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How to get food in the game easily hints and tips for Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers

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How to get food in the game easily


For beginners

You have to dismantle the Hungry Totem. It is guarded by the yellow masked Heathens that will try to chase you away. Bring a child to the Heathen to lure them away. Then quickly drag an adult villager on the totem to start dismantling it. Keep the Heathen away from the totem by using the child. It will take a few minutes (2-5 minutes) to get the totem down. Once it's down, the other Heathens near the berry bush will go away and you'll be able to get food. The berry bush will deplete sometime. It will replenish over time but if you need food quickly, use the bee power (I don't know what it's called..) to replenish about 20 berries.

Another way to get food is mushrooms. You'll need a villager under 14 (a child) in order to pick them up. They'll spawn around the area from time to time so be sure to be on a look out for them. Red mushrooms are more valuable, and will give you more food then brown ones.

This is the only way to get food in the beginning of the game. There are certainly more ways but I haven't found out yet.

We have more cheats and tips for this game here, Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers cheats

Added by: goldenbird
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