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How to activate the cheats and killing all the bugs!!! hints and tips for Starship Troopers

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how to activate the cheats and killing all the bugs!!!


To activate the cheats, right click the game icon and select properties. The add " -devuser" without the speech marks and with a space to the end of it.

To kill the bugs easily or effectivly use these ways.

Warrior - shoot them anywhere with the marauder MK4 rifle

Tigers - shoot them anywhere with armour piercing bullets or the secondary weapon from the infinite ammo gun

Little blue hoppy things that spit at you - fire blindly!

Tiger spit - 2 rockets from the MRL

Tiger spit (the spiky one) - Railgun

Tanker - in the head

Full grown tanker - in the head

Plasma - in the head (hard) or the bum when it opens up


Royal warrior - those glowy things on the side that arent sticking out

Royal X bug - this is in two sections. Blast out it's eyes, then switch to the railgun and KILL THAT BASTARD!!!!

If you need more help, we've got more Starship Troopers cheats and also check out all of the answers for this game

Added by: -1-2-3-
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