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Wrapping it all up

Pokemon LeafGreen Walkthrough and Guide

by CM Boots-Faubert  

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Wrapping it all up

Obtaining the National Dex from Oak 

First, you should congratulate yourself -- you have beaten the game! 

There is actually a lot left for you to do now, including the myriad loose ends that we left unfinished, as well as new content that is unlocked now that we have completed the game!   First though, take a few minutes to revel in your glory, right? 

As the credits play out and you marvel at your team being entered into the Hall of Fame, you should be giving some thought to what you will do next.  If you followed this guide you will have acquired enough Pokemon and their corresponding Dex entries to unlock the National Pokedex -- in fact this should happen automatically when you continue the game, after the credits finish rollling.

As we arrive back at the start screen, it is time to enter the game again just to see what happens!  And what happens is that the Professor's waiting for us back in Pallet Town!  When he spots us he comes to collect us and take us back to the Lab, where he will upgrade our Kanto Pokedex to a National Version, which includes a fair number of Pokemon that are actually from the next set of games -- but remember that in this version a new set of Island areas was added, Islands that are actually part of a new region!

Now that we have obtained the National Pokedex return to your home to say hello to your mother, to heal, and to save the game.  With that done, there are just a handful of items left for you to take care of from the list of things we did not complete, and then of course the new content that was added to the game after we completed it.  The outstanding content consists largely the following:

-- Complete your Kanto Pokedex.
-- Find a partner and trade for the version-exclusive Pokemon (see the Appendix)
-- Complete the remaining in-game NPC trades.
-- Discover the new Daycare Facility on the Island and start breeding Pokemon!
-- Check your Dex to determine what Kanto Pokemon you need to level in order to reach their next or their final evolution forms.
-- Finish rounding up all of the entries in the Fame Checker.
-- Return to the Game Corner and spend a few hours gambling to obtain the Coins we need to get the Pokemon/Items here.
-- Find a real life partner and master Berry Crushing!

In addition to the tasks we left unfinished above, there is also the new content that was added after we completed the game:

-- Head back to the Sevii Islands and complete the Rocket Content that required the National Dex.
-- Discover the new islands and the special Pokemon there!

As you can see there is still plenty of optional content for you to explore, but that is all beyond the scope of this walkthrough -- as we stop at completing the game!

I wanted to say how much I enjoyed writing this guide, and tell you that I hope that it was very helpful to you.  I hope that you enjoyed playing your game!  Cheers!



It has come to my attention that some of the guides that I wrote for SuperCheats have been taken without permission and used on other sites.  In each case I have been prompt in notifying the owners of the sites -- and their hosting companies when the owners were less than cheerful about removing the content -- but I want to touch upon that issue here.

This guide -- and all of the other guides I have written or will write for SuperCheats -- is a work for hire.  What that means, in simple terms, is that SuperCheats owns this guide.  It belongs to them, they paid for it, and if you use it without their permission, you are breaking the law.  I have no doubt that they will take issue with any unauthorized use of this guide, but what I want to make clear here is that I cannot grant you permission to use this, so please do not ask.

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Comments for Wrapping it all up

13 comments, latest first.
Feb 13th 2015 Guest
after completing game i return to pallet town nothig new happens
ID #515288
Nov 22nd 2013 Guest
super obvious duh
ID #320975
May 20th 2013 Guest
opening the dotted hole? go to your pokeparty and use cut in front of the door

ID #284217
Mar 27th 2013 Guest
After you complete the game and encounter the dotted hole. How do you open it?
ID #267758
Nov 6th 2012 Guest
you just have to defeat someone[I forgot who was that]

ID #205820
Oct 4th 2012 Guest
hey how can we open the warehouse of the rockets in five island

ID #191359
Apr 9th 2012 Guest
Mew is an event in Emerald, to trade with Hoenn, you get the Sapphire and Ruby from One and Five (or Six I can't remember) Island.
ID #131535
Jan 27th 2012 jacobngo123
:-P this is cool yeah men!!
ID #109609
Jan 7th 2012 Guest

thanks a lot dude!!
ID #103659
Dec 27th 2011 Guest
how to trade with hoen?

ID #99077
Dec 6th 2011 Guest
Thanks for this guide its a lot helpful.Can you make a pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum guide with leveling strategies just like this one?
ID #93060
May 10th 2011 Guest
how to catch mew?

ID #42299
Apr 23rd 2011 Guest

ID #39308