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The Fuchsia City Gym

Pokemon LeafGreen Walkthrough and Guide

by CM Boots-Faubert  

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The Fuchsia City Gym

Beating Koga

At this point you should have all of your team members except for your HM Mule at Level 40 -- and who knows, maybe you even leveled your mule!   Whether you did nor not really does not matter, as the important bit is having your team at the base level of 40.  Why is that important?  Well, that is considered the minimum level for easily taking down Koga, but in addition to that it nicely sets you up for the next Gym, which is in Saffron City.

The reason that it sets you up nicely is that you will naturally be picking up more levels through the trainers and Rocket types you will be fighting along the way, which will see you arriving at the Saffron Gym with just the right levels and raring to go!

Now, before you head into the Gym here in Fuchsia, hit the Pokecenter to heal and save, and hit the Department Store in Celadon City if you need to re-supply your kit -- and you probably do.  Once you have done all that, fly back to Fuchsia and head into the Gym!

-- The AGL's First --

If you tried to head right to Koga you no doubt noticed that there is a maze of invisible walls here.  Right, so head left and engage the first AGL, Juggler Nate.  Note that the AGL's all pretty much have Psychic Types, while Koga has mostly Poison Types, so be sure that you have plenty of antidotes for the fight with him!

Juggler Nate has a Level 34 Drowzee worth 742 XP, and a Level 34 Kadabra worth 1056 XP and $1360.  Now head all the way right and up for the next battle.

Juggler Kayden has a Level 38 Hypno worth 1342 XP and $1420.

Juggler Kirk has a pair of Level 31 Drowzee worth 676 XP each, a Level 31 Kadabra worth 963 XP, and another  Level 31 Drowzee worth 676 XP and $1240.

Tamer Edgar has a Level 33 Arbok worth 1039 XP, a Level 33 Sandslash worth 1152 XP, and a Level 33 Arbok worth 1039 XP and $1320.

Tamer Phil has a Level 34 Sandslash worth 1186 XP, and a Level 34 Arbok worth 1071 XP and $1360.

Juggler Shawn has a Level 34 Drowzee worth 742 XP, and a Level 34 Hypno worth 1201 XP and $1360.

-- The Battle with Koga --

Now Koga is a Poison Type Master, and you can learn a lot from his choice of Pokemon if that is the direction you are wanting to head in... 

He leads off with his Level 37 Koffing, which is worth 903 XP.  You will notice that if you take his Koffing below 20% health he will use a potion that heals it back to 100%, so your best approach is to use a move that takes a big enough chink of HP so that you can one-hit-kill with your following move.

Koga's next Pokemon is his Level 39 Muk, which is worth 1311 XP.  You will notice that often with this one a move that should have KO'd it somehow only ends up taking it to a few points of it dying, which allows him to use a potion to take it back to fully healed.  I am not saying the game cheats here, but it happens often enough so that it is likely that this is an intended piece of grief code...

Koga next brings out another Level 37 Koffing, worth 903 XP, but you know what to do with this by now, so it should not be that big a challenge.

His final Pokemon is his Level 43 Weezing --  and even though it has a combination of stat-effecting moves, with any luck you should make short work of it, picking up 1593 XP and $4300.

You have now earned the Soul Badge, and will receive TM06, Toxic.  In addition to that, the Soul Badge boosts the defense of your Pokemon and allows you to use Surf outside of battle!

-- Some Side-Issues to Manage --

After you leave the Gym step next door to the Pokecenter, heal and save, and then we are going to take care of a few side-issues quickly just so that they are managed.  So first, exit the Pokecenter and head east out of town all the way through Route's 15, 14, and 13, on to Route 12, then head north until you reach a point on the bridge where you can see a small island to the east with a treasure ball on it.

Surf over to the island and grab TM48, Skill Swap, out of that treasure ball!

Now, Surf back in the water until you catch a Tentacool, the only Pokemon you will encounter here using Surf, but one we happen to not have yet -- but now we do!

Use Fly to return to Fuchsia City now, and enter the Safari Zone.

If you gave up (or never tried) to capture some Slopokes earlier, now is an easy chance to correct that by simply using Surf in the first water that you encounter north of where you enter the Zone.  Quickly capture a pair of these.  Good on ya!  And then land on the island in the center here and grab the Nugget from the treasure ball.

Chanses are that there are more than a few Pokemon that you did not get when we were here the first time, especially the types that you can catch with the different rods and, surf of course, so why not take a short break here and grab what you can of these?  Just do that until you decide that you have had enough.

You should be leaving with, at a bare minimum, the following Pokemon in your Dex and in Storage:

- Doduo
- Dratini
- Exeggcute
- Goldeen
- Paras
- Parasect
- Poliwag
- Rhyhorn
- Seaking
- Slowpoke
- Venonat

Of you were very fortunate you will also have:

- Chansey
- Dragonair
- Kangaskhan
- Pinsir
- Tauros
- Venomoth

Basically you should expect to have the ones from the first list, and feel really good if you have even one from the second list!

Now that we are finished with the Safari Zone for the moment, exit and, using Fly, head to Celadon City now.

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Comments for The Fuchsia City Gym

4 comments, latest first.
Aug 6th 2012 Guest
Oddly enough i beat koga with a team which highest level was 36 and lowest which was 30. my team was:
and it is pokemon trainer red's setup. Just missing the lapras.
ID #172777
Jul 9th 2012 Guest
You can get slowpoke by a super rod in the water by the house where you get surf
ID #162179
Apr 10th 2012 Guest
In the back left corner of the safari zone. Don't worry, I couldn't find it/get to it without running out of steps either until later.
ID #131793
Jan 25th 2011 Guest
were acn we get surf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ID #26743