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The Journey to Fuchsia

Pokemon LeafGreen Walkthrough and Guide

by CM Boots-Faubert  

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The Journey to Fuchsia

Adventures in Cycling

Head to the west exit of town and past where the Snorlax used to be -- pretty cool you caught both of them mate!  Enter the gatehouse and pause -- see that set of stairs in the corner?  Head upstairs and you will find one of the Professor's Lab Assistants waiting for you! 

If you have added full details for at least 40 Pokemon to your Dex, he is authorized to give you a special held item -- the Amulet Coin -- as a reward!  The Amulet coin is wicked useful to you and a valuable item, because it will double the cash reward for any trainer battle in which a Pokemon who is holding it participates!  How cool is that?!  Take a quick look out of the binoculars before you leave for a stunning view of... the Department Store... Riiigghhhttt.

Note: All prize money values in the walhtrough are the non-modified values.  I did not use the held items that alter the pay-out rates so that I could provide base values for this guide.

Head back downstairs and exit the other side, where you will automagically be mounted on your bike -- it is the Cycling Road after all, you have to be on your bike!

-- Routes 16, 17, and 18 AKA The Cycling Road --

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Area Pokemon -

(Key: Pokedex # - Name / Acquisition Method)

084 - Doduo / Normal
022 - Fearow / Normal
020 - Raticate / Normal
019 - Rattata / Normal
021 - Spearow / Normal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahead you should see your first few trainer battles waiting for you as you enter Route 16, so ride up and say hello!  Some of these battles may end up challenging you even though your team is pretty well developed by now, so you will probably need to duck back to hit the Pokecenter to heal and save a few times.  Do not worry about doing that, and besides there is no point in wasting resources from your kit when you are this close to a convenient Pokecenter, right?

So let us take care of the first cluster of trainer battles now!

Biker Lao has a Level 29 Grimer worth 558 XP, and a Level 29 Koffing worth 708 XP and $580.

Cue Ball Luke has a Level 29 Mankey worth 459 XP, and a Level 29 Machop worth 546 XP and $696.

Biker Ruben has a Level 28 Weezing worth 1038 XP, a Level 28 Koffing worth 684 XP, and a Level  28 Weezing worth 1038 XP and $560.

Cue Ball Cameron has a Level 29 Mankey worth 459 XP, and a Level 29 Machop worth 546 XP and $696.

Biker Hideo has a Level 33 Weezing worth 1222 XP and $660.

Cue Ball Koji tires to steal your bike with his Level 28 Machop worth 528 XP, his Level 28 Mankey worth 444 XP, and his Level 28 Machop worth 528 XP and $672.

That wraps up the cluster of bikers at the start of the Route, so go ahead and duck back into the Pokecenter to heal and save before you continue south from here.

-- The Cycling Road --

The first thing you should be aware of is that the comments that were made by the guard in the gatehouse and other citizens with respect to the route is that they were being literal -- it actually is a downhill run here, which means you have to use the brakes to slow down or stop! 

On the route riding back and forth are other evil bikies that you will have to deal with -- and we will!  In fact we will start in on them right now!

Biker Virgil has a Level 28 Weezing worth 1038 XP, a Level 28 Koffing worth 684 XP, and a Level 28 Weezing worth 1038 XP and $560.

These battles can be very frustrating due to the tactics and moves that are pretty much common among the trainers here...  Smokescreen lowers your accuracy temporarily, which means you are going to have a LOT of missed attacks, and they just love to poison you with Sludge, which means you are going to have to do a lot of healing and use a lot of Antidotes as you make your way along the route defeating the trainers.

Your best strategy here is to use your team rather than trying to rely upon or level any one Pokemon!  As each battle starts, shift to a fresh member of your team rather than trying to continue battling with the one you just used, because stat modifiers carry forward until the expire, and there is no sense in going into a battle already crippled.

You will very likely have to make several trips back to town to heal and save, and you should keep an eye on the level of your kit, and replace it when you have used significant numbers.

Biker Billy has a Level 33 Muk worth 1110 XP and $660.

Cue Ball Jamal has a pair of Level 26 Mankey worth 411 XP each, a Level 26 Machamp worth 1074 XP, and a Level 26 Machop worth 489 XP and $624.

Biker Jaxon has a Level 29 Weezing worth 1074 XP, and a  Level 29 Muk worth 975 XP and $580.

Cue Ball Isaiah has a Level 29 Machop worth 546 XP, followed by a Level 29 Machamp worth 1198 XP and $696.

By the large section of tall grass is Cue Ball Raul, who has a Level 29 Mankey worth 459 XP, and a Level 29 Primeape worth 925 XP and $696.  We already have all of the Pokemon that we could catch in that tall grass, so it is OK to just ignore it and continue working through the trainers on the road.  Remember to dish out the XP evenly, the idea here is to use this excellent source of XP to level our team towards the base level target, after all!

Biker William has the largest team we have faced so far from a trainer on the Cycling Road!  Five members!

He leads with a Level 25 Koffing worth 610 XP, then brings out  a Level 25 Weezing worth 925 XP, and pair of Level 25 Koffing worth 610 XP each.  His final offering is a Level 25 Weezing worth 925 XP and $500.

Biker Nikolas has a pair of Level 29 Voltorb worth 639 XP each, and $580.

Cue Ball Zeek has a Level 33 Machoke worth 1032 XP and $792.

Cue Ball Corey has a Level 29 Primeape worth 925 XP, and a Level 29 Machoke worth 906 XP and $696.

When you arrive at the bottom of the Road head east to the Gatehouse, and after you enter take a detour to the upper floor via the stairs to find a trainer who wants to trade his Lickitung for a Slowbro. We do not have that to trade at the moment, so we must regrettably say no, but keep this location and trainer in mind for later!

After exiting the Gatehouse you will notice a section of tall grass with some trainers in it to the south!  Head on over there to say hello!

Bird Keeper Jacob has a trio of Level 26 Spearow worth 322 XP each, and a Level 26 Fearow worth 901 XP and $624.

Bird Keeper Wilton has a Level 29 Spearow worth 360 XP, and a Level 29 Fearow worth 1006 XP and $696.

Bird Keeper Ramiro is the last trainer here, with a Level 34 Dodrio worth 1150 XP and $816.

The tall grass here has the same Pokemon in it as the one we passed on the road above, so there is no point in pulling here unless you want some extras.  Be sure you check your HM Mule to see if they have picked up anything on the trop down the road as well! 

After this all that is left is for us to climb back onto the Route and head east to Fuchsia City!

** Optional **

The Gatehouse Observation Lounge

-- Routes 12, 13, 14, and 15 AKA The Fuchsia Highway --

You may recall that we made a choice when we finished things up in Lavender Town to go to Celadon CIty because we needed to do some stuff there, including restock our kit, and so using Cycling Road (Routes 16, 17, and 18) made slightly more sense than just continuing south from Lavender via the bridges and paths that constitute the route known as The Fuchsia Highway.  Well, we have completed the journey via the Cycling Road, and have now arrived at the Fuchsia Pokecenter, healed and saved, and thus Fuchsia is now flagged as a valid target for HM Fly!

As we are in training to level up or team's base level, and as there is a cornucopia of trainers on the Fuchsia Highway Route, this is a purely OPTIONAL side-trip.  You can actually complete the game without doing this part, so it is entirely up to you as to whether you do it.  If you decide that you do not want to complete the extra battles that are necessary to clear these routes, simply skip ahead to the next Part of the guide, that covers Fuchsia City.  If you do want to complete this optional part, then contineu as below...

After healing and saving at the Pokecenter in Fuchsia, step outside and use Fly to return to Lavender Town, then head south through the corridor to Route 12.

-- Route 12 --

Route 12, situated south of  Lavender City, and often called 'The Bridge Route' is made up almost entirely of floating bridges that run along the rocky coastline here.  The start of the historic Fuchsia Highway, this used to be the only route to that city until the completion of the Cycling Road, an ambitious project that required hundreds of specially trained construction Pokemon to carefully level and fill in the steep slopes of the foothills leading down to Fuchsia City from Celadon along the Harbor Road.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Route 12 Pokemon -

(Key: Pokedex # - Name / Acquisition Method)

069 - Bellsprout / Normal
130 - Gyarados / Fishing (Super Rod)
116 - Horsea / Fishing (Good Rod)
098 - Krabby / Fishing (Good/Super Rod)
129 - Magikarp / Fishing (Old/Good Rod)
016 - Pidgey / Normal
079 - Slowpoke / Fishing (Super Rod)
143 - Snorlax / Normal
072 - Tentacool / Surf
048 - Venonat / Normal
070 - Weepinbell / Normal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As you enter the bridges of Route 12 you will notice that there are fishing docks that extend to either side of the route -- this being a very popular spot for holiday anglers.  Ahead of you is the Route 12 Gatehouse -- After you enter and greet the Gatehouse Guard, he reminds you that there is a picturesque view to be experienced on the second level of the Gatehouse.

Upstairs you take in the view, and meet a child in mourning over her Pokemon who has passed on.  She tells you that her Pokemon's ashes are now entombed in the Tower back in town, and she gives you a TM that she no longer needs, TM27, Return. 

As you exit the gatehouse and make your way south you run into Fisherman Ned, who has a Level 22 Goldeen worth 522 XP, a Level 22 Poliwag worth 362 XP, and a Level 22 Goldeen worth 522 XP and $792.

Fisherman Chip has a Level 24 Tentacool worth 540 XP, and a Level 24 Goldeen worth 570 XP and $864.

Fisherman Hank has a Level 27 Goldeen worth 642 XP and $972.  As you proceed along the bridge to the small short grassy landing you find a Hyper Potion hidden in the grass near the center, and your next trainer battle on the bridge as you resume the path!

Fisherman Elliot has a Level 21 Poliwag worth 344 XP, a Level 21 Shellder worth 434 XP, a Level 21 Goldeen worth 498 XP, and a Level 21 Horsea worth 372 XP and $756.

Young Couple Gia & Jes are waiting for you before the turn south, with Level 24 Nidoran-M and Nidoran-F worth 306XP and 302 XP respectively, and a reward of $1344.

As you move past the exit for Route 11 at the Sportsfishing Area, you are reminded that this is where you successfully fought and captured one of the uber rare Snorlax!  Continuing south on the main path you stumble upon a small cottage built on a grassy island that is past of the highway.  Knocking softly on the door you are admitted to what you realize is the home of the Fishing Guru's youngest brother!  After chatting you up about fishing, the youngest Guru gifts you with one of his extra fishing rods -- the Super Rod!  Your fishing rod collection is now complete!

As a parting comment the Guru issues you a challenge in the form of a respectful request -- if you catch a Magikarp with that rod, he urges, bring it back here to show to him!  When you bring back a Mgikarp for him to see he inspects it and then gifts you a Net Ball -- a somewhat different ball that works especially well on Water and Bug type Pokemon!

Rocker Luca ia patrolling the bridge when you bump into him, and he launches his Level 29 Voltorb at you.  His Voltorb is worth 638 XP, and a Level 29 Electrode worth 931 XP and $696.

As you progress along the path you come to a small green section of the shore that is blocked off by a small tree.  After you cut the tree you encounter a green-clad trainer who is waiting there for you!

Camper Justin has a Level 29 Nidoran-M worth 372 XP, and a Level 29 Nidarino worth 732 XP and $298.  In a nearby treasure ball you find an Iron.

Fisherman Andrew has a pair of Level 24 Magikarp worth 102 XP each, and $864.

As you round the bend in the path you see a section of shoreline overgrown by tall grass that is blocked by a small tree! As we have all of the types available here there is no point in pulling from this section.    As you work your way along the bridges to the south, Route 12 ends and Route 13 begins!


-- Route 13 --

The middle-section of the Fuchsia Highway connecting Lavender Town and Fuchsia City, Route 13 is a fisherman's paradise, full of convenient spots to drop in a line, and picturesque scenes of the rugged coastline and green forests that this part of the region is best known for.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Route 13 Pokemon -

(Key: Pokedex # - Name / Acquisition Method)

069 - Bellsprout / Normal
132 - Ditto / Normal
130 - Gyarados / Fishing (Super Rod)
116 - Horsea / Fishing (Good Rod)
098 - Krabby / Fishing (Good/Super Rod)
129 - Magikarp / Fishing (Old/Good Rod)
017 - Pidgeotto / Normal
016 - Pidgey / Normal
079 - Slowpoke / Fishing (Super Rod)
072 - Tentacool / Surf
048 - Venonat / Normal
070 - Weepinbell / Normal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A Battle with Picnicker Gwen

As you enter Route 13 your first trainer battle awaits!

Picnicker Alma has a Level 28 Goldeen worth 666 XP, a Level 28 Poliwag worth 462 XP, and a Level 28 Horsea worth 498 XP and $560.

Our priority is to take care of all of the trainer battles first, so let us do that, but be aware that we have some pulling to do in the tall grass on this route, for a special Pokemon -- but more on that after our battles!

Bird Keeper Sebastion has a Level 29 Pidgey worth 338 XP, and a  Level 29 Pidgeotto worth 702 XP and $696.

Picnicker Susie has a Level 24 Pidgey worth 282 XP, a Level 24 Pikachu worth 421 XP, a Level 24 Meowth worth 354 XP, a Level 24 Rattata worth 292 XP, and a Level 24 Mewth worth 354 XP and $480.

Beauty Lola has a Level 27 Rattata worth 328 XP, a Level 27 Pikachu worth 474 XP, and a Level 326 XP and $1944.  Her partner Beauty Sheila has a Level 29 Clefairy worth 421 XP, and a Level 29 Meowth worth 427 XP and $2088.

Picnicker Valerie as a pair of Level 30 Poliwag worth 495 XP each, and $600.

Picnicker Gwen has a pair of Level 27 Pidgey worth 318 XP each, a Level 27 Meowth worth 399 XP, and a Level 27 Pidgeotto worth 652 XP and $540.

Bird Keeper Robert has a Level 26 Pidgey worth 306 XP, a Level 26 Pidgeotto worth 628 XP, a Level 26 Spearow worth 322 XP, and a Level 26 Fearow worth 901 XP and $624.

Bird Keeper Perry has a Level 25 Spearow worth 310 XP, a pair of Level 25 Pidgey worth 294 XP each, and a pair of Level 25 Spearow worth 310 XP each and $600.

Biker Jared has a trio of Level 28 Koffing worth 684 XP each, and $560.

Jared is the final trainer on Route 13, so it is time to backtrack to near the start of this area and the patch of tall grass sealed off by a small tree.  Cut the tree and enter the tall grass to begin pulling!  What we are here for is the super useful Pokemon Ditto!  But we do not need just one, in fact we need two, and we need to make certain that the two we catch have different natures.

Why different natures?  The reason has to do with what Ditto is good at -- and it is not fighting!  No, Ditto is the Universal Breeder, and can be used to breed a Pokemon that you only have one sex of, and in certain cases, is used to breed Pokemon that are sexless.  The reason that we want two different natures is because it is the nature that can cause incompatibility in breeding. 

If you place your Ditto and the Pokemon you want it to breed with in the Daycare Center and the Daycare bloke tells you that they prefer other playmates that means that their natures are incompatible.     But clever you, you have a second Ditto with a different nature!  So you can simply use that one, and chances are almost a lock that it will breed.  You are so smart, can we hang out?

Ditto is not super rare, so you should not have too much trouble catching a pair, but if you have never actually faced one in combat, do not be surprised when it morphs into the Pokemon you are battling it with!  That is its special ability, after all, and why it is called Ditto!

Once you have captured both Dittos, head back out onto the nearby bridge and, using the Super Rod, catch two Slowpoke next.  We need two because we want one for ourselves, and one to evolve into a Slowbro that we can trade to a trainer in the game for another desirable Pokemon!  See, that is thinking ahead!  It is that sort of planning that makes me want to hang out with you!

Note -- it may take a while to catch a pair of Slowpoke, as they are somewhat rare.  You will see a lot of Krabby, but if you view this as an opportunity to pick up a level on one or two of your team towards the goal of Level 40 for your team.  That may seem like a very high goal and a little overkill when you consider that Koga only has one Level 43 Pokemon in his team, with the rest lower than that, but the logic here is that by going to 40 now, you easily take Koga down, and you are already set up for the next Gym!  So instead of two medium length training sessions to level up, you only have one larger one.

Your team is probably a little beat up and low on PP at this point, so go ahead and Fly to either Lavender Town or Vermilion City to heal and save at the Pokecenter, then run back to here to continue on with the route battles!

-- Route 14 --

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Route 14 Pokemon -

(Key: Pokedex # - Name / Acquisition Method)

069 - Bellsprout / Normal
132 - Ditto / Normal
048 - Venonat / Normal
070 - Weepinbell / Normal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Just past where we had our last battle on Route 13 we cross over on to Route 14 -- how convenient!  Now this is pretty much the same story as before, with more of the maze-like layout of the route.  Just work your way through the trainers, and be sure to distribute the XP evenly, by getting each of your team members to the same level before starting towards the next one.  Trainer battles are wicked convenient for this sort of leveling, I know I do not have to say... 

Between the levels you picked up in getting the trading Pokemon and what you have obtained in trainer battles you should be well on your way to our goal of Level 40, but if you come up short for whatever the reason, remember that you have the VS. Seeker in your Key Items Pocket!

On your way back from one of the quick trips to the Pokecenter to heal and save, when you land in Lavender Town, instead of heading directly out onto the bridge, stop by the Pokemon Tower and capture a Cubone if you have not already gotten one!  I used capturing Cubone as an excuse to level my HM Mule Meowth to Level 28, where it evolved into a Persian, just to get adding that to my Dex out of the way!

Back on the path now, we find a new set of trainers to battle!

Bird Keeper Mitch has a Level 26 Pidgey worth 306 XP, and a Level 26 Spearow worth 322 XP.  Another Level 26 Pidgey worth 306 XP, and a Level 26 Fearow worth 901 XP and $624.

Bird Keeper Carter has a Level 28 Pidgey worth 330 XP, a Level 28 Doduo worth 576 XP, and a Level 28 Pidgeotto worth 678 XP and $672.

Bird Keeper Beck has a Level 29 Pidgeotto worth 702 XP, and a Level 29 Fearow worth 1006 XP and $696.

Bird Keeper Marlon has a Level 28 Spearow worth 348 XP, a Level 28 Doduo worth 576 XP, and a Level 28 Fearow worth 972 XP and $672.

Bird Keeper Donald has a Level 33 Farfetch'd worth 664 XP and $792.

Bird Keeper Benny has a Level 29 Spearow worth 360 XP, and a Level 29 Fearow worth 1006 XP and $696.

Our next twins battle is with Twins Kiri & Jan, who have a Level 29 Charmander and Squirtle worth 402 XP and 408 XP and $696.

You have reached a split in the path where you can continue west on to Route 15, or head north on the continuation of Route 14.  Being completionists and needing the extra XP for team leveling I opted to head north first before heading west.

Biker Gerald has a Level 29 Koffing worth 708 XP and a Level 29 Muk worth 975 XP and $580.

Biker Lukas has a pair of Level 26 Koffing worth 634 XP each, a Level 26 Grimer worth 501 XP, and a Level 26 Koffing worth 634 XP and $520.

Biker Malik has a Level 29 Koffing worth 708 XP, and a Level 29 Grimer worth 558 XP and $580.

Biker Isaac has a pair of Level 28 Grimer worth 540 XP each, and a Level 28 Koffing worth 684 XP and $560.

North of here is a patch of tall grass blocked off by a small tree you can cut, but as we already have all of the Pokemon that we could catch here, it is time to backtrack and head west on to Route 15! 

-- Route 15 --

As we enter Route 15 there are basically two paths to follow - the continuation of the northern road, which requires us to cut a small tree, and the main route that is below.  A we are working the XP off of the trainers we are going to cover both, so for simplicity we do the lower route first!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Route 15 Pokemon -

(Key: Pokedex # - Name / Acquisition Method)

069 - Bellsprout / Normal
132 - Ditto / Normal
048 - Venonat / Normal
070 - Weepinbell / Normal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A Battle with Biker Alex

Biker Ernest has a pair of Level 25 Koffing worth 610 XP each, a Level 25 Weezing worth 925 XP, a Level 25 Koffing worth 610 XP, a Level 25 Grimer worth 481 XP and $500.

Biker Alex has a Level 28 Koffing worth 684 XP, a Level 28 Grimer worth 540XP, and a Level 28 Weezing worth 1038 XP and $560.

Beauty Grace has a Level 29 Pidgeotto worth 702 XP, and a Level 29 Wigglytuff worth 676 XP and $2088.

Beauty Olivia has a Level 29 Bulbasaur worth 397 XP, and a Level 29 Ivysaur worth 876 XP and $2088.

Picnicker Kindra has a Level 28 Gloom worth 792 XP, a pair of Level 28 Oddish worth 468 XP each and $560.

Bird Keeper Chester has a Level 28 Dodrio worth 948 XP, a pair of Level 28 Doduo worth 576 XP each  and $672.

Bird Keeper Edwin has a Level 26 Pidgeotto worth 628 XP, a Level 26 Farfetch'd worth 523 XP, a Level 26 Doduo worth 534 XP, and a Level 26 Pidgey worth 306 XP and $624.

Picnicker Yazmin has a Level 29 Bellsprout worth 522 XP, a Level 29 Oddish worth 484 XP, and a Level 29 Tengela worth 1030 XP and $580.

Now to the upper path!

Picnicker Becky has a Level 29 Pikachu worth 508 XP and a Level 29 Raichu worth 757 XP and $580.

Our next twin battle is with Crush Kin Ron & Mya, who have Level 29 Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee!  They are worth 870 XP and 860 XP respectively, and $1392.

Picnicker Celia has a Level 33 Clefairy worth 480 XP and $660.

This concludes all of the trainers for this series of Routes.  To the west of Celia on the path is a treasure ball containing TM18, Rain Dance, which you should grab now. 


To the west is the Gatehouse that leads into Fuchsia City.  Talk to the guard inside to learn that one of the Professor's Lab Assistants was there looking for you!  Head up the stairs to the second level of the Gatehouse, where you will find the Assistant waiting for you.

If you have captured and obtained the data for 50 Pokemon -- and you have if you have been following this guide -- he has a gift for you: Experience Share.

This held item is going to be so valuable for you later, when you are working on filling the Dex and need to level up lower-level Pokemon in order to evolve them that I cannot describe its value in an accurate and meaningful way.  It is THAT valuable!

So be certain to make this side-trip now, and obtain that held item!

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Comments for The Journey to Fuchsia

3 comments, latest first.
Dec 11th 2015 Guest
Yes!Caught my 1st slowpoke...tempted to breed it instead of trying to catch another one.
ID #632567
Dec 11th 2015 Guest
Looking for a slowpoke was so painful+found a shiny krabby...didn't encounter a single slowpoke as of yet...
ID #632563
Jan 6th 2013 Guest
Thank you for all of this! Without you, I wouldn't be able to get this far! ☺
ID #238793