat Chest
LEFT  - Taunt Wrestling Hero 3
UP    - Triple H 2
RIGHT - Taunt Wrestling Hero 3

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Outlaw Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Toe Kick 2
LEFT  + ST - Body Punches 2
UP    + ST - Triple H Punches 2
RIGHT + ST - French Punches

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Outlaw Punches
2nd - French Punches
3rd - Triple H Punches 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Back Chop 5
UP    - Back Club
Right - Headlock Takeover

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Piledriver 2
LEFT  - Gordbuster 2
UP    - Gutbuster 1
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Powerbomb 4
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - Flapjack 2
Right - Undertaker Knee Strike

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 12
LEFT  - Back SUplex 6
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Backbreaker 8

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Undertaker Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Jumping Elbow Drop
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Neck Snap
UP    - Knee Drop 5
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Leg Stretch 1
UP    - Stomp on Leg
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1
TR + ST - Clothesline & Bulldog

     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Knee Strike
LEFT  - Toss to Turnbuckle
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Hanging in Reverse

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Toss 1
LEFT  - Toss Into Ring Post
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Tie to Tree of Woe

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stomping Mudhole

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Knee Drop 4

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Diving Spear
LS + ST - Front Dropkick 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Knee Drop 1
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Clothesline 9

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Neckbreaker Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 1

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Spinebuster 6
   LEFT and RIGHT - Back Body Drop

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Facecrusher
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Spike Piledriver
LEFT  - Spine & Neckbreaker
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Groin Press

     SP - DDT 18
LS + SP - Dreamer Driver

---------------------------------Torrie Wilson---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Showman
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Woman
Ring-Out - Woman

DOWN  - Torrie Wilson
LEFT  - Taunt Hello
UP    - Torrie Wilson
RIGHT - Taunt Hello

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Snap Jab 1
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick 2
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Woman's Slap 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Snap Jab 1
2nd - Back Chop 3
3rd - Dropkick 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Leg Whip
LEFT  - Arm Drag 2
UP    - Headlock Takeover
Right - Wrist & Arm Wrench

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Small Package 1
LEFT  - Back Suplex 2
UP    - Flash Back 1
Right - Suplex 5

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------
Samoan Drop

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Jawbreaker 1
LEFT  - Cat Fight
UP    - Hip Toss 1
Right - Wrist Clutch & Elbow

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - ROlling Cradle Pin 2
LEFT  - DDT 12
UP    - Flash Back 2
Right - Hips Struck

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Woman's Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Jumping Elbow Drop
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Knee Drop 2
UP    - Hip Drop
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Stomp on Leg
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Dropkick 1
TR + ST - Clothesline & Bulldog

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - The Biggest Chop
UP    - Arm Drag 5
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Double Axe Handle 5
LEFT  - Toss Into Ring Post
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Tarantula

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Stink Face

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Slingshot Suplex

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Front Dropkick 3
LS + ST - Diving Clothesline

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Flying Forearm Smash 2

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Rolling Cradle Pin 1

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 5

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Reverse Atomic Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Hip Toss 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Dropkick

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Double Elbow Drop 2
RIGHT - Whip & Lay Down

     SP - Facebuster 3
LS + SP - Springboard Back Elbow

-----------------------------------Triple H-----------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Powerhouse
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Triple H
Ring-Out - One Handed Ring Out

DOWN  - Taunt x 2
LEFT  - Triple H 2
UP    - Triple H D-X
RIGHT - Triple H 1

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Triple H Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Punch to Gut
LEFT  + ST - Back Chop 3
UP    + ST - Triple H Punches 2
RIGHT + ST - Snap Jab 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Triple H Punches 1
2nd - Triple H Punches 1
3rd - Triple H Punches 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Back CHop 5
UP    - Fury Punch 3
Right - Headlock Takeover

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 1
LEFT  - Suplex 5
UP    - Jumping Armbreaker
Right - Russian Leg Sweep 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Neckbreaker 3
LEFT  - Clothesline 21
UP    - Gutbuster 2
Right - Mat Slam 1

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 10
LEFT  - Belly to Back
UP    - Knee Breaker 2
Right - Foerarm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 11
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Ric Flair Knee Drop
UP    - Elbow Drop 8
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Stomp on Leg
UP    - Belly Stomp
RIGHT - SS Figure 4 Leglock 2

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbwo Strike
LEFT  - Big Back Chop
UP    - Superplex
RIGHT - Knee Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhole Strikes

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Knee Drop 4

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Flying Clothesline 2
LS + ST - Double Axe Handle 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Fist Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Jumping Knee Attack 1
TR + ST - Clothesline 12

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Head Pound
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spear 1

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Triple H Low Kick
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Triple H Smash
   LEFT and RIGHT - Spinebuster 2

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double DDT
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Groin Press
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Spike Piledriver
RIGHT - Double Elbow Drop 1

     SP - Pedigree 2
LS + SP - Pedigree 1

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Powerhouse
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Over the Rope
Ring-Out - Over the ROpe

DOWN  - Taunt Raise Arm 3
LEFT  - Taunt Roar
UP    - Taunt Beast
RIGHT - Taunt Roar

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Vionic Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Roundhouse Kick 3
LEFT  + ST - Mongolian Chop
UP    + ST - Double Axe Handle 2
RIGHT + ST - Throat Thrust 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Vionic Punches 1
2nd - Roundhouse Kick 3
3rd - Double Axe Handle 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Backhand Blow
LEFT  - Arm Wringer Flip
UP    - Shoulder Thrust
Right - Big Punch

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Bear Hug
LEFT  - Choke Toss
UP    - Samoan Drop 1
Right - Giant Push

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Headutt 1
LEFT  - Clothesline 19
UP    - Choke 1
Right - Throat Thrust 5

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Sidewalk Slam 4
LEFT  - Headbutt 3
UP    - Full Nelson Bomb
Right - Pumphandle Drop

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Undertaker Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Falling Headbutt
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 3

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - Hagakure
UP    - Big Splash Pin
RIGHT - SS Camel Clutch

LEFT  - Big Swing
UP    - Knee Smash 2
RIGHT - Running Kick

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Body Attack
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Big Thump
LEFT  - SUper Chokeslam
UP    - Umaga Diving Head
RIGHT - Turnbuckle Body Strike

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Tornadobomb
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Running Knee Strike 2

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Fury Strikes

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Front Dropkick 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Elbow Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 1
TR + ST - Yakuza Kick

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Spear 3
   LEFT and RIGHT - Running STO

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Triple H Low Kick
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Free Fall Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Samoan Drop 3

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Bonsoir
LEFT  - Double Facecrusher
UP    - Double Flapjack
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Kick to Gut 1
LEFT  - Double Stomping
UP    - Body Attack
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Samoan Spike
LS + SP - Umaga Hip Attack 2

--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Brawler
2nd - Powerhouse

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Over the Rope
Ring-Out - Backward Ring Out

DOWN  - Undertaker 1
LEFT  - Undertaker 2
UP    - Undertaker 3
RIGHT - Undertaker 4

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Undertaker Punches 1
DOWN  + ST - Big Boot 1
LEFT  + ST - Throat Thrust 3
UP    + ST - Undertaker Punches 2
RIGHT + ST - Body Punch

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Undertaker Punches 1
2nd - Body Punch
3rd - Undertaker PUnches 2

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Body Knee Strike
LEFT  - Shoulder Thrust
UP    - Fury Punch 4
Right - Arm Wringer Flip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - Throat Thrust 6
LEFT  - Undertaker Knee Strike
UP    - Old School
Right - Undertaker Strikes

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Backbreaker 5
LEFT  - Back Suplex 2
UP    - Undertaker Arm Wrench
Right - Suplex to Front Slam

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Full Nelson Slam 2
LEFT  - Sidewalk Slam 4
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Forearm Smash

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Undertaker Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 3
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - SS Camel Clutch
UP    - Finishing Leg Drop
RIGHT - SS Triangle Hold

LEFT  - Stomp on Leg
UP    - Knee Smash 2
RIGHT - SS Boston Crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Body Attack
TR + ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline

     ST - Knee Attack

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - Back Elbow Strike
LEFT  - Knee Strike
UP    - Super Chokeslam
RIGHT - Chokeslam 6

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Side Slam 2
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Mudhole Strikes

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Big Boot 3

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Double Axe Handle 3
LS + ST - Flying Clothesline 2

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Leg Drop 1
LS + ST - DIving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Clothesline 7
TR + ST - Clothesline 11

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - DDT 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Running STO

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Bulldog 4

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Running Leg Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Sidewalk Slam 5

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Punches & FUll Nelson
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Beat Head

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Chokeslam
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Front Slam
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Tombstone Piledriver Pin
LS + SP - Chokeslam 3

---------------------------------William Regal---------------------------------
--------------------------------Fighting Style-------------------------------- 
1st - Technical
2nd - Brawler

-------------------------------Standard Actions-------------------------------
Ring-In  - Normal
Ring-Out - Normal

DOWN  - Taunt Raise Arm 1
LEFT  - Ric Flair 1
UP    - Taunt Hello
RIGHT - Taunt Nod

---------------------------STANDING: Strike Attacks---------------------------
	ST - Snap Jab 1
DOWN  + ST - Dropkick to Knee 1
LEFT  + ST - Body Punch
UP    + ST - Clothesline 3
RIGHT + ST - Elbow Smash 1

-----------------------STANDING: Fists of Fury - TR + ST-----------------------
1st - Snap Jab 1
2nd - Back Chop 3
3rd - Dropkick to Knee 1

------------------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Quick------------------------
DOWN  - Big Knee Smash
LEFT  - Arm Whip
UP    - European Uppercut
Right - Leg Trip

-------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 1st Fight Style - TR + RS Up-------------
DOWN  - SS Armbar 2
LEFT  - T-Bone Suplex
UP    - Tigerbomb 3
Right - Double Arm Suplex 3

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Left----------

------------STANDING: Grapple Moves: 2nd Fight Style - TR + RS Down------------
DOWN  - Double Knee Attack
LEFT  - Clothesline 22
UP    - SS Abdominal Stretch
Right - Gutwrench Suplex

----------STANDING: Grapple Moves: Ultimate Control 1 - TR + RS Right----------
Samoan Drop

-------------------------STANDING: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm Smash
LEFT  - Half Nelson Suplex
UP    - Elbow to Back of Head
Right - Back Suplex 3

----------------------------GROUND: Strike Attacks----------------------------
		 ST - Angry Stomp
UP and DOWN    + ST - Elbow Drop 11
LEFT and RIGHT + ST - Elbow Drop 1

-----------------------------GROUND: Grapple Moves----------------------------- 
LEFT  - SS Dragon Sleeper
UP    - Knee Drop 2
RIGHT - SS Bow & Arrow

LEFT  - Calf Stomp
UP    - Stomp on Leg
RIGHT - SS Boston crab

----------------------------CORNER: Strike Attacks----------------------------
     ST - Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
TR + ST - Running Shoulder Attack 1

     ST - Knee Attack 1

-----------------------------CORNER: Grapple Moves-----------------------------
DOWN  - DDT 17
LEFT  - Knee Strike
UP    - Arm Drag 5
RIGHT - Super Tigerbomb

---------------------------CORNER: Grapple from Behind-------------------------
DOWN  - Forearm to Back
LEFT  - Neckbreaker 12
UP    - Super Back Suplex
RIGHT - Toss Into Ring Post

------------------------CORNER: Sitting Corner Grapple------------------------
Pushes Turnbuckle

--------------------------ROPE: Groggy against ropes--------------------------
Knee Drop 4

-----------------------------ROPE: Rebound Attack-----------------------------

----------------------ROPE: Standing outside ring attacks----------------------
Vaulting Body Press 2

-----------------------ROPE: Diving Outside Ring Attacks-----------------------
Baseball Slide 1

--------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.--------------------
     ST - Front Dropkick 3
LS + ST - Double Axe Handle 3

---------------------DIVING: Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.---------------------
     ST - Diving Fist Drop
LS + ST - Diving Elbow Drop

-----------------------------DASH: Running Strikes-----------------------------
     ST - Shoulder Block 2
TR + ST - Elbow Attack 4

-----------------------------DASH: Running Grapple-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Lou Thesz Press
   LEFT and RIGHT - Running Backslide

----------------------------DASH: Grapple from Behind--------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - School Boy Pin 1
   LEFT and RIGHT - Snapmare

-------------------------------DASH: Down Attack-------------------------------
     ST - Elbow Drop 4
TR + ST - Double Axe Handle 4

-----------------------------DASH: Counter Attack-----------------------------
RS UP and DOWN    - Back Body Drop
   LEFT and RIGHT - Drop Toe Hold

------------------------------TAG TEAM: Standing------------------------------
DOWN  - Double Elbow Drop 3
LEFT  - Double Suplex
UP    - Double Clothesline
RIGHT - Double Punches 1

-------------------------------TAG TEAM: CORNER-------------------------------
DOWN  - Whip & Lay Down
LEFT  - Kick to Gut 1
UP    - Double Arm Whip
RIGHT - Body Splash & Whip

     SP - Knee Trembler
LS + SP - Power of the Punch
